As he spoke, Ouyang Zeqi's voice contained a cry.

"When I heard this, I quickly ran back to the secret room and told my father everything. I originally wanted my father to take Thor's hammer and go to the Luoshen Temple to take shelter..."


"After I finished speaking, my father suddenly blocked my six senses and my brother's and locked them in a compartment in the secret room. My father walked out with Mjolnir in hand..."

"Later...I don't know what happened next."

Liang Yuxi nodded to Lin Feng, "Ouyang Zeqi is right, the head of the Ouyang family was indeed poisoned and died..."

Ouyang Zeqi knelt down in front of Lin Feng and knocked his head heavily on the ground.

"Lord God, on behalf of the Ouyang family, Zeqi kneels down and begs God Luo to help the Ouyang family avenge their shame!"

As he spoke, he kept tugging on Ouyang Zelei's trousers.

Ouyang Zelei hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and followed Ouyang Zeqi's example and knelt down.

"Please ask Luo Shen to uphold justice and help my Ouyang family get revenge."

Lin Feng waved his hand, signaling Qin Wangtian and Liang Yuxi to pull them up quickly.

He has never been in the habit of accepting others' kneeling.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "Master Qin, please inform all the major families that I am going to convene the Luo Shen Meeting! Except for the Xue family, all the aristocratic families must be present!"

Qin Wangtian hesitated, "Then the Luo family..."

"Go to the place where the Luo family has lived for generations and summon Luo Ling'er. If she refuses to come, I will personally tear down the door of her house! Just say it was me, Lin Feng, who said it!"

"As for the Ouyang family, two brothers and sisters, Ouyang Zelei and Ouyang Zeqi, will be present as representatives!"

After saying that, Lin Feng disappeared into the secret room.

Liang Yuxi and Qing Jiuyou looked at each other and saw the wonder in each other's eyes.

At that moment, the aura displayed by Lin Feng...

Qin Wangtian said calmly: "Luo Shen has reached the middle of the ninth level."

Ouyang Zeqi felt like he was struck by lightning, what?

Lin Feng unexpectedly reached the middle stage of the ninth level in such a short period of time!

What is this growth rate? Is he still human?

Ouyang Zeqi was right. Lin Feng, who merged the power of two gods, was indeed no longer a pure person strictly speaking.

Liang Yuxi looked at where Lin Feng was standing just now, silently lost in thought.

This guy is really a conspicuous person...

Anytime and anywhere, you will unconsciously attract girls’ attention.

An hour later, Luo Ling'er was jumping in anger in the hall.

Luo Ling'er's two younger sisters both had grimaces on their faces at this time.

"This bad guy Lin Feng is addicted to bullying us!"

"Sister, you say him, does he really dare to demolish our home?"

Luo Ling'er gritted her teeth and said, "Huh! So what if I don't go! He dares!"

Qin Wangtian couldn't help but feel funny when he looked at the three sisters who were entangled in themselves.

Luo Shen is so powerful that he has actually met people from the Luo family a long time ago.

But to make the three little sisters who were born like this angry, only Luo Shen and he could do it.


Qin Wangtian chuckled and said, "Master Luo, I brought you your message. I'll go ahead. The meeting will start soon."

After saying that, Qin Wangtian formed a formation and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Qin Wangtian leaving, the second sister said angrily: "Sister, we won't go, let's see what he can do!"

Just as Luo Ling'er was about to nod, the third sister said anxiously: "Second sister, you can't do this!"

"Since Lin Feng has obtained the inheritance of Luo Shen, if the eldest sister doesn't go, wouldn't it mean that we disrespect Luo Shen?"

Luo Ling'er was still hesitating, and the third sister quickly persuaded him: "Sister, you'd better go. We should treat it as giving Luo Shen face, rather than fearing him Lin Feng."

Luo Ling'er suddenly looked at her third sister with admiration. Since when did she become so good at talking?

The meeting hall of Luoshen Temple still has the atmosphere after the war.

Although it took several days to repair the crumbled floors and walls, traces can still be seen.

At Lin Feng's request, a round table for discussion was placed in the middle of the hall.

Lin Feng did not have the Luoshen throne removed like the other Luoshen people in the past, but he sat on the main seat of the round table.

Around the round table, everyone sat on both sides of Lin Feng.

On Lin Feng's right side, two brothers, Li Cheng and Li Dong, sat.

Since the Ouyang family and the Xue family were defeated one after another, the Li family, which was originally ranked third, has now become the well-deserved number one family in Luoshen Hall.

Li Dong is extremely proud now!

His eldest sister Li Qing sat on the throne of the third generation Luo Shen.

And now, the eldest sister's son Lin Feng has inherited the position of Luo Shen.

As Luo Shen's uncle, how could he be dissatisfied?

On Lin Feng's left hand side, Qin Wangtian sat.

Now Qin Wangtian has become the chief steward of the Luoshen Temple, and Qin Wangtian is now taking care of every detail.

After that, Qing Jiuyou, Liang Yuxi, and the two Ouyang brothers and sisters sat in turn.

Shen Nan also came and sat beside Li Dong listlessly.

Opposite Lin Feng, sat Luo Ling'er.

At this time, Luo Ling'er's big watery eyes were staring at Lin Feng without blinking.

If looks could kill, then Lin Feng would have been cut to pieces by Luo Ling'er at this moment.

Although there were only ten people sitting around the huge round discussion table, it already gathered the core of power in the Luoshen Temple.


Lin Feng didn't say anything, but Qin Wangtian spoke first.

"In the past few days, Luoshen Temple has experienced incidents one after another."

"After Bai Meier disappeared, the Luoshen Temple was leaderless. We, the Qin family, the Li family, the Qing family, and the Liang family, jointly elected Lin Feng as the master of the Luoshen Temple, the fourth generation of Luoshen."

After Qin Wangtian finished speaking, no one responded.

Shen Nan lowered his head and said nothing.

Qin Wangtian continued: "Now, Lin Feng has received the Luo God inheritance. The Luo God Meeting will be held today. Please respect the fourth generation Luo God and obey the orders of the Luo God!"

After finishing his conversation, under the gaze of everyone, Lin Feng slowly spoke.

"Everyone must know that Bai Meier was kidnapped and taken away by the ancestor of the Xue family, so I won't go into details."

"However, after Bai Meier disappeared, massacres occurred frequently in Luoshen Temple!"

"First, the entire Xue family was wiped out. Several family heads also went to see it, and they all believed that it was Old Monster Xue who did it!"

"Subsequently, the head of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Wudi, died at the hands of Old Monster Xue! Not only that, the Ouyang family's artifact, Thor's Hammer, was also stolen."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Shen Nan had a shocked expression on his face.

He had no information at all, and now he just learned from Lin Feng that Ouyang Wudi was also dead...

Shen Nan still had doubts in his heart, so he asked: "Excuse me, Luo Shen, how do you conclude that Ouyang Wudi died at the hands of Old Monster Xue?"

Everyone knows that the Ouyang family and Lin Feng are mortal enemies.

Whether it's the Xue family or the Ouyang family, they are Lin Feng's enemies.

Now it seems that anyone who becomes Lin Feng's enemy will not end well.

That means Lin Feng is the most suspected of killing Ouyang Wudi!

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