"Get up stupid, get up stupid!"

The ringtone on the phone was set by Lin Dandan to prevent her from finding Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't sleep all night, so he weakly answered the phone: "Hello..."

"Xiao Feng, the sun is shining down on my butt! I haven't gotten up yet..."

"I didn't sleep well last night. Is something okay, Aunt Fang?"

"That's it, Xiao Feng. I bought you a house in Maofu before. The scenery there is very good. In front of it is the Swan Lake. Do you have time to take a look? After all, you are the heir of the Lin family. Even if you don't want to go back to Banshan If you come to live, you should also live in a place with better environment and security."

Lin Feng knew Aunt Fang's thoughts, maybe because he was afraid that he would fall in love with the scene. Lin Yuantian would definitely not come to the water and electricity apartment, and he did not want to live in the Mid-level Villa, so he bought himself a residence in Maofu. When the time came, Lin Yuan Tian also has an excuse to go and see himself.


Isn't the branch of Luoshen Temple in Qingyuan City near Swan Lake?

Now that I have returned to Qingyuan City, do you want to explore the reality of the Luoshen Temple?

The Luoshen Temple is located in the Eastern Alliance, and its status in the extraordinary world is higher than that of the Netherworld Temple, ranking second in the extraordinary world!

"Okay, Aunt Fang, I'll go over and have a look in the afternoon!"

Aunt Fang was a little surprised on the other end of the phone. She thought it would take a lot of talking!

She quickly said: "Okay! Okay Xiaofeng, after you go there, find a person named Feng Xiao. He will be your exclusive consultant."

Lin Feng hung up the phone, he needed to catch up on his sleep.

At two thirty in the afternoon, Lin Feng took a taxi to Maofu.

Lin Feng wore a simple white short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body, paired with a pair of khaki pants, and a pair of less conspicuous Berluti sneakers. There were no brand logos on his body.

Before entering the sales office, Lin Feng dialed Feng Xiao's phone number.

Although Maofu Mansion is not as famous as Mid-Levels Villa, it can still be regarded as a first-class luxury residence.

In less than a minute, Feng Xiao ran out.

Wearing a crisp suit and a Hermès belt, he looked more like a rich second generation than Lin Feng.

Feng Xiao greeted Lin Feng enthusiastically: "Hello, are you Mr. Lin?"

Lin Feng put his hands in his pockets and nodded to Feng Xiao with a smile.

"Please come with me. Since this is a new house, we need to sign the final delivery contract with you before officially handing it over to you. Before signing the contract, Ms. Fang also specially made an appointment for health management for you. We have the most advanced Medical devices that can detect the current health status of your body."

"Forget it about checking your body, there's nothing to test."

What's wrong with the health of the sixth deacon of his dignified Nether Palace?

"Mr. Lin, it is understandable that some owners are unwilling to disclose their health conditions due to privacy concerns. For example, a male owner this morning was diagnosed with the disease after being explored by our most advanced equipment in the world. Inflammation of the prostate.”

As he said this, Feng Xiao couldn't help laughing.

He glanced back at Lin Feng, and when he saw his unkind expression, he shut up and didn't dare to say any more.

Lin Feng thought to himself: It’s okay to check it out. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with you when you come back. Let’s see what’s different about the body after stepping into the extraordinary world.

"Then check it out and see if your machine is really as magical as you say."

Later, Lin Feng followed Feng Xiao to the VIP room, where the doctor was already waiting.

Feng Xiao said to the beautiful middle-aged doctor: "Doctor Li, this is our distinguished owner Mr. Lin. Please check his body."

"Mr. Lin, please do a physical examination here first. I have also made an appointment with an owner. I will come back later."

Lin Feng nodded and signaled him to just get busy first.

"Mr. Lin, please take off your shoes and socks, sit on our instrument, and place your feet and hands tightly on the metal panel of the instrument."

Dr. Li directed Lin Feng to sit on the physical measuring instrument while putting on something like a helmet for Lin Feng.

"The process will take ten minutes, please be patient."

With that said, Dr. Li sat in front of the computer and started operating.

Lin Feng only felt an electric current entering his body, making him feel chilly.

As a conditioned reflex, his body automatically released an extraordinary force to protect his crotch...

This is subconscious self-protection.

After the current circled his body, it circled his crotch and disappeared without a trace.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Dr. Li's gentle words came: "Mr. Lin, please take off your hood and come down."

Lin Feng put on his shoes and socks and sat next to Dr. Li.

Suddenly, a very pleasant and light fragrance came, like the smell of flowers. Lin Feng had not smelled this kind of smell for five years.

My mother said that it was Roselle.

This smell didn't come from Dr. Li either.

Lin Feng slowly turned his head looking for the smell and saw a lady wearing a pink sports suit and a pair of white sneakers.

The woman was beautiful, an indescribable beauty, and Lin Feng had a feeling of déjà vu in his heart.


Why does she seem to have the shadow of her mother on her body?

She doesn't look like her mother, but the scent of roselle flowers exuding from her body is so similar to her mother's!

Doctor Li looked at Lin Feng's dazed look and shook his head inwardly.

In Qingyuan City, no one could move their eyes away from this beautiful woman in front of her.

She is Su Qing, who is rated as the most beautiful woman in Qingyuan City, and her suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river.

The beautiful lady looked at Lin Feng's stupid look and gave him a smile out of respect.

This kid looks a little silly, but he's quite handsome...

Su Qing is twenty-eight years old and has never been in love. This is not because of her outstanding appearance, but because there is an unspeakable secret in it...

Furthermore, for Su Qing, it is difficult for ordinary men to fall into her eyes.

But for some reason, Su Qing felt a little fond of the boy in front of her. His features were similar to that of that woman!

Is it really him?

While Lin Feng was stunned, Dr. Li frowned and said solemnly: "Mr. Lin, your physical examination report has been printed out. Currently, you have two problems with your body, one is more serious and the other is mild. What do you want? Which one do you want to listen to first?”

Lin Feng came back to his senses and said casually: "Let's talk about the minor ones first."

Dr. Li nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Lin, look, this picture outlines your posture. The colors are green, red, and gray!"

"Green means that your physical condition is very good. Red means that you have some problems with your body and need more attention. As for gray, it means that your inflammation has become serious and you need to go to the hospital for treatment!"

"The image shows that this area is red. It represents the location of your cerebral cortex, indicating that your cerebral cortex electric waves are abnormally active. This usually indicates that you are overusing your brain and losing your memory. In severe cases, you may also develop Alzheimer's disease in old age. Alzheimer’s disease, you must pay attention.”

Lin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment for the first time: "Well... I didn't sleep well last night. I drank two cups of coffee when I came here. Maybe I had too much caffeine. I'm still a little excited now."


The beautiful lady behind Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. This young man is so cute. There is no such explanation.

The beautiful doctor continued: "This explanation makes sense, but Mr. Lin, this position, which represents your prostate, is gray. Do you have severe prostatitis?"

"Pfft~ Haha..."

The beautiful lady behind her couldn't hold it back again and covered her mouth and laughed. This time the laughter was much more excessive than before!

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