Country Y, Gran City, Lin Feng's luxury apartment.

Linda, the newly promoted Seventh Deacon, was lazily reclining on the sofa. She put her hands on her forehead and faced a beautiful and angry girl.

She said she was a girl because Linda thought she was still very young, probably less than 20 years old, right?

A few minutes ago, this girl was very gentle and generous.

Linda's first impression of her was good. She was so beautiful and her strength seemed to be pretty good. Maybe she could be integrated into the animal world.

Lucifer must like such a beautiful and gentle woman, right?

Linda got straight to the point and asked: "Are you here to see Lucifer?"

"Yes, Ms. Linda, Lucifer asked me to come to him."

"Oh? Really? Lucifer has never invited any girls to his home."

With that said, Linda handed the beautiful lady a cup of coffee.

Linda sat elegantly on the sofa and asked gently: "What is your name?"

"My name is Blood Bodhi."

"Blood Bodhi...why does this name sound familiar?"

Linda felt like she had seen this girl somewhere.

"I am the leader of Blood Purgatory."

Linda was extremely surprised. She held her chin in her hands and made an exaggerated expression on her face. She moved closer to the Blood Bodhi, wanting to take a closer look.

"I never expected that Blood Bodhi, the prison lord of Blood Purgatory, would be such a young and beautiful lady!"

Blood Bodhi smiled unnaturally: "Miss Linda, we met a long time ago. At that time, there was a beautiful lady named Qingyan beside Lucifer."

Linda was reminiscing rapidly in her mind, but she didn't remember when she had met the prison master of Blood Purgatory, or with Qing Yan.

She looked at the Blood Bodhi carefully, trying to find some memory of the beautiful girl in front of her.

"Ms. Linda, noble people tend to forget things. We met on a small island in the southeastern country three years ago..."

Linda was so surprised that she jumped up from the sofa. Without caring about maintaining her ladylike appearance, she shouted loudly: "It's you! You're the little girl!"

Blood Bodhi nodded gracefully: "It's me."

"Thanks also for your help, the teacher and I were able to escape. At that time, I remembered Lucifer's two peerless female companions, one was your 'Fox' Linda, and the other was 'White Snake' Qingyan. "

Blood Bodhi asked seemingly casually: "By the way, where is Ms. Qingyan, don't you live together?"

"Qingyan won't live here forever."

Linda blushed. She lied. To be more precise, this is where Lucifer lives alone. Linda doesn't live here every day.

Xue Bodhi felt a little resentful in his heart. It turned out that they lived together every day, and Lucifer really doted on this woman named Linda.

No wonder, she is so beautiful, has such a good figure, elegant manners, and is stronger than herself. She is indeed worthy of Lucifer.

Linda asked tentatively: "By the way, I didn't expect you to be the prison master of the Blood Purgatory. The relationship between Lucifer and the Blood Purgatory, because Lucifer saved you back then, canceled each other out, right? "

Of course she knew that Blood Bodhi was not here to seek revenge.

Blood Bodhi glanced at Linda with resentment and said lightly: "When did our Bloody Purgatory dare to compare with the Netherworld Palace? We are just a second-rate extraordinary organization. Thank God for your noble hands and not wipe out the Bloody Purgatory. Besides, there is still a way to the Netherworld Palace. A strong man like Lord Xifa.”

This glance made even Linda a little frightened. This woman's eyes were so alluring. I wonder if Lucifer could still control him when he saw her current appearance. Did he regret not bringing this little girl back? .

Linda smiled and said helplessly: "Don't you know yet, Lucifer is no longer the deacon of the Netherworld Palace."

Blood Bodhi asked with concern: "What? Did Lucifer make any mistakes?"

Only those who truly care about him will care whether the great Lord Lucifer gets into trouble.

Linda shook her head: "He was driven out of the Nether Palace by our deacon. Now Lucifer has left Gran City and returned to the Eastern Alliance."

Blood Bodhi really couldn't believe that Lord Lucifer, a majestic and extraordinary person in the world, would be expelled from the Nether Palace and went to the Eastern Alliance!

What's wrong with this world?

"He defected from the Netherworld Palace and joined the Eastern Alliance? Which organization is he, the Luoshen Palace?"

"Will he be hunted down by the Netherworld Palace?"

Blood Bodhi asked a series of questions, his expression very nervous.

She had already begun to make a calculation in her mind. If Lucifer really defected from the Nether Palace, she would have to give Lucifer a place to stay even if he had to risk the entire Blood Purgatory.

Thinking about it this way, it's not a bad idea to let Lucifer join him in the Blood Purgatory.

No, Blood Purgatory belongs to the great Lord Lucifer and accepts his leadership.

Under the leadership of Lord Lucifer, Blood Purgatory will definitely become a first-class organization!

No, it is a super first-class organization, surpassing the Nether Palace and being on par with the Black Eagle Temple!

Linda watched Blood Bodhi's face change from nervousness to a smile, and then to the corners of his mouth rising. She could never have guessed that in this short period of time, Blood Bodhi had already planned the bloody purgatory and Lucifer's fate in his mind. A grand blueprint.

"Lucifer was expelled from the Netherworld Palace after he went to the Eastern Alliance. He disobeyed the orders of our deacon."

Linda had no secrets about this girl who came to look for Lucifer.

The expelled deacon appeared for the first time in the history of Nether Palace.

Lucifer is enough to be recorded in the chronicles of the Netherworld Hall, and of course, it will not be a good word.

"The deacon personally ordered the expulsion of Lucifer? He must be out of sight!"

The more Blood Bodhi spoke, the angrier he became.

"You Nether Palace are really blind. A handsome, powerful, caring and intelligent deacon like Lucifer was expelled instead of being protected like a giant panda."

"If you, Nether Palace, do this, you will definitely become a second-rate organization!"

Linda simply lay on the sofa, holding her forehead with one hand. She was really unable to argue. If it weren't for her lack of strength, I'm afraid this girl would have gone to fight with the deacon.

"By the way, Miss Linda, can you tell me the specific location of Lucifer now?"


Blood Bodhi, who knew Lucifer's location, didn't stop for a moment, said some kind words and left.

It's really a journey that comes in a hurry and leaves in a hurry.

Linda sighed helplessly: "Another silly girl comes here for you, Lucifer, you are so lucky..."

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