Another half hour passed and still no news came.

Lin Feng was sitting in the VIP room, holding coffee in his hand, trembling a little. He recalled the scene when he first met Lin Dandan.

It was a month after her mother disappeared that Lin Yuantian suddenly brought back a woman from outside. Lin Feng called her Aunt Fang. Along with Aunt Fang, 12-year-old Lin Dandan came to the Lin family.

At that time, Lin Dandan tried her best to hide behind Aunt Fang, peeking at herself from time to time. Under Aunt Fang's urging, she blinked her big and smart eyes and timidly shouted: "Hello, Brother Lin Feng."

At that time, Lin Feng had an indifferent face, leaving only an aloof figure, and left the Lin family resolutely.

"I, Lin Feng, have nothing to do with you, Lin Yuantian, from now on!"

"You actually eliminated all traces of her existence. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that she will implicate you?"

"What does it mean if you bring this woman back now!"

"Why did mother blindly fall in love with you in the first place!"

"I, Lin Feng, will never call you father again!"

"Since they won't get out, then let me go! I'll get out! I'll get out of the Lin family!"

Lin Dandan was frightened by the crazy Lin Feng. She cowered and hid behind Aunt Fang, secretly looking at Lin Feng with her big innocent eyes, and shed tears of sadness.

For Lin Feng, when Aunt Fang and Lin Dandan were brought back to the Lin family, a knife was inserted into his lonely heart.

Lin Feng resented Lin Yuantian's ruthlessness.

After Lin Feng came to Country Y, Linda was good at making decisions and investigated Lin Yuantian and Lin Dandan. The result was that there was no blood relationship between them.

This at least proves to a certain extent that Lin Yuantian did not betray Lin Feng's mother.

Three years later, Aunt Fang knocked on Lin Feng's door with Lin Dandan.

"Brother Lin Feng, I am Dandan. My mother and I are here to see you."

Although Lin Feng was impatient, he still welcomed them into his home.

Lin Feng only knew that Aunt Fang worked in a Sichuan restaurant before, and somehow met Lin Yuantian, entered the Lin family, flew up a branch and turned into a phoenix.

When we met Lin Dandan again, she was already 15 years old. The grown-up Lin Dandan inherited Aunt Fang's beauty, with fair skin, big eyes, and a cold little face, delicate, cute, and pitiful.

Lin Feng heard from Uncle De, the housekeeper, that after Lin Dandan arrived at the Lin family, she didn't have the airs of a young lady at all, and she didn't have the arrogance of getting rich from the poor at all. Instead, she was kind-hearted and always considerate of others.

Aunt Fang and Lin Dandan lived in Elementary School Y for a while, cooking and doing housework, and taking great care of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who was wandering alone in a foreign land, gradually felt the warmth of home when facing Aunt Fang and Lin Dandan.

Although Lin Feng was resentful towards Lin Yuantian, in his heart, he already regarded Lin Dandan as his biological sister.

It’s been almost a year since I last saw Dandan...

Lin Feng resisted touching his ears several times. When the female manager saw him sitting alone in a daze, she swayed her slender waist and walked over on thin high heels.

She squatted down and asked softly: "Sir, how can I serve you?"

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at her with a smile.

Lin Feng's deep gaze and charming smile fell into the woman's eyes, making her a little distracted for a moment.

She gradually felt hot.

"I do not need it, thank you."

The woman kept smiling: "Sir, if you need anything, call me. I'll be here when you call."

Linda's voice came from the communicator: "Master, Nightingale has locked onto the flight. Some accidents occurred. The flight was hijacked by the FICA organization and made an emergency landing at France Airport in Country F."

"Can you confirm whether the people on board are safe?"

Lin Feng's voice sounded a little nervous, something Linda had never felt from him before.

No matter what kind of difficulties he faced, in Linda's eyes, Lin Feng would always be the confident, domineering, and even arrogant Lucifer. At this time, Lucifer was actually a little nervous.

Linda quickly said: "Nightingale has already rushed over. With her speed, she can arrive in less than an hour. She will confirm the situation immediately!"

"Prepare a plane for me, I'm going there now!"

Lin Feng never left the airport. He just wanted to wait for Lin Dandan's location to be confirmed and rush there as soon as possible!

"The plane is ready. It's a business plane. I didn't arrange a fighter plane. I didn't have enough time to coordinate. And..."

"No need to explain."

The female manager ran over in a hurry, not caring about the previous etiquette gesture. When she ran over, she twisted her feet.

"Sir, the plane is ready. The main station said that you are very anxious and has arranged for all planes to be delayed for 10 minutes. Please board the plane now."

Just a minute ago, she received a call from her boss's boss himself, telling her to immediately invite the distinguished guest and ask him to board the private jet.

She didn't expect that the person she was serving today would be such a powerful person, especially one who was so handsome.

Lin Feng glanced at the woman who was holding back the pain but always smiling. She was still secretly turning her ankle.

Lin Feng took out a business card from his suit pocket: "This has my contact information. If you have any questions, you can contact me. I will help you once. Just send a message."

The woman excitedly took the business card, which had a red maple leaf painted on it, and the phone number was: #6.


Can you get through?

Lin Feng ignored the woman who was still in a daze and walked towards the boarding gate.

The female manager hurriedly chased after her.

Just as he got on the plane, a pair of gentle hands from behind rested on Lin Feng's shoulders.

She gently squeezed Lin Feng's shoulders, "Master, don't worry, Dandan will be fine."

She is "White Snake" Qingyan, the third member of the Animal World Team.

Lin Feng gently patted Qingyan's soft and boneless little hand, "Okay, I'm fine. Did Linda ask you to follow?"

"Sister Linda is afraid that you will be anxious, so she asked me to accompany you there."

Lin Feng nodded and said nothing more.

He knew that Linda was afraid that she would lose her mind and do something outrageous in a hurry.

An hour later, Nightingale's voice came from the communicator: "Master, the flight seems to be extraordinary and the aura is not strong. Do you need me to take action now?"

"Don't act rashly, wait until I pass..."

There are actually extraordinary organizations involved?

Before the matter was clear, Lin Feng did not dare to let Nightingale act rashly. He was afraid of hurting Lin Dandan.

In addition, the Extraordinary Alliance has clear regulations. Except for major events that affect the world situation, palace-level extraordinary organizations are not allowed to openly interfere in the affairs of the secular world.

Fike is just an armed organization in the secular world. Their purpose is still difficult to judge, and they cannot act rashly at this time.

Qingyan looked at Lin Feng's frown and felt a little distressed. She unconsciously held Lin Feng's hand.

Feeling the warmth from his hands, Lin Feng gently pinched Qingyan's cheek.

"Our sister Qingyan is really getting more and more beautiful!"

Two blushes suddenly appeared on Qingyan's face.

Different from Linda's exotic look, Qingyan has the face of a classical oriental beauty, and her every move and smile is so gentle and virtuous.

However, if anyone offends Lin Feng, Qingyan will become completely different.

"Okay, how long until we arrive?"

Qingyan touched her temple and turned on the contact lenses, "There are still fifteen minutes left before the target location!"

"Can't wait any longer, open the hatch."

The driver didn't know whether he didn't hear it or thought it was too weird. He asked loudly: "What did you say?"

"I said open the hatch." Lin Feng repeated.

The driver looked at Qing Yan in disbelief, asking: Is this kid crazy?

Flying at such a high altitude and flying rapidly, open the cabin door?

That’s not how skydiving works! What's more, this young man is still wearing a suit!

Qingyan looked at Lin Feng with some worry: "Master..."

Lin Feng put his fingers between Qingyan's lips and said with a smile: "You know, I don't like anyone to disobey my orders, not even you, Sister Qingyan."

Qingyan nodded, looked at the driver, and said without any doubt: "Open the hatch!"


The hatch opened and Lin Feng jumped down!

"What a madman...Isn't this fucking looking for death!" the driver muttered in a low voice.

Immediately, he felt a chill on the back of his head.

Through the screen reflection, I could see the dark muzzle of the gun pressed against his head, and the person holding the gun was Qing Yan with a sneer on his face.

The beauty's smile is as bright as a flower, but it reveals an endless chill.

"You're not the only one who can fly a plane. I don't mind throwing you out now."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I can't do it anymore."

The driver was sweating profusely and did not dare to say another word.

Although he knew that he was carrying a big shot this time, he didn't want to shoot and kill him if he disagreed with her. She was still a beautiful woman like a flower.

If this was on the battlefield, Qingyan would definitely make it impossible for him to speak again.

Her defense of him had no bottom line.

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