I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 146 Sacrifice! Nine Netherworld Dragon

The door to hell gradually closed, and the aura of darkness filled the air, swallowing Baili Xiangyun's figure.

Lin Feng ran forward crazily, trying to grab Baili Xiangyun's body.

Horus smiled contemptuously, moved the scepter in his hand slightly, opened his all-seeing eye again, and shot a ray of light towards Lin Feng.

The light instantly penetrated Lin Feng's right leg, and he fell to the ground in pain.

Lin Feng endured the pain and stood up again, limping forward.

Another beam of light shot out and pierced Lin Feng's left leg.

Lin Feng let out a violent groan of pain, and blood spurted out. He fell to the ground in pain, his face twisted and his whole body trembling.

Horus stared indifferently at Lin Feng who was kneeling on the ground, with a trace of ridicule and disdain in his eyes.

He mercilessly used the power of the All-Seeing Eye to attack Lin Feng, thereby demonstrating his endless power and supreme authority.

"Since I promised Baili Xiangyun not to kill you, I won't kill you. However, if you dare to take another step forward, the next shot will be your head."

Su Qing ran over like crazy and hugged Lin Feng tightly.

"Lin Feng, don't go, don't go."

"I don't want to go back to my original state. Please, let's go."

Su Qing didn't want to lose Lin Feng. She had never seen Lin Feng so embarrassed.

He supported his body with trembling hands, gritted his teeth, and endured the severe pain.

His eyes were sharp and firm, "I promised you that I would get your Yang Qi back. I also promised Baili Xiangyun that I would lead him to become a god."

Horus felt as if he had heard a big joke.

His ridicule echoed between heaven and earth, and he felt incredible at Lin Feng's innocence.

"How dare you, an ant-like thing, dare to claim to be a god? Do you want to lead Baili Xiangyun to become a god? Why do you have that? If it weren't for his protection and the advent of the devil Satan, you would have died long ago. .How could I care about the life of an ant like you?"

"By the way, you can't even protect a woman. You are like your father, who could watch your mother being taken away by me without daring to do anything. The same is true for you now. Let the woman next to you Take you out of here quickly, I will show mercy and spare your life."

Lin Yuantian clenched his fists and lowered his head, not daring to look at Lin Feng.

It was true as Horus said back then that he did not dare to risk the lives of his entire family to save Lin Feng's mother.

Because of this, I have been able to live a peaceful life in the past few years.

But now, her son's life was threatened again, and Lin Yuantian finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Brothers, I'm sorry!"

"Lin Feng, goodbye, father can only protect you for the last time."

Lin Feng seemed to hear Lin Yuantian's call and turned to look at his father.

Lin Yuantian's face was solemn. He took a deep breath and finally made a difficult decision in his heart.

He pressed his hands firmly to the ground, closed his eyes, and began to recite ancient mantras silently. As he chanted, the surrounding air gradually solidified, and a chill filled the air.

Suddenly, a powerful energy surged out of his body, and the surrounding land began to shake violently. The ground cracked, flames and black smoke pouring from the cracks.

De Tianxia and others also looked solemn. They knew that they could not complete this sacrifice solely by relying on the power of Lin Yuantian's blood!

Lucifer's voice sounded in Lin Feng's heart.

"Your father actually used that... He was making a sacrifice."

Lin Feng's eyes widened. He wanted to rush over to stop his father, but his legs could not move at all.

"Father, no! No!"

Seeing that Lin Yuantian's body was crumbling and it seemed that he could no longer hold on, De Tianxia and others no longer hesitated, ran to Lin Yuantian's side, opened his arms, and donated blood flowed along the ground into the cracks.

They are burning their own strength and life, summoning some kind of terrifying existence.

A huge pillar of dark light rose from the ground to the sky, like a bridge leading to the Nine Netherworld.

The dark light beam exudes a strong aura of death, making people feel endless fear.

As the light pillar rose, a huge dragon gradually emerged.

His body was huge, the dragon head showed a demonic face, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Horus narrowed his eyes and spoke seriously.

"Nine Netherworld Dragon!"

The body of the Nine Netherworld Dragon is as black as night, exuding a deep aura. Its dragon wings flap, causing hurricane-like airflow, and the whistling sound is shocking. The dragon's tail is twisted and flexible, exuding terrifying pressure and destructive power.

Lin Yuantian's body gradually weakened, and he felt the passage of life.

However, he did not regret it at all, because he knew that the Nine Netherworld Dragon would become the last barrier to protect Lin Feng.

The Nine Netherworld Dragon opened its huge mouth and let out a deafening roar. The sound waves distorted the space and made the entire Luoshen Temple tremble.

Its eyes were cold and ruthless, staring at Lin Yuantian.

"It was you ants who summoned me?"

Lin Yuantian's face turned pale and he forced out a smile.

"Please Lord Jiu Nether Dragon, please guard my son. I, Lin Yuantian, the leader of the Nether Clan, am willing to sacrifice my life."

The Nine Netherworld Dragon snorted, and the dragon's breath spit out from its nostrils and instantly turned into ice.

"You ants don't have enough lives to deal with Horus."

Lin Yuantian showed a disappointed look on his face.

"Isn't that enough...that's all we have."

Yes, as Lin Feng's father, facing an existence like Horus, he only had life left.

He was willing to sacrifice his last precious life just to protect his son.

Jiuyou Minglong raised his head arrogantly, "Forget it, I haven't been out for a long time to interact, and I'm a little tired of facing that cold guy all day long. I just want to help you, remember, I want your All life.”

Jiuyou Minglong's eyes glanced at Lin Feng and suddenly froze.

He thought to himself: "Why does he have a familiar aura on his body... Forget it, let's forget about it for now. Let's solve the trouble in front of us. The power of the netherworld of those people is very sweet. I want to end the battle quickly. , let’s have some dessert to appetize.”

"Horus, long time no see."

The All-Seeing Eye blinked and said to the Nine Netherworld Dragon: "If you are not with that old guy down there, why are you running out?"

Jiuyou Minglong was a little embarrassed and rolled his eyes.

"What's the point of facing that old guy all day long? Come on, let's have a fight so that I can deliver my work quickly. After dessert, I'm going to go back and take a nap."

Lin Feng was extremely angry. The lives of his father and others were just a delicious dessert for this dragon!

Lin Feng's soul ran to Lucifer at this moment, "Lucifer, is there any way to save it?"

Lucifer had a strange expression and yawned heavily, "There is a saying that the floods washed away the Dragon King Temple. This stupid dragon is still so brainless."

Lucifer said a word without thinking, stood up, and disappeared.

The clouds rolled above the blood cloud, and Lucifer's voice came: "Draw the sword."

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