It is said that there is one temple and five halls in the extraordinary world.

There are a total of five organizations that can be called palaces in the entire continent.

The Eastern Alliance's Luoshen Temple, the Western Alliance's Netherworld Palace, the Southern Alliance's Demon Palace and Bewitchment Palace, and the Northern Alliance's Roaring Palace.

In addition, there is an extraordinary organization that stands above all the temples, called the Black Eagle Temple!

The temple is a higher-level existence than the palace. There is only one in the entire continent. It is the ruler of the world today and the leader of the Extraordinary Alliance.

There are a total of 297 extraordinary organizations in the entire extraordinary world that are eligible to join the extraordinary alliance.

The Extraordinary Alliance has six governing organizations. The chairman is a person from the Black Hawk Temple, and one person from each of the other five temples serves as a permanent director.

It is worth mentioning that Black Eagle Temple and Netherworld Temple are both in the Western Alliance, but the positions of the two extraordinary organizations are not consistent.

Lin Feng returned home, closed all the curtains, and sat cross-legged on the floor, waiting to be summoned.

After a while, a deep voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind: "Lucifer..."

finally come......


Lin Feng raised his head, his eyes bright.

"I am here."

"Lucifer, relax and come to me."

Lin Feng's heart tightened and he closed his eyes.

When it opened again, it was already in the Netherworld Temple.

Lin Feng is no stranger to this temple. He has been here more than once. Whenever he faces a major event, all members will be summoned to the Netherworld Temple.

The Netherworld Temple lived up to the word Netherworld. The ghosts roared in the temple, and the shadow of Pluto above its head flashed faintly.

But for some reason, Lin Feng didn't feel any chill when he came to the Netherworld Temple, but instead felt warm.

All members of the Board of Deacons have arrived.

"Meet the deacon."

Lin Feng bowed slightly to the person in charge, and then sat on his own seat.

A deep and thick voice came from the main seat: "Lucifer, how does it feel to go home?"

"Fortunately, it's not as good as being in the Nether Palace."

Lin Feng felt somewhat resentful, after all, he was now suspended.

A low laugh came from the main seat: "Haha, you obviously asked to go back, but you sound a little dissatisfied."

"Lucifer, you still haven't changed your temper. You still need more training!"

The deacon's voice sounded a little dissatisfied.

"Chief Deacon, it's easy to change one's nature but hard to change one's nature. I'm afraid I can't change my temper easily."

"You, if you don't know how to speak, please speak less. Sit in your seat obediently. Now the meeting begins."

Every time the deacon spoke to Lin Feng, it would be more or less like an elder doting on a younger one.

All the deacons are used to it. Perhaps the chief deacon is particularly partial to young talents.

The deacon sat on the main seat and said in a majestic voice: "I have called everyone here today to announce something. I have agreed in advance so that everyone should not be too surprised."

Everyone was surprised as to what could make the deacon so serious.

I just heard the deacon say: "I was not in the palace during these days. I went to Sun City to attend the alliance conference. The top decision-makers of the major palaces unanimously decided that the world structure must be reorganized."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the temple.

"The world is reorganized!"

"Isn't this the precursor to the Third Extraordinary World War?"

Wu Deacon Qi Xu sighed helplessly: Hey...whatever is supposed to come must come back. It comes every five hundred years, and there is still no way to escape...

In the Nether Palace, no one knows how long the fifth deacon has lived. Anyway, when the last deacon was here, Qi Xu was already the fifth deacon.

Just listen to the deacon continue: "Five hundred years have passed since the second extraordinary world war. During these five hundred years, the pattern of the extraordinary world has been stable, and it has always maintained a situation of one superpower and multiple powers."

"During the Second Extraordinary World War, the original Black Hawk Temple successfully climbed to the top and became the current Black Hawk Temple, and the leader of the Black Hawk Temple naturally became the master of Sun City."

"The original hegemon that ruled the world, the Eastern Alliance's Azure Dragon Temple, was forced to split into the current Luoshen Temple, Demon Temple, and Bewitchment Temple."

"The Luoshen Temple inherited most of the power of the Azure Dragon Temple and occupied the current Eastern Alliance, while the Demon Temple and the Bewitching Temple left the Southern Alliance and became the two extraordinary giants of the Southern Alliance."

"Even though the Luoshen Temple is separated from the Azure Dragon Temple, it still firmly occupies the second place in the extraordinary world."

"The organization currently ranked third is the Roaring Hall of the Northern Alliance, our Netherworld Hall is ranked fourth, the Demon Hall is fifth, and the Bewitching Hall is sixth at the bottom. This is the current ranking of the entire extraordinary world."

Everyone nodded.

"In order not to cause turmoil in the entire secular world, Sun City has decided that the first round of war will begin between the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance. As the master of Sun City, the Black Hawk Temple will not participate in any battle."

"So, our Nether Palace is the first to bear the brunt of the war with the Luoshen Palace of the Eastern Alliance."

After hearing what the chief deacon said, everyone was shocked.

The third deacon interjected: "Isn't this fair? Why do we, Nether Palace, have to participate in the first round of reshuffles? Besides, Luoshen Palace is the strongest among the palace-level organizations."

The head deacon shook his head, "There is nothing fair or unfair. Whether you can hold on or not depends on you. This matter has become a conclusion."

As he spoke, the deacon raised his voice: "Everyone, the war is about to begin!"

"In addition, in order to control the battle within a certain range, Sun City unanimously decided that extraordinary warriors of the eighth level and above cannot participate in the battle. Therefore, for this battle, I appointed the Sixth Deacon and the Seventh Deacon together. The two of you will serve as The chief and deputy commanders of the battle will launch an attack on Luoshen Temple together!"

Everyone vaguely felt that this was definitely not just a matter of dividing the world structure, but something big was about to happen.

Lin Feng was a little confused and stood up: "Deacon, may I ask, what is the meaning of this war? Is it just for ranking? What is so important about this false name that we have to fight for it with our lives?"

The chief deacon did not speak, but the fifth deacon Qixu said: "Lucifer, sit down, you don't know about this yet."

Lin Feng looked at the teacher in confusion, and the latter began to close his eyes to rest. The deacon said no more, and even the air was silent.

After a while, Lin Feng spoke again: "Deacon, you should know that I am from the Eastern Alliance. I will lead the Nether Palace to participate in the war against the Luoshen Palace in my hometown. I'm afraid..."

Nilang immediately said angrily: "Lucifer, what do you mean by this? Since you have joined the Netherworld Palace and are a member of the Netherworld Palace, why do you still have scruples about the Eastern Alliance!"

The second deacon also cleared his throat: "Ahem... Lucifer, you have been suspended by me before. Now is the best time to make up for your mistakes. Don't say anything more."

Lin Feng didn't even look at the second deacon, and stared at the deacon: "Deacon, I'm afraid I really can't do it. Please take back the appointment you gave me."

"Lucifer, have you surpassed level 7?"

"not yet......"

"You are the strongest combat force in the Netherworld Hall that complies with the rules of this war. If you don't participate, do you want the Netherworld Hall to lose to the Luoshen Hall?"

"I really can't start a war against the Eastern Alliance. Can I wait until the first round of battle is over and then contribute to the alliance?"

The second deacon snorted coldly: "Lucifer, you have ignored the orders of the temple again and again. What on earth do you want to do? Do you think your mother was born in the Luoshen Temple, so you want to be a traitor?"

The fifth deacon narrowed his eyes tightly and looked at the second deacon with murderous intent.

The second deacon also felt that he had made a mistake.

Lin Feng looked excited: "Second Deacon, what did you say? Do you know information about my mother? You said she came from Luoshen Temple?"

The deacon interrupted Lin Feng's questioning: "Lucifer, let me ask you, will you join the war or not?"

"What if I insist not to join the war?"


A powerful force of darkness surged out, the figures on the main seat flickered, and the deacon suddenly appeared behind Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng wanted to turn around, he was suppressed by the power of darkness, unable to turn around and unable to move at all.

Lin Feng also tried to inspire the power of darkness to resist, but he couldn't move an inch. It seemed that the deacon was really angry.

Unexpectedly, the deacon in anger would be so terrifying...

The deacon showed a sneer, but it was a pity that Lin Feng couldn't see it.

"Lucifer, you not only broke the rules of the Netherworld Palace and privately declared war on the secular forces, but now you dare to openly disobey my orders. You are so lawless!"

The fifth deacon wanted to speak for Lin Feng, "Deacon, Lucifer..."

"Qisu, don't rely on your old age at this time. You are Lucifer's teacher, so don't speak up."

The deacon's tone allowed no room for refutation.

"Lucifer, I will give you one last chance, will you join the war or not?"

Under the pressure of the deacon's momentum, Lin Feng shook his head with difficulty.


"Lucifer, since you have repeatedly provoked me and challenged the authority of the Netherworld Palace, I now declare that from this moment on, Lucifer will be deposed by the Netherworld Palace, in the name of my chief deacon of the Netherworld Palace!"

The deacon looked around: "Everyone in the deacon team, do you have any opinions?"

This time even Qisu didn't speak anymore.

The authority of the deacon cannot be blasphemed.

"Lucifer, you will no longer be able to enjoy any of the resources of the Nether Palace in the future, including the animal world you created. You should just stay with me in the Eastern Alliance. It is best to join the Luo Shen Palace!"

"Lucifer's position will be taken over by Nilang, and the position of the new Seventh Deacon will be handed over to Linda. From now on, the animal world will be controlled by the new Seventh Deacon Linda!"

After saying that, the deacon waved his sleeve, and Lin Feng was directly shaken out of the Netherworld Temple.

The proudest person now is Nilang. He finally got his wish and became the Sixth Deacon.

This Lucifer is really ignorant of current affairs!

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