The nightingale is dead...

How is this possible?

How could that obedient and well-behaved girl die?

Lin Feng couldn't believe it. He looked at Qingyan, hoping that none of this was true. He hoped that Qingyan had said something wrong or heard something wrong.

Qingyan cried till she was full of tears, staring at Lin Feng with a pair of sad eyes, "Master..."

Lin Feng clenched his fists, and his eyes were about to burst into flames, "Black Eagle Temple! Horus! I will make you pay the price! Bury with my Nightingale!"

Horus, who was sitting on the golden throne of the Sun City, sneezed heavily.

"It seems that Lin Feng already knows..."

A sinister smile appeared on Horus' face. This kind of smile should not have appeared in such a solemn and magnificent temple.

"Hmph, let that kid know that my power in the supernatural world is not something he can offend?"

A black hawk circled down and landed on Horus's shoulder.

"Go, tell the Master of Black Eagle Palace to send a reliable person to Netherworld Palace, and eradicate the Blood Purgatory for me first. No one will be left! Remember, let the people from Netherworld Palace take action."

The black eagle nodded, the eagle feathers on its neck exploded, and with a long chirp, it flew out of the temple and into the sky.

"Lin Feng, you dare to take away the projection of my god. I want you to feel the power of the god! I will make all the women you cherish disappear one by one!"

Lin Feng sat slumped on the chair, his expression full of pain...

Qingyan sat aside and continued with a cry: "The last text message was sent to me by Nightingale. There was a coup in the Nether Palace..."

"Two days ago, I received a message from Linda. The content of the message was very simple, telling me never to return to the Nether Palace. In the following days, no matter what happens in the Nether Palace, no matter who contacts me , you can’t tell the master, let alone take the master back to the Western Alliance.”

"I tried to call Linda back and found that I could no longer be contacted..."

"In the next day, I frantically contacted other members of the Animal Squad, but they all lost contact. Even my communicator was deleted from the public channel."

"Just last night, Nightingale's signal suddenly came, and I immediately answered her call. She asked me not to make any noise and just listen to her."

"There was a coup in the Nether Palace. The deacon suddenly disappeared a week ago. The second deacon then held a meeting and announced that he would take over all the affairs of the palace. The third and fourth deacons seconded the proposal. The master's teacher, Deacon Qi Xu, announced his withdrawal from the Nether Palace. Go home and retire.”

"The second deacon immediately ordered that Linda be deprived of her deacon rights, sentenced her to collaborate with the enemy and betray the alliance, and put Linda under house arrest."

Lin Feng banged his hand on the table, "Second Deacon, you bastard! Linda is collaborating with the enemy? What kind of enemy is she collaborating with?"

Qingyan glanced at the two heads of the Luoshen Hall who were present, and said cautiously: "The second deacon said that Linda had secretly defected to the Luoshen Hall, and now she is a traitor to the Netherworld Hall just like her master. In the council hall, Lin was killed on the spot. Da was placed under house arrest. Sister Linda admitted it openly without any explanation."

Qin Wangtian said angrily: "Asshole, as the commander-in-chief of the Luoshen Temple battle, why didn't I know that there was a deacon in the Netherworld Temple who defected to us? This is nonsense!"

Lin Feng nodded, "There is no need to blame anyone. The Black Eagle Temple played this trick very cleverly. First, it caused the disappearance of the deacon, and then supported the second deacon Thrall, who is loyal to the Black Eagle Temple, to take over."

"Although Third Deacon Mo Ke maintains neutrality on the surface, he has always obeyed the orders of the Chief Deacon, so he can be in charge of the Deacon Hammer of Netherworld Palace. For some reason, he has remained silent..."

"Old Jack, the Fourth Deacon, has always been a good man, playing both sides and not offending anyone."

"The fifth deacon is my teacher. It is expected that he will withdraw from the Nether Palace when encountering such a thing."

"Sixth Deacon Nilang, my mortal enemy, has always taken orders from the Second Deacon. He is also one of the spies placed inside the temple by the Black Eagle Temple."

"Seventh Butler Linda, who turned out to be my right-hand assistant and the leader of the Animal World, is now under house arrest."

On the surface, Lin Feng was analyzing the situation, but actually he was telling Qin Wangtian. This Qin Wangtian knew things well. He calculated that Horus would take action against the Nether Palace, and sure enough, the Nether Palace was controlled.

Just listen to Qin Wangtian slowly say: "The deacon of Nether Palace is probably in danger now. Qin guessed that if he hasn't been caught yet, he is probably hiding. Brother Lin Feng's teacher Qi Xu is probably also There will be danger. Linda, the Seventh Deacon, is the safest at the moment."

Lin Feng nodded, "I know that the teacher has a very stubborn temper. He will never succumb to the Black Hawk Temple, let alone follow the orders of the traitor Second Deacon. But... I care about the safety of the teacher. Not worried at all.”

"Oh? Could it be that Qi Xu is still hiding his strength?" Qin Wangtian was a little surprised. He had seen Qi Xu before. According to his judgment, the stubborn old man only had the strength of the early eighth level.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "My teacher, that is an old fox. None of you here are outsiders. I dare say that among all of you, the only ones who can compete with my teacher are my father and Bai Bai. The head of the Li Xiangyun family."


Qin Wangtian believed what Lin Feng said. According to his observations in the past few days, Lin Feng was domineering and impulsive on the surface, but on the inside he was careful and meticulous. Compared to old foxes like them, he was no less generous, or even more so.

Qin Wangtian did not dare to hide his secrets and continued his analysis: "Controlling the Nether Palace is probably only the first step in the Black Eagle Temple."

Lin Feng looked at Qin Wangtian and waited quietly for his next words.

"Next, the Black Hawk Temple will use the hands of the Netherworld Palace to unify the Western Alliance. I am afraid that if those first-rate and second-rate organizations disobey, they will be poisoned by the Black Hawk Temple in a very short period of time."

Lin Feng was horrified, "Blood Purgatory! Blood Bodhi!"

"Qingyan, is Bodhi still in Qingyuan?"

"Bodhi received an internal message early this morning and hurried back to the Western Alliance with everyone. She also asked me to tell the master that there is no need to worry. She is handling some matters and will be back soon."

"This silly girl! How can I not worry? If nothing happens in the Blood Purgatory, how can she take everyone back! Now I'm afraid something big has happened in the Blood Purgatory, and it will be difficult for Blood Bodhi to come back!"

"Also, why are you sure that Nightingale has been killed?"

"Before Sister Nightingale finished speaking, she was discovered by the people from the Black Eagle Temple. The person seemed to be of a high rank. I only heard a cry of surprise, and Nightingale made no sound anymore. The message of her life was also It completely disappears here."


"Did you stay at Nightingale's last communication location?"

Qingyan nodded, "I've written it down."

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