She didn't expect that the thing he threw to her casually would be treasured by her until now.

Looking at the dusty Blood Bodhi in front of him, Lin Feng didn't know what to say.

Blood Bodhi looked sincere: "Lucifer, thank you for saving me and my teacher. Your great kindness and virtue will always be remembered by Bodhi."

Her big clear eyes stared at Lin Feng closely, which made Lin Feng panic for a while.

This is how to do……

Lin Feng, Lin Feng, what did you do wrong in the first place? You just gave someone a red bodhi seed.

This is the lovesick red bean that represents love!

"I really didn't expect you to be Blood Bodhi, the prison lord of Blood Purgatory."

He was a little embarrassed at this moment. No wonder Linda dared to be so arrogant towards him just now. He had asked Blood Bodhi to express his feelings.

Blood Bodhi blinked his big eyes: "I know."

"So, Lord Lucifer, what are your instructions for calling the little girl here?"

"Come on, sit down first."

With that said, Lin Feng pulled Blood Bodhi and sat on the sofa.

Then he got up and walked to the kitchen, rummaged through the cupboard and found an old-fashioned teapot. Unfortunately, there was no tea at home...

Lin Feng came out with a cup of hot water and said, "Drink some hot water. I see you have been so busy along the way."

"Yes, I even scratched the skin on my feet."

With that said, Xue Bodhi took off his black high heels and exposed his smooth feet to Lin Feng.

The snow-white feet, the green-like toes, and the heels are indeed worn out.

"I'll get you a Band-Aid!"

Lin Feng himself didn't even know if there was a medicine box at home.

"Lucifer, come here."

Blood Bodhi gently pulled Lin Feng and asked him to sit next to him.

At this time, Lin Feng really didn't look as bohemian as before. He wanted to put on the mask, but unfortunately the mask was still in the suitcase.

"I heard that you were expelled from the Netherworld Palace."

Lin Feng was indifferent...

"Can you tell me the reason?"

"The Netherworld Palace is preparing to go to war with the Luoshen Temple. The deacon wants me to be the battle commander and lead the Netherworld Palace to attack the Eastern Alliance."

Blood Bodhi asked in surprise: "What? Is the third extraordinary world war about to begin?"

For such a big news, Bloody Purgatory didn't even receive any news.

Lin Feng shook his head: "In order to avoid triggering the third extraordinary world war due to the reshuffling of the palace-level organizations, the first round of battles was chosen between the Netherworld Palace and the Luoshen Palace."

"The Black Hawk Temple is a first-class extraordinary organization and will not participate in the war. In addition, there are clear regulations that extraordinary warriors of level 8 and above cannot participate in the battle."

Blood Bodhi was a little confused: "Has Lord Lucifer not surpassed the 8th level yet?"

Lin Feng felt insulted...

"what do you mean......"

Blood Bodhi quickly explained: "Well... I mean, I thought Lord Lucifer was very powerful!"

Lin Feng was so excited that his voice even rose: "Am I not strong enough if I haven't surpassed level 8? I'm already in the middle of level 7!"

Blood Bodhi said weakly: "But... but my teacher is already at level 7, so she is about to catch up with Lord Lucifer."

"I remember when Lord Lucifer saved my teacher and me, the teacher said that Lord Lucifer was already at level 7 extraordinary. Has Lord Lucifer made no progress in the past three years? You must be busy picking up girls, right? Sister Linda She and Sister Qingyan are both so beautiful."

Blood Bodhi seems to have discovered the truth.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, he was actually looked down upon by this silly girl.

However, Lin Feng himself found it strange that he had indeed reached the early stage of Level 7 three years ago, but three years later, his strength was still hovering in the middle of Level 7.

Although there are now faint signs of breaking through to the peak of level 7, for ordinary extraordinary people, this is already a rapid progress.

But for him, Lucifer, it was quite abnormal.

Compared with the rapid progress he made when he first set foot in the extraordinary world, Lin Feng is indeed somewhat stagnant now.

But what went wrong?

Looking at Lin Feng who had left Shen'er, Blood Bodhi asked: "Lord Lucifer, why don't you speak?"

After a while, Lin Feng asked: "Um... How old is your teacher?"

"The teacher is almost sixty years old this year."

"Then I am only 22 years old this year. Do you want me to compare my cultivation speed with your teacher?"

Blood Bodhi smiled secretly in his heart, but agreed obediently on his face: "Lord Lucifer is right."

"What strength do you have now?"

Without taking action against her, Lin Feng could not see the true strength of Blood Bodhi.

Blood Bodhi puffed up his proud chest and said proudly: "Mid-level 6!"

For three years, she had practiced diligently without any slack, just to catch up with Lucifer as soon as possible and be able to help him.

"How old are you this year?"

"I'll be eighteen next month!"

Lin Feng was a little surprised...

Isn't this silly girl's cultivation talent too good?

It seems to be more powerful than myself.

When she was as old as she was, Lin Feng seemed to be a level 6 transcendent.

Lin Feng remembered that he was already 19 years old when he advanced to the seventh level of transcendence.

If there is an opportunity, it is not impossible for Blood Bodhi to advance to level 7 at the age of 18.

This cultivation speed is simply monstrous!

Lin Feng gave a thumbs up to Blood Bodhi, "You are still better!"

Blood Bodhi was a little happy, being praised by Lucifer in person, it was sweeter than eating honey.

"By the way, Lord Lucifer, now that you have left the Nether Palace, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng was leaning on the sofa. Thinking of today's moment in the restaurant, he narrowed his eyes: "What's the next step? I want to unify the Qingyuan City business community."

The heir to the Lin Group wants to dominate the business world?

Lord Lucifer from the otherworldly world wants to get involved in the business world?

Blood Bodhi didn't believe it, "Lucifer, are you short of money?"

"There used to be no shortage, but now there is a little bit. I want to help someone."

Thinking that Amelia Su was being embarrassed by people like Liu Yaxuan today, he wanted to do something.

But you can’t kill the other party directly, right?

Will that scare Amelia Su?

The methods of the otherworldly world are not applicable to the secular world.

"But Lucifer, you are rich!"

With that said, Blood Bodhi took out a large suitcase from the storage ring.

How big is it?

About the size of a bathtub.

Lin Feng opened his eyes wide.

"What are you doing with such a big suitcase? Are you moving?"

Blood Bodhi tapped the suitcase lightly, "Bang!"

The moment the buckle opened, countless cash spurted out.

"This is......"

"Blood Bodhi, what are you doing with so much cash? Are you here to launder money?"

"This is the two billion check that the FIKE organization gave you originally. You didn't take it last time. I was afraid that you would find it troublesome, so I asked someone to withdraw it all and change it into cash. By the way, there are also three diamonds. I will go with you. Brought to you.”

"Okay, okay, put it away quickly. I'll get it from you when I need it."

Blood Bodhi is so considerate...

Can't you find a card and save it...

Lin Feng smiled helplessly: Did this silly girl come here specially to help him?

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