Lin Feng put away his momentum, and Fang Jie felt like he was exhausted, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

"You are actually Lucifer. It turns out that the legendary Lucifer is so young. I thought Lucifer was already an old man."

Fang Jie suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with alert eyes.

Lin Feng didn't care either. He had already expected Fang Jie's reaction.

Blood Bodhi also felt it, and she said from the side: "From now on, all orders of Lord Lucifer can be regarded as my orders. Fang Jie, you must only obey Lord Lucifer's orders and be as loyal as you are to me." Lord Lucifer."

Fang Jie was a little hesitant. Now Lucifer was a hot potato. He was expelled by the Nether Palace. If he stood on Lucifer's side at this time, it would be equivalent to offending the Nether Palace.

However, Blood Purgatory has a strong man like Lucifer sitting in charge. With Lucifer's power over the years, maybe Bloody Purgatory will really rise to become a first-class organization.

Fang Jie is not worried about Lucifer's grievances with other organizations. Although there are organizations currently offering rewards for Lucifer's capture, Lucifer has many enemies and many friends.

Seeing that Fang Jie was still hesitating, Blood Bodhi became angry.

Fang Jie felt the murderous gaze of Blood Bodhi and reluctantly nodded.

Now that the leader has identified it, let’s take a gamble and give it a try.

"Fang Jie, tell me about the situation in Qingyuan City."

Fang Jie nodded, "The five major families in Qingyuan City are Lin, Chen, Li, Zhao, and Zhang."

"Among them, the Lin family is the most powerful. Lin Yuantian has a transcendent status. His power has exceeded Qingyuan City. You are the heir to the Lin family, so I won't say more."

"Second is the Chen family. The head of the Chen family is named Chen He. He started his career in the construction industry. He is fifty-three years old this year. He was still in his prime. The Chen family has a strict family style. They have three sons and one daughter. None of them are currently developing in Qingyuan City."

"The third is the Li family. The head of the family is named Li Fei'er. She is a strong woman about forty years old. The Li family is a giant in the entertainment industry in Qingyuan City. A real giant. Li Fei'er is not married and has no children. So far, single."

"The fourth one is the Zhao family. The two brothers of the Zhao family are in charge. The eldest Zhao Tiange and the second brother Zhao Tianji are mainly engaged in the service industry. Two five-star hotels in Qingyuan City are under the name of the Zhao family. Not only Qingyuan City, the Zhao family has hotel chains throughout the Eastern Alliance.”

"The fifth is the Zhang family. The family advocates Jilong and is mainly engaged in clothing trade. Their business is gradually moving to Luoshui City. Although the Zhang family ranks last among the five major families, their strength is unfathomable."

Blood Bodhi interrupted: "Why is this?"

"The Zhang family is the agent of the Luoshen Temple in Qingyuan City. Behind them is the Ouyang family, the head of the eight major families of the Luoshen Temple. The Zhang family is the most low-key, but Zhang Jilang has a son, but he is not very successful."

"Zhang Yuan?"

"Yes, Zhang Yuan is actually the son of Zhang Jilang's eldest brother. Zhang Jilang never had children in his early years, so his eldest brother adopted him to Zhang Jilang when Zhang Yuan was six years old."

Blood Bodhi continued: "It's this Zhang Yuan who is plotting against Su Qing."

"Zhang Yuan is a playboy. He once threatened that there is no woman he can't catch up with, but it's Su Qing who has never paid attention to Zhang Yuan's pursuit. However, Su Qing's attitude has changed recently. Today Su Qing He took the initiative to invite Zhang Yuan to dinner, but Zhang Yuan had to pick up his father Zhang Jilang at the airport tonight, so he sent Liu Yaxuan to negotiate with Su Qing."

"Negotiation? What are they going to talk about?"

"Liu Yaxuan wants to acquire Su Qing's clothing company. Zhang Yuan is probably behind it."

"Will Liu Yaxuan just buy it if he wants to?"

"I have carefully investigated and found that Liu Yaxuan is Su Qing's largest customer. Liu Yaxuan gave Su Qing an order worth 100 million before. Su Qing's clothing company has been busy with this order for the past year, but in just a few days Before, Liu Yaxuan canceled the order on the grounds that the clothes were substandard. As a result, Su Qing not only lost money, but also had to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Not only that, Liu Yaxuan also brought this matter to the media. Su Qing's stock price plummeted, and some investors withdrew their capital. Currently, Zhang Yuan has acquired 40% of the shares from Su Qing's investors at a very low price. Zhang Yuan will hold a board meeting in the near future, and their purpose is to completely kick Su Qing out of the clothing company she founded. "

Blood Bodhi is also a woman, and she deeply understands Su Qing's difficulties. Recalling the difficulties of growing the Blood Purgatory in the past three years, Blood Bodhi felt very sympathetic to Su Qing.

"These two are so despicable!"

Lin Feng tapped the table gently, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he looked at Fang Jie and asked: "How much funds can you mobilize?"

"Currently, in order to maintain the normal operation of the group, there are 2 billion yuan in operation on the books, and there is also a reserve fund of 1 billion yuan. If you are in a hurry to use it, I can collect another 1 billion yuan, for a total of 4 billion yuan. This is My limit is reached.”

Lin Feng nodded, "What is the size of the Zhang family's assets?"

"The total sum is about 20 billion, which is still a conservative estimate."

"That's still not enough..."

Blood Bodhi asked hurriedly: "How much more are needed?"

"At least 10 billion..."

Fang Jie exclaimed: "10 billion? Actually... 3 billion is enough to help Su Qing resolve the crisis."

Lin Feng shook his head, "Not enough. If you dare to provoke my woman, I will make it impossible for the Zhang family to stand up again!"

Fang Jie was shocked. He actually wanted to directly defeat the entire Zhang family!

Blood Bodhi didn't think there was anything unexpected. When Lucifer does something, he will do it if he doesn't do it. When he does it, he must do it to the extreme and be clean and thorough, just like how he destroyed the Fike organization.

Blood Bodhi took out a long silver bar with a page of LCD display that was constantly changing a set of numbers.

She threw the silver strip to Fang Jie.

Fang Jie held the silver strip with both hands, his eyes as wide as bells.

"This is... the silver key to our bloody purgatory?"

"Yes, this is the money from the Blood Purgatory Headquarters. There are 20 billion in total. Including your part, it should be enough. You can use it according to the instructions of Lord Lucifer. There is no need to explain from the headquarters."

Lin Feng felt a little moved. He nodded towards Blood Bodhi and said, "Thank you."

Blood Bodhi smiled sweetly, "Lucifer, there is no need to be so polite between us."

"Okay, then let's go to the Silver Moon Club together and meet Liu Yaxuan for a while!"

Blood Bodhi stood up with Lin Feng and told Fang Jie: "You can be at your disposal at any time."

"As you command!"

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