This scene left Qin Wangtian and others stunned.

Li Dong stammered: " this the power of the fire of inheritance? It's so terrifying..."

Everyone present, including Qin Wangtian, had never seen the fire of inheritance, which was really terrifying.

Even Lin Yuantian couldn't benefit from Baili Xiangyun's inherited fire.

At this moment, Qin Wangtian and Shen Nan suddenly felt relaxed.

Even Li Cheng and Li Dong, who blocked the poisonous snake heart for the two of them, felt it.

The snake heart poison is in their bodies and is fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Now it seems that "Xue Ming" is going to die completely.

Qing Jiuyou also woke up faintly at this time. She smelled the burnt smell in the air and didn't realize what happened.

Moreover, the snake heart poison in her own body seems to have improved.

Lin Yuantian also murmured in his heart, "Did I perceive it wrong? Did the old monster of the Xue family really die like this?

As Xue Ming turned into ashes, Bai Meier's figure appeared again in the Luoshen Temple.

But at this time, Bai Mei'er no longer looked like the aloof Luo Shen she once was.

Her originally beautiful clothes were now in tatters, and her whole body exuded the stench of dirt and mud.

There was some viscous liquid left on her body, mixed with some snake slough and eggshell-like things.

Her long hair also became unkempt and became a mess, with many dead branches and leaves mixed in it.

There were even scratches on her face, and there were bruises in some places, and her eyes showed exhaustion and fear.

Bai Meier managed to stand up and staggered towards the imperial concubine's bed for two steps, her steps very unsteady.

Her legs were covered in blood and she suffered quite a few scratches. The nails were also worn out, with faint traces of blood flowing.

Although her appearance had been severely damaged, Bai Meier's eyes shone with determination at this time. Although her body was exhausted, her heart had never been as full of desire for survival as it was now...

No one knows what happened in that short period of time.

"Xue Ming" seemed to have taken over Bai Meier's body just now, but in fact it swallowed up Bai Meier's whole body and threw her into a strange and terrifying space.

Bai Meier recalled the experience just now and felt that she was in pain.

In that terrifying space, a dead silence enveloped everything.

When Bai Mei'er just fell into that space, a strong rancid smell hit her face, making her gag.

The dim lights barely illuminated the narrow and slippery passage, making the entire space appear even more cramped and eerie.

The walls and floors are covered with layers of slippery snake slough, and the faded and worn-out murals in the distance are intermittent, as if the corrosion of time has devoured them beyond recognition.

Moisture seeping from the cracks dripped into rivers, falling to the ground with an eerie ticking sound.

Bai Meier stumbled and slid all the way to the bottom. A great uneasiness always surrounded her.

There were masses of twisted darkness entrenched at the bottom of the valley, as if something was moving quietly.

When Bai Meier looked carefully, she was horrified to find that it was not a shadow, but a series of huge snake bodies.

The bodies of snakes are entangled one after another, and they are constantly meandering between each other.

Their eyes sparkle with a faint green light, which makes people shudder...

Everything here brought endless fear to Bai Meier.

Bai Meier finally realized that she had entered a huge snake's nest. Snakes are everywhere here.

They seemed to feel the breath of foreign species. One snake after another emerged from the ground, spiraling down from the wall, and kept squirming towards Bai Mei'er.

The intense fear made Bai Meier's heart beat faster. She turned around and ran away, trying hard to escape from this terrifying place. But when she turned around, she was surrounded by countless giant snakes, with no way to escape...

Suffocating fear enveloped Bai Meier, and the hiss of the giant snake kept echoing in her ears.

Snakes circled around Bai Meier's body, and she felt their touch, cold and slippery, nauseating.

Every movement made Bai Meier fall into deeper despair. She seemed to be swallowed up by this nest of snakes and became their eternal captive...

Just when Bai Meier was desperate, a golden light shot in, opening a gap in the dark space.

One after another, the giant snakes rushed towards the gap crazily. Under the golden light, the giant snakes melted like ice cubes encountering sunlight.

Bai Meier seized the opportunity, used up her last strength, and ran away like flying in the direction of the golden light.

She didn't consider at all whether the golden light that could burn the giant snake would also scorch her.

Fortunately, the golden light seemed to avoid Bai Meier and was only lethal to these giant snakes.

But when she escaped, she saw the "person" she least wanted to see.

Not just in a trance, but real. Bai Meier seemed to see the ugly and disgusting face of "Xue Ming" again, being chased by the golden light as he quickly fled deep into the snake's nest.

When Lin Feng saw Bai Meier finally appear, he immediately stepped forward. He would never allow any more accidents to happen to Bai Meier this time.

Because now only Bai Meier can restore Amelia Su.

Lin Feng looked at the panicked Bai Meier and shook his head. Then he took out a water-stained white handkerchief and a black cloak from the storage ring.

"Wipe the wounds on your body and put on your clothes."

When Bai Meier heard Lin Feng's words, she glanced at him with a complicated expression and said in an extremely weak voice, "Thank you."

She slowly turned around and gently wiped the scars on her body.

Baili Xiangyun stood behind Lin Feng with a respectful expression. He was like a qualified bodyguard, protecting his master.

Baili Xiangyun's eyes were fixed on Bai Meier, fearing that "Xue Ming" was still parasitic in her body and would suddenly burst out and hurt someone.

After a while, Bai Meier finished wiping and put on the cloak that Lin Feng handed her.

She looked around and found that Qin Wangtian and others were still standing under the hall, and she was sure that she had really returned to Luoshen Hall at this moment.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and said in a low tone: "I'm sorry. It was me who was carried away by desire, and I was the one who harmed Bai Lao and Su Qing..."

Hearing Bai Meier's sincere apology, Lin Feng was indifferent. He just nodded slightly.

"Tell me, does my Amelia Su still have a chance to recover?"

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