
Before Lin Feng could ask a word, a colorful horse rushed towards Lin Feng. In the world of Luo Shen, Lin Feng didn't even have the ability to resist.

The colorful horses bound Lin Feng tightly, and then the bundle became tighter and tighter, and slowly disappeared from Lin Feng's body.


Waves of buzzing filled Lin Feng's mind, his eyes were full of colorful lights, and Lin Feng felt like he was about to faint.

The voice of Luo Shen came, as if whispering softly in the ear: "Lin Feng, in the near future, the day of the blood moon will come. We ancient gods have experienced a long time and have been sleeping for a long time."

"The hope of the entire world rests on you. Please don't let us down, and don't let the evil god continue to occupy our world."

"Please forgive me for passing on this power of God to you without your consent. You must return to the netherworld immediately, otherwise you will lose consciousness forever..."

"When Su Qing becomes the ninth level peak extraordinary, please bring her to me. I still have..."

After that, Lin Feng would never hear it again.

He was forcibly kicked out of the Luoshen world by Luoshen, appeared in the secret room, and then fell asleep.

Lin Feng felt extremely tired. He seemed to have had a long dream.

In his dream, he came to the shore of Luoshui. The breeze blew by, the water rippled, and it was peaceful and peaceful.

The sun shines through the blue sky, and Luoshui shines brightly. In the middle of this beautiful body of water, Luo Shen appeared.

She was wearing a long white dress, like a white lotus blooming on the lake. Her hair falls like a waterfall of black silk, dotted with sparkles of water drops, blending with the lake behind her.

Luo Shen dances gracefully, her dance is like flowing clouds, light and agile. Her arms flew through the air like a flying white bird, and her body rose and fell to the rhythm of the music, as if blending with the rhythm of nature.

Her dance is full of softness and power, and every move she makes exudes unique charm. Her feet stepped lightly on the lake, like flowing clouds and flowing water, as if there was a mysterious tacit understanding between her and the lake.

The reflection in the lake seemed to be her dance partner, undulating with her movements. Birds chirped happily on the branches, as if to accompany her dance, and flowers bloomed around her, offering the most beautiful blessings.

Luo Shen discovered Lin Feng, she stopped dancing, turned around, and stared at Lin Feng quietly.

That face looked very much like Su Qing.

Luo Shen's face was gentle, and her eyes were shining with starlight, as if she possessed endless wisdom and mysterious power. Her smile was like the spring breeze blowing by, making Lin Feng feel peaceful and happy.

At this moment, Luo Shen or Su Qing's smile seemed to open Lin Feng's long-silent heart, making him feel the beauty of life and the infinite possibilities of the future.

Luo Shen's dance just now seemed like a soul-shaking song, a picture of an extraordinary realm, which made Lin Feng intoxicated and intoxicated, making people forget the troubles of the world.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged by the Luoshui River and fell asleep quietly.

In his sleep, Lin Feng's aura was rising steadily, reaching the middle of the eighth level, the peak of the eighth level...

Before it stopped, the power of darkness surged out of Lin Feng, and the scene on the shore of Luoshui was like a kaleidoscope, shrinking and expanding.

Expanding to the extreme, shrinking to the smallest size, the colorful horses once again filled Lin Feng's soul!

In the blink of an eye, the power of darkness covered the sky, and Lin Feng was above the blood cloud!

Opening his eyes, Lin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief. Early stage of ninth level!

Finally reached the ninth level...

The power of Luo Shen actually raised Lin Feng's rank by one level!

Moreover, this level seems to have only benefits for Lin Feng, and no harm.

This seemed to be the power of blood. In the blood, he felt the power of his mother.

Could it be...

Is this ray of divine power of Luo Shen also related to his mother?

While Lin Feng was meditating, a puppy ran panting from a distance.

It is golden in color, has long hair, is chubby, and twists and turns when running, making it very cute.

Lin Feng couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stroke its head and asked, "What's your name?"

The puppy did not avoid Lin Feng's hand, but was extremely excited.

"Jiggy Ding!"

Lin Feng was a little surprised. The creatures above the blood cloud were indeed extraordinary. Such an ordinary puppy could speak human words.

"You smell so good. It's fragrant. I like it."

Jigglypuff's voice was soft and soft, like a girl's.

Lin Feng picked it up, but it was a bit difficult.

"Jubby, you're so heavy! It's time for you to lose weight."

"Woof woof!"

Jigglypuff finally looked like a puppy. He barked twice to express his dissatisfaction.

"Jiggy Ding doesn't want to lose weight. Jigglypuff isn't fat at all!"

"Okay Jigglypuff, tell me, why did you come to me? I don't have anything to eat."

"Jiggy Ding doesn't know. Jigglypuff has been here for a long, long time. Jigglypuff forgot his way home."

Jigglypuff looked at Lin Feng's eyes, which seemed to flicker with sadness.

"I can smell your scent from a long way away. It smells really good. Jigglypuff likes it so much. When you are by your side, Jigglypuff doesn't even feel hungry."

Lin Feng fondly stroked Jigglypuff's furry body, "That's right, Jigglypuff, then just stay by my side and don't run around, okay?"

"Can Jigglypuff really stay by your side? Jigglypuff is so happy!"

"Of course!"

"Woof woof!"

Lin Feng opened his eyes again, but there was no figure of Jigglypuff in front of him?

Looking at the endless surging blood cloud, Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder, "Is this a dream within a dream?"


Lin Feng came down from the blood cloud, stood next to the Skeleton Throne, and asked quietly.


"Let me ask you, are there any creatures above the blood cloud?"

Lucifer's eyes were half-opened, with an impatient look on his face, "What kind of creature can be above the blood cloud? Apart from those sleeping demons, is there anything else?"

Lin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, "It seems that I am really tired. Sandman was stunned. He actually dreamed of a yellow puppy. It's so cute."

Lucifer suddenly opened his eyes, "What did you say? Yellow puppy? What's its name?"

Lin Feng didn't notice Lucifer's nervousness and responded casually: "Jiggy."

"Jiggy Ding!"

Lucifer suddenly staggered, fell off the throne, and rolled down the stairs.

Lin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, what's the fuss about?

Getting up from the ground, Lucifer's expression was weird and exaggerated, "What's your name again?"

"Jiggy Ding, lovely Jigglypuff, is there such a problem?"

"What did she say?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised. How could Lucifer react so strongly to just a cute puppy?

"Lucifer, are you afraid of dogs?"

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