"Head hurts……"


In the haze, Lin Feng felt that he was terribly thirsty.

In his sleep, he followed Su Qing all the way to the depths of the desert.

Seeing the oasis in the distance, Su Qing said excitedly: "Lin Feng, hold on, we will be there soon."

Lin Feng's lips were dry and chapped, and he tried hard to grab Su Qing's stretched out hand.

The next moment, Lin Feng's left foot that he had just stepped out with difficulty stepped on the hidden sand pit. The whole person suddenly lost his balance, and his left leg sank deeply into the sand pit.

"Su Qing, save me!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was sucked into the sand pit and buried up to his waist.

Su Qing stretched out her hand and held Lin Feng.

Under the strong suction of the sand pit, Lin Feng kept falling.

"Su Qing, let me go!"

Gradually, the sand flooded Lin Feng's chest, and he felt that he could no longer breathe.

Half of Su Qing's arm also fell into the sand pit.

"Su Qing, let go!"

Lin Feng gradually closed his eyes.

"Here, Lucifer, drink."

Lin Feng opened his eyes, and Xue Bodhi's concerned eyes appeared in front of him.

Lin Dandan gently pulled Lin Feng up.

"Brother Lin Feng, you were drunk last night and talked a lot in your sleep."

Only then did Lin Feng see clearly that in front of him were Xue Bodhi and Lin Dandan. He was at home in the water and electricity apartment, and Su Qing was not there.

"Brother Lin Feng, you have been calling Su Qing's name all night."

Lin Feng felt a little disappointed: "Have I been reading her name all the time..."

Su Qing in the dream was so real.

"Brother Lin Feng, Sister Su Qing will entertain her partners at the Silver Moon Club tonight. Since you miss her so much, why don't we go there together to find her."

Fang Jie told Blood Bodhi this news. Blood Bodhi had already planned to go with Lin Dandan to see how Su Qing, who was rumored to be charming in all kinds of ways, charmed Lin Feng.

"Dandan, didn't we agree not to tell you, brother Lin Feng?"

They originally planned to go secretly, but Lin Dandan was afraid that Lin Feng would be angry if he found out, so she still told them.

Blood Bodhi said slowly: "The Blood Purgatory established a branch in Qingyuan City many years ago. The person in charge is named Fang Jie. He is now considered the number one figure in the business community of Qingyuan City."

Lin Feng was noncommittal, waiting for Blood Bodhi's next words.

"Today I asked Fang Jie to inquire about Su Qing. Fang Jie said that she had encountered some troubles recently. As for who caused the trouble, Fang Jie didn't know very well. He just heard that a man named Zhang Yuan was in Pursue Fang Qing."

"Zhang Yuan...it's him again!"

This man named Zhang Yuan is really haunting.

"Did Su Qing make an appointment with Zhang Yuan for dinner tonight?"


"It's a man named Liu Yaxuan. I heard that he is working for Zhang Yuan."

At this time, Lin Feng's cell phone rang, it was Aunt Fang.

"Xiao Feng, is Dandan at your place?"

"Yes Aunt Fang, Dandan is here with me."

"If you have time tonight, come home and have dinner."

"There are some things tonight, let's wait for another day."

"Okay, okay."

Aunt Fang didn't say much on the other end of the phone. Lin Feng didn't refuse for the first time, which meant there was still a chance of improvement.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng said to Lin Dandan: "Dandan, don't join in the fun tonight. Go home quickly."

"But, brother Lin Feng..."

"I haven't found out the forces behind Su Qing, what trouble she has caused, and who is plotting against her."

"This Zhang Yuan comes from the Zhang family, one of the five major families. Although you rarely appear in public, Dandan, people like them may already have information about you."

"If you and Blood Bodhi go over to stir up trouble tonight, then everyone might guess that I am Lin Feng, Lin Feng from the Lin family."

"I don't want to have anything to do with Lin Yuantian."

Lin Feng said with a smile, and there was some unexplainable meaning in his smile.

Lin Dandan said aggrievedly: "I'm sorry, brother Lin Feng."

Lin Feng touched Lin Dandan's head lovingly.

"Silly girl, why are you sorry? You can go back in a while. I will go to the mountainside villa to see you when I have time."

Lin Dandan's eyes lit up: "Brother Lin Feng, are you telling the truth?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

He dialed Uncle De's phone number: "Uncle De, send a reliable person to the water and electricity apartment to take Dandan back to the mountainside villa."

"Okay, young master! By the way, tonight at the Silver Moon Club..."

"I know."

"That's good, that's good."

After sending Lin Dandan away, Lin Feng took Xue Bodhi to the study.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Lucifer, what do you mean?"

Blood Bodhi looked innocent.

"Perhaps when I first met you three years ago, you were still an innocent and cute little girl. But after three years, you have really changed a lot."

Lin Feng looked at Blood Bodhi quietly: "Am I right?"

"Lucifer, I really don't know what you're talking about."

"what do you want from me?"

Blood Bodhi shook his head, "Lucifer, you really misunderstood me. I just want to stay by your side."

Lin Feng stood up and looked directly at Blood Bodhi, his eyes becoming colder.

As streaks of netherworld power emitted from Lin Feng's body, the air gradually solidified, and Blood Bodhi felt his blood surge all over his body.

"I'll ask you a few questions. If your answers satisfy me, I'll let you stay, otherwise..."

Blood Bodhi's innocent expression disappeared, replaced by a fierce aura.

She tensed up and looked at Lin Feng as if facing a formidable enemy: "Otherwise, you will make it impossible for me to leave this study room again?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "I never kill women."

Blood Bodhi's expression remained unchanged, but Lin Feng's state at this time made her a little nervous. She saw something in Lin Feng's eyes that did not belong to Lin Feng. As for what it was, Blood Bodhi didn't know.

"go ahead......"

"Why did Bloody Purgatory participate in the hijacking incident organized by Fick?"

"I don't know. This kind of thing will not be reported to me. It should be just an accident. I didn't intervene."

"Did you know in advance that Lin Dandan is my sister?"

"I didn't know you were Lin Feng from the Lin family until I came to Qingyuan City recently."

"Why does Bloody Purgatory accept so many bounty missions?"

"We need money, lots of money."

Lin Feng raised his chin and said, "Continue."

"The Bloody Purgatory is not like an organization like the Netherworld Palace, which is supported by the economic strength of several powerful countries. If an organization wants to develop and grow, it needs a lot of money. In order to make money, we have set up branches in all major alliances."

Extraordinary organizations like the Netherworld Palace are a giant in the Western Alliance, and there are countless countries behind them who are willing to support them.

The most powerful support comes from countries Y and F.

Second-rate organizations like the Bloody Purgatory will also provide shelter to some small countries and accept support from them.

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