I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 158 Who Do You Think I Look Like?

"This old monster Xue is simply a beast!"

"If you ask me, he is worse than an animal. If this happens, wouldn't he cut off his own bloodline with his own hands?"

"As an ancestor of the Xue family, he was able to kill his entire family, even the young children!"

Suddenly, Shen Nan kicked the door open and rushed in angrily with a sword pointed at Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng! Baili Xiangyun! What you did is too cruel! What's wrong with the rest of the Xue family!"

Baili Xiangyun looked at Shen Nan who was holding the sword coldly, with a strong murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He shouted in a deep voice: "Put down the sword! The sword is pointed at my lord, don't you want to live?"

"You actually slaughtered the entire Xue family. Today I will let you taste the power of my Shen Nan's sword!"

A silver long sword appeared in Baili Xiangyun's hand, and the sword was pointed at Shen Nan, "Master Shen, don't think that you, the Shen family of Luo Shen, are the only ones who can wield swords. The edge of my sword, Baili Xiangyun, is not bad at all!"


Lin Feng shouted angrily, like a thunder that exploded in the minds of Shen Nan and Baili Xiangyun!

As if struck by lightning, Shen Nan's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

After all, Baili Xiangyun was stronger than Shen Nan, and Lin Feng did not exert too much thunder power on Baili Xiangyun.

Neither of them expected that Lin Feng's simple roar could be so powerful!

Lin Feng himself did not expect that since the battle that day and receiving the divine projection of the God of Thunder, his body seemed to be being subtly transformed by the power of thunder.

"Master Shen, put down your sword. I don't like to be pointed at like this. Especially in front of my woman, pointing a sword at me will make me lose face. Anyone who pointed a sword at me in the past, The final outcome is not good.”

Lin Feng's words were very domineering. Liang Yuxi couldn't help but raise her eyebrows after hearing this. This young man was really as arrogant as ever.

Liang Yuxi said calmly: "Master Shen, you have misunderstood. The destruction of the Xue family has nothing to do with Lin Feng. We are all guessing here that it must be the old monster of the Xue family who did it himself."

Shen Nan looked in disbelief, "How is this possible? Even if Old Monster Xue is not a thing, it is impossible for him to kill his own descendants."

Baili Xiangyun refuted: "What's impossible? Didn't Old Monster Xue turn Xue Ming into powder in front of us? Besides, Xue Ming is his direct descendant, and he has been helping him do evil all the time!"

Shen Nan was immediately speechless. Thinking about it this way, it's quite possible.

At this time, Lin Yuantian and Qin Wangtian also walked in.

Qin Wangtian beat his chest and stamped his feet, "This old monster Xue is too abominable! Not only did he take Luo Shen away, but now he has slaughtered the entire Xue family, are they still human!"

Queen Qin Wangtian’s molars were almost broken.

Only then did he see Shen Nan pointing his sword at Lin Feng, and Baili Xiangyun pointing his sword at Shen Nan. The situation was tense for a moment.

"What is Master Shen doing?"

Su Qing said calmly from the side: "The Shen family leader came with a sword and identified Lin Feng and the Baili family leader as the murderers who massacred the Xue family."

Qin Wangtian is so angry! Shen Nan is a pig brain! Even if Lin Feng slaughtered the Xue family, why would your Shen family join in the fun? Do you need to say this?

I have never seen you have such a good relationship with the Xue family, and you seem to have never interacted with each other until death.

Who is Lin Feng?

He even dares to fight the gods, who are you, Shen Nan, to be a little bean sprout?

Lin Wangtian had to play the role of peacemaker again. "Master Shen, put down your sword quickly. Brother Yuan Tian and I have gone to investigate just now. This matter is indeed caused by Old Monster Xue. What does it have to do with Brother Lin Feng?"

Lin Yuantian couldn't help rolling his eyes, why did he call him brother! Forcibly demote yourself?

Call me Brother Lin, call my son Brother Lin Feng... what does this mean? This is ridiculous!

No matter how stupid or impulsive Shen Nan was at this time, she still reacted.

Yes, it really makes no sense for Lin Feng to destroy the entire Xue family at this time. On the contrary, Old Monster Xue had a motive.

Liang Yuxi added: "Old monster Xue returned to the Xue family and probably absorbed the blood power of the entire Xue family for his next evolution."

Qin Wangtian nodded, "Yes, the ability of the nine-headed demon snake is to suck the power of other people's blood. The old monster of the Xue family was seriously injured by the Lin Feng brothers and had to use the power of blood to recover. So...he found I have found the most familiar place and the safest place, and that can only be the Xue family..."

Qin Wangtian looked at Liang Yuxi and suddenly noticed that she was full of momentum and breath, and she seemed to have reached the middle of the ninth level.

How is this going? The extraordinary power of the Liang family is the weakest among the eight great families in the Luoshen Temple. How can they make such rapid progress now?

He couldn't help but ask: "Master Liang, I see your breath is surging..."

Liang Yuxi blushed and nodded.

"Yes, Master Qin, Lin Feng gave me a trace of the power of the gods, and I have now reached the middle stage of the ninth level."


Qin Wangtian and Shen Nan both took a deep breath. I have never heard that the power of gods can be given to others. Moreover, this Lin Feng is also very generous, right? Can this be given away? And directly sent a rank up?

You must know that the promotion of the ninth level extraordinary, one step to the sky, the head of the Liang family has obviously become the early stage of the ninth level not long ago.

This promotion speed is simply monstrous.

Moreover, after gaining the power of a god, doesn’t that mean that it has laid a solid foundation for becoming a god in the future?

Is this simply like entering the early admission class to become a god?

What's going on? Have you already decided to become a god?

Lin Feng obviously didn't know what kind of waves his move would cause in everyone's hearts, especially since he now holds the projections of two gods!

"Master Liang is too polite, trivial matters are not worth mentioning. Master Liang used the Pearl of Eternity to restore Su Qing's appearance. Such a great kindness and kindness will never be forgotten by Lin Feng."

Su Qing also said to Liang Yuxi: "Thank you, Master Liang. I..."

"Okay, okay, let's not be polite to each other."

No one noticed that a hint of cunning flashed in Liang Yuxi's eyes.

Everyone looked at Amelia Su, and sure enough, her peerless appearance had been restored.

Qin Wangtian couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's so similar!"

After Qin Wangtian reminded him, Shen Nan also noticed it.

"It does look like it."

Liang Yuxi also looked at Su Qing carefully, "They are really similar, not only in appearance, but also in charm."

Su Qing felt a little embarrassed when everyone saw her. She subconsciously touched her face with her hand, "Who do I... look like?"

"Lo God!"

Qing Jiuyou also walked in at this moment, "You look like the first generation Luoshen! In the Luoshen Temple, there is a secret room with a portrait of Luoshen hanging in it. I can take you to see it myself..."

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