I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 180 Clearing The Name Of The Devil

Fully Advent?

Liang Yuxi stood beside Lin Feng and asked with some confusion: "Brother Lin Feng, what is complete arrival?"

"The demon form of Mammon is a two-headed greedy demon. When he came last time, he chose Norwich. He thought that he would have the opportunity to come to Norwich again in the future. Unexpectedly, he was betrayed by Norwich."

"Ouyang Zelei and Ouyang Zeqi are twins. Although they are weaker in strength, they are indeed suitable for Mammon to come. I originally thought that their strength was somewhat lacking, but I didn't expect it!"

Liang Yuxi blinked, not expecting that there were so many ways for the devil to come.

"Brother Lin Feng, what level was Mammon at last time?"

"Last time, there was only the eighth level peak, but it only happened to Norwich alone. If it happened at the same time, I'm afraid the strength would be even higher."


"Brother Lin Feng, is there a suitable demon that can come to me too?"

Lin Feng's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "You are now in the middle of the ninth level, what do you want to come? The complete coming will devour the soul! If you don't learn it well!"

Liang Yuxi puffed up her cheeks again, "Then Brother Lin Feng still allowed Lucifer to come, and Brother Lin Feng didn't take the right path?"

After hearing this, the light in Lin Feng's eyes dimmed a little.

Liang Yuxi realized that she had said the wrong thing, but she didn't expect Lin Feng to speak.

"I had no choice at the time..."

At this time, Lucifer, who was snoring on the Skeleton Throne, suddenly opened his eyes and said silently in his heart: "Is there no way?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng continued: "Yu Xi, do you know how this world defines justice and evil?"

Liang Yuxi nodded, "Of course I know this. Brother Lin Feng is just, and Black Eagle Temple is evil!"

Lin Feng asked again: "Then do you know that in the eyes of many people, Lin Feng is the bad guy?"

Lin Feng recalled everything he had done in the past, just like when he went to Shatan City and destroyed the Fick Organization. Are all those people bad people?

But because of Lin Feng, there is no living person in the Fike organization.

Liang Yuxi said lightly: "The world's judgments are based on their own likes and dislikes. Brother Lin Feng is good to me and gave me the power of the gods. In my eyes, you are a good person. Brother Lin Feng now leads the Luoshen Temple, in In the eyes of the Luoshen Temple, Brother Lin Feng is a good person."

Hearing this, Lin Feng subconsciously glanced at Luo Ling'er and thought to himself: Some people don't think so.

Lin Feng sighed, "Yes. Justice and evil can't be defined. It's like Lucifer. When I first saw him, he was such a bastard! I was only 17 years old at the time. It really confused me. I was so scared. But what choice did I have? Only Lucifer could help me and sell my soul to the devil to get my mother back. Why should I hesitate? "

Lucifer cursed in his heart: You are the bastard, and your whole family is bastards.

Liang Yuxi felt distressed for some reason after hearing this. She didn't know much about Lin Feng's past.

"It was precisely because of Lucifer that I stepped into the supernatural world. But the supernatural world is really dangerous and painful. How many times did I think I was really dead. Not only did I fail to find my mother, but I also ruined my life. I hate my life so much. I hate my own incompetence, the darkness of this world, and those evil people."

"But Lucifer won't let me die, because if I die, he will die too. How many times have I fallen into a state of madness, and I actually know that this is the arrival of that bastard Lucifer, and he briefly controlled me body. Whenever I wake up, all my enemies have been killed by Lucifer. From then on, people in the supernatural world call me Lucifer, and they all fear a man wearing a silver mask."

With that said, Lin Feng looked at Liang Yuxi, "Yuxi, do you think Lucifer is evil?"

Liang Yuxi didn't know how to answer for a moment. In her eyes, Lin Feng was a good person. But those demons are demons after all. How can demons be just?

Lucifer yawned heavily, "Humph, I guess you have a conscience."

Lin Feng knew what Liang Yuxi was thinking at this time. He looked at Liang Yuxi, his eyes seemed to go straight into the other person's soul: "If I tell you, this world is not what you see, and Lucifer and the others are the embodiment of justice. Will you believe me?"

Liang Yuxi was shocked, how could this be possible?

Lucifer is the embodiment of justice?

How can the devil represent justice?

Lin Feng knew that Liang Yuxi didn't believe it, and neither did many people.

Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the land abandoned by the gods with rolling yellow sand, and said proudly: "Then let's wait and see! I will make this sky clear again. That city will become what it was originally! And Lucifer and the others, I want to clear the devil’s name!”

Liang Yuxi looked at Lin Feng's confident look and smiled.

"Brother Lin Feng, Yue-Sai is willing to follow you. No matter where you go or what you do, Yue-Sai will support you."

Lin Feng was startled and felt a little warm in his heart.

Who was the last person to say that?

Blood Bodhi, I haven’t seen her for a long time. I don’t know how she is doing now.

When things get better here, I must go and see her.

Lin Feng didn't know that the bloody purgatory at this time had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, Ouyang Zeqi and Ouyang Zelei slowly stood up and came to Lin Feng.

The brother and sister knelt down on one knee at the same time, "Greetings to my Lord."

The two raised their heads, their eyes met, and Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He saw the shadow of Mammon in the eyes of the two brothers and sisters.

"Mammon, you are finally back."

"Okay, you've been here for so long, have you noticed any strange aura? I mean, do you know where the snake's den is?"

"Master, if you want to know where the snake's nest is hidden, I suggest you that we visit the leader of the local Mi tribe."

Li Cheng listened on the sidelines, his pupils narrowed sharply, "Chief of the Mi clan!"

Ouyang Zeqi said: "Yes, Mamon has been here for a while. We have not disturbed each other, but I know where they are, and they also know where I am. This is between the Demon Clan and the Mi Clan. tacit understanding."

Li Cheng advised from the side: "Xiao Feng, the Mi tribe is said to be powerful, so we should not contact them rashly. Otherwise..."

Liang Yuxi said from the side: "Master Li, I don't think so. Although the Mi clan does not care about worldly affairs, the land abandoned by the gods can also be regarded as the territory of the Mi clan. Brother Lin Feng, with the honor of being the master of the Luoshen Temple, personally visited the Mi clan. It's a nice talk. Besides, we mean no harm."

Lin Feng raised his hand and glanced at the gray clouds that slowly began to gather in the distant sky. "Let's go. Maybe they are waiting for us to pass."

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