I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 175 Deep In The Land Abandoned By Gods

Hearing Qing Jiuyou's words, Lin Feng frowned, then relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "Since the Qing family has something to do, please stay in Luoshen Hall. Remember to cooperate with the Qin family's work."

Lin Feng was thinking: Why does this Qing Jiuyou look weird recently?

At this time, Shen Nan stood up and said loudly: "Excuse me, Luo Shen, can Shen Nan go with Luo Shen?"

Lin Feng smiled. He did not expect that this Shen Nan would take the initiative to ask for help.

"Since the Shen family master is interested, I am naturally happy to do so, and it will also add a lot of help to our team!"

After arranging all the matters for the Luoshen Temple, Lin Feng led the team towards the land abandoned by the gods.

The Land Abandoned by Gods is located in the very center of the Mist Federation. No matter which direction you enter the Land of Gods, you will alert the Mist Federation.

Lin Feng remembered that the last time he went to the Mist Federation, he wiped out the Fick organization in Shatan City.

How long has passed, everything seems like a lifetime ago.

The group came to the intersection of the Eastern Alliance and the Mist Federation. Li Cheng said to Lin Feng: "Luo Shen, if we go further, we will reach the Mist Federation. Although we are not many in number, this aura..."

Lin Feng scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed. Although there were only five of them, they were all top experts in the extraordinary world today.

The reason why I brought Li Cheng with me was because his spatial power was the most powerful in the Luoshen Temple.

But after all, I don’t know where Xue’s snake nest is. Using the power of space to search like this may lead to the big shots of the Mist Federation.

Liang Yuxi said: "Although the secular world of the Misty Federation is a mess, the extraordinary world has an extraordinary family that is not weaker than the palace-level organization."

"Extraordinary family?"

"Yes, one of the five major families in the extraordinary world, the Mi clan."

"Mi clan..." Lin Feng murmured to himself.

Liang Yuxi continued to explain: "In the extraordinary world, there are five noble and ancient races. They are the God Race, the Nether Race, the Barbarian Race, the Ancient Race, and the Mi Race."

"The God Clan is naturally the one sitting in Sun City now. The Nether Clan, Brother Lin Feng knows it best. The Barbarian Clan, it is said that the people in the Roaring Hall are the descendants of the Barbarian Clan. The Ancient Clan, for example, the Luo Ling in front of Brother Lin Feng Son, it is said that Sister Ling'er is a descendant of Luo Shen."

Hearing Liang Yuxi's words, Luo Ling'er was quite proud, holding her head high and raising the corners of her mouth slightly.

"As for this Mi clan..."

Luo Ling'er obviously also knew something about the Mi clan. She took over Liang Yuxi's words and continued: "As for the Mi clan, no one knows how many years they have been inherited. They rarely join the world, and in one generation, they will send out A generation of designated patriarch candidates come out to practice."

"The Mi people attach great importance to bloodline. They believe that the bloodline of the Mi people is the most precious in the world. They divide the levels by surnames. The most noble surname is Shirkin."

Lin Feng was thoughtful...

"Are there any gods among this Mi clan?"

Having said this, Luo Ling'er also shook her head, "I don't know, but it's not surprising that this race, which has been inherited for countless years, has several peak ninth-level experts."

"Moreover, the Mi clan has not experienced any major wars so far. Maybe there are gods among the Mi clan, maybe!"

Although Lin Feng had heard Lucifer mention it in the past, it was far from as detailed as Liang Yuxi and Luo Ling'er.

At that time, his strength was still low, and Lucifer didn't want him to know too much and disturb his thoughts.

Shen Nan hesitated and said: "Then... we are mobilized like this, do we need to visit the Mi clan?"

As soon as Shen Nan finished speaking, Liang Yuxi sneered.

"Master Shen, when did you act so forward and backward? This is not your style."

Shen Nan has always regarded himself as a swordsman, and he is particularly belligerent. Ever since Lin Feng became the Luoshen Temple, he has been at a loss.

Luo Ling'er said: "Master Shen, as I said just now, people from the Mi clan have always avoided the world. Even if you want to find them, you may not be able to find them. Even if you find them, I'm afraid they may not like to be disturbed."

Lin Feng waved his hand, "Uncle, let's go and go straight to the land abandoned by the gods. It doesn't matter what tribe he is. Friends come with good wine, but enemies..."


There was a fluctuation in the space, and a blue halo appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Stepping inside, the vision becomes blurred and it is impossible to see the surrounding scene clearly.

After a while, everyone came to a misty place. The fog is thick, seemingly hiding endless mysteries and dangers.

A breath of dead silence came. Just as everyone was losing their bearings, Lucifer's voice rang in Lin Feng's heart: "Going to where the sun sets, I feel Mammon's breath."

Lin Feng did not tell the people in the Luo Shen Temple that he had one more thing to do when he came to the Land Abandoned by the Gods, which was to resurrect Mammon.

Mammon was the first demon Lin Feng saw besides Lucifer.

Lin Feng said in his heart: Brother Mamon, I have been waiting for a long time.

"Come with me."

After that, Lin Feng looked for the direction of the setting sun through the layers of haze and headed west.

Everyone walked westward and gradually entered the depths of the land abandoned by the gods.

Surrounded by a desert, there is no trace of life. The earth was dry and cracked, and covered with thick dust, as if it had not been moistened by rain for thousands of years.

The sky is filled with gray mist, making people feel like they are in a ghostly place isolated from the rest of the world. In the distance, the mountains are towering, and the peaks reach straight into the clouds, but there is no green vegetation on the mountains, only bare rocks and the desolate scene of the desert.

The wind blew by with a hint of coldness, raising sand and dust, forming a whirlwind-like sandstorm. His vision was blocked and he could only barely see the scenery around him.

Lin Feng asked in his heart: "How long do we have to go?"

Because he didn't know the exact location, Li Cheng couldn't use the power of space. Under the leadership of Lin Feng, everyone had been walking for two days.

Whenever Lin Feng asked, Lucifer just said: Soon, soon.

"How long do we have to go?"

Lucifer lay lazily on the Skeleton Throne, "We'll be there not far away after walking through the Grand Canyon in front of us."

Sure enough, not long after walking, a huge canyon lay in front of everyone.

There are towering cliffs on both sides of the canyon. Countless years of wind and erosion have formed magnificent rock formations, colorful and like a strange picture.

Liang Yuxi praised: "It's so beautiful!"

"Yes, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are." Lin Feng stood beside Liang Yuxi and sighed.

Liang Yuxi tilted his head, his big eyes flashing, "Then is Brother Lin Feng afraid of me in his heart?"

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