Liu Yaxuan loosened his collar, leaned forward, and said impatiently: "Miss Su, since there is a quality problem, how can I still believe that you will do a good job in the future? Also, you know that because of your factory How much impact did the defective products provided have on our company's brand image? Compensation? How to compensate?"

Facing Liu Yaxuan's aggressive posture, Su Qing suppressed the anger in her heart again and again. However, the situation was stronger now, so she had to face Liu Yaxuan with a smile.

Su Qing tried her best to smile and asked: "Mr. Liu, do you think there is any good solution?"

Liu Yaxuan smiled mysteriously and approached Amelia Su, "A solution? There is!"

As he said that, he took a deep breath next to Amelia Su, "It smells good!"

Su Qing suppressed her disgust and smiled at Liu Yaxuan, "What can we do?"

Seeing Su Qing's smile made Liu Yaxuan's heart tremble. He could not wait to drag this seductive little fairy over, put it in his arms, crush it into pieces, knead it into powder, and rub it into every open pore on his skin!

"This method is really simple for Miss Su, but... I just don't know if Miss Su is willing to do it."

A bad premonition flashed through Su Qing's heart. She paused and said, "You tell me."

"hey-hey...... "

A lustful smile appeared on Liu Yaxuan's fat face.

"You know the boss behind me is Zhang Yuan of the Zhang family, right?"

Su Qing nodded.

Liu Yaxuan looked proud, "Boss Zhang has spoken. He has admired Miss Su for a long time. If Miss Su is willing to sleep with Boss Zhang..."

Before Liu Yaxuan finished speaking, Su Qing stood up and walked towards the door.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry that I won't accompany you."

Su Qing knew that Liu Yaxuan was a lion, but she didn't expect that it was Zhang Yuan who coveted her body.

Liu Yaxuan leaned on the back of the chair and crossed his legs, taking his time.


When the flames lit up, Liu Yaxuan lit a cigarette, took a sip, spit it out, and said to Su Qing who had already walked to the door: "Miss Su, don't be disrespectful. You know that if you walk out of this door today, you will not be able to do anything tomorrow." Your Qingtian Company is about to disappear, Boss Zhang doesn’t mind letting your Qingtian Company become a bolt from the blue!”

Su Qing didn't stop, stretched out her hand and opened the door.

I heard Liu Yaxuan continue behind me: "I heard that in order to complete that order, you mortgaged your production workshop and your family's property?"

Su Qing turned around and asked angrily: "Mr. Liu, are you too despicable?"

Liu Yaxuan didn't care about Su Qing's questioning, "Your Qingtian Company has no money to pay wages. Also, if Qingtian Company collapses, your property will be forcibly auctioned, right? It seems that your parents still live here." House of?"

Su Qing is a very filial daughter. As Liu Yaxuan said, she received several large orders this year. In order to complete the orders, Su Qing mortgaged the real estate in exchange for payment for raw materials.

But she didn't expect that Liu Yaxuan's order would have such a big problem, and all other orders would be unilaterally canceled by the other party.

Now Su Qing's company no longer has a single business, not only has a large backlog of raw materials, but also has to pay Liu Yaxuan a high amount of liquidated damages.

She reluctantly walked back to her seat.

"That's right. Miss Su is so beautiful and has a bad temper. Wouldn't it be better to be gentle?"

Su Qing suppressed the anger in her heart, "What do you want?"

"I have already said that as long as you are willing to sleep with Boss Zhang, all our affairs will be wiped out. In addition, my company fully supports you and all orders will be handed over to Qingtian Company."

With that said, Liu Yaxuan poured another glass of wine and pushed it in front of Amelia Su.

"Miss Su, shall we have another drink?"

Su Qing picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. She covered her eyes with her hands and lowered her head tiredly.

Su Qing felt like the world was spinning, and for some reason, all that came to mind was Lin Feng's figure.

She felt that she really had no choice now. Liu Yaxuan had laid out this game for her long ago, just to wait for today.

Liu Yaxuan continued to sneer at the side: "Miss Su, I advise you to be a little self-aware and make a decision early. What about the most beautiful woman in Qingyuan City? For the powerful Zhang family, she is just a plaything? Rather than being While others are playing, why not keep Boss Zhang company? Then you’ll have everything, right?"

"Dong dong dong", the knock on the door came.

Liu Yaxuan shouted impatiently: "Who the hell is this!"

Su Qing raised her head. She thought she was drunk and had an illusion.

Lin Feng was seen wearing a neat black suit, a dark blue tie, and a straight dark blue windbreaker. He had a tall figure and a faint smile on his face.

She never expected that Lin Feng would come, and she had never told Lin Feng about today's incident.

She didn't want Lin Feng to come, because Su Qing knew that Zhang Yuan was not something Lin Feng could afford.

Although the Zhang family ranked last, Su Qing learned from special channels that the Zhang family was far more terrifying than imagined.

In Qingyuan City, the only ones who dare to be enemies of the Zhang family may be the Lin family...

After Lin Feng entered the box, Liu Yaxuan was stunned for a moment, and then recognized the boy.

Isn't this the poor brother of Su Qing whom I met at the steak shop last time?

Why is this little bastard here?

What's the use of Su Qing calling him here.

Just as Liu Yaxuan was about to scold him, he suddenly noticed the person behind Lin Feng.

Liu Yaxuan's eyes almost popped out of his head. He was deeply attracted by the person behind Lin Feng.

The person was wearing a black skirt, black high heels, and thin, flesh-colored stockings on her slender, straight legs.

"Knock, knock," every step the woman took stepped on Liu Yaxuan's heart.

This woman, who was of the highest quality both in temperament and appearance, although she lacked some of Su Qing's mature charm, her peerless appearance was enough to attract Liu Yaxuan's attention.

This boy is really blessed!

It just so happened that Su Qing was attracted by Zhang Yuan, and I didn't dare to touch her.

Now that another one has come to my door, I will do anything to deal with this beauty no matter what!

The person following Lin Feng was none other than Blood Bodhi. At this moment, she was sneering in her heart. No one had ever dared to show such a vulgar and obscene expression nakedly in front of her.

Liu Yaxuan's face was full of lust, greed and lust were intertwined, and there was no concealment.

This Liu Yaxuan is really disgusting!

Blood Bodhi and Su Qing reached an astonishing agreement in their understanding of Liu Yaxuan.

Liu Yaxuan unexpectedly stood up and walked towards Lin Feng with a disgusting smile on his face.

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