Zhang Yuan was filled with anger. He stood up and said to Lin Feng and Fang Jie: "Since Master Lin has given the money happily, I will accept this matter on behalf of Liu Yaxuan and help Miss Su Qing handle this matter." Gave it!"

Lin Feng still didn't raise his head, "Fang Jie, give the contract to Master Zhang. Once you get the money, you have to ask him to get a receipt."

Fang Jie took out the contract that had been drawn up long ago and handed it to Zhang Yuan.

Liu Yaxuan did not dare to express his anger at this time, and stood aside honestly, even the pain in his ribs was temporarily tolerated.

Zhang Yuan took the contract and looked carefully at what was written on it: 200 million yuan is now used to buy back 40% of the shares of Su Qing Company held by Liu Yaxuan...

Zhang Yuan raised his head and sneered: "Master Lin is really a good calculator!"

Did he find out even such a secret thing?

"Yaxuan, come here and take a look at this contract!"

Liu Yaxuan took the contract and was dumbfounded.

Due to the defective products incident, the stock price of Qingtian Company plummeted. He secretly acquired 40% of the shares of Su Qing Company from other shareholders of Qingtian Company. However, even this extremely reduced 40% cost a total of 300 million.

Now he wants to buy it back for 200 million, so he still loses 100 million.

"How can this be!"

Fang Jie smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, my 200 million in cash is not for your so-called compensation. You are not worthy of it. Previously, you acquired Qingtian Company under the pretext of cooperation as a company registered in the Western Alliance. 40% of the shares, I think you are also trying to force Miss Su Qing to submit!"

"Mr. Lin has long seen through these tricks of yours. I have already done the math with an appraisal company. After your series of suppressions, the current 40% equity of Qingtian Company is worth 200 million."

At the end of the sentence, Fang Jie's expression changed and he scolded: "Hurry up and sign the contract and follow your master and get out!"

Just when Zhang Yuan was about to speak, Blood Bodhi continued: "If I guessed correctly, you, Master Zhang, are behind this series of events, right?"

"Starting from Liu Yaxuan's order this year, you have already begun to make plans. The purpose is to force Miss Su to submit. Master Zhang has worked so hard, right? It's a pity that you have used your thoughts in the wrong place!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't stand being mocked by Fang Jie, but was exposed by this beautiful woman in public. Zhang Yuan was extremely angry, "You are talking nonsense and spitting blood!"

"Isn't it easy to get evidence? Fang Jie, bring the evidence in and let him see it!"

With that said, at Fang Jie's signal, a bald middle-aged man wearing a Qingtian Company factory uniform walked in.

Of course, he was brought in from one side to the other.

Su Qing was shocked: "Uncle Li!"

The person brought in by Su Jie's men was one of the people Su Qing trusted the most.

He is an old man of Qingtian Company. He worked hard with Su Qing when the company was first established.

Now he is the director of one of Su Qing's garment factories.

Su Qing never doubted him, even when the company was in its most difficult times!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I shouldn't have been bribed by Liu Yaxuan. He gave me a lot of money. Our company's performance is not good this year. I am really blinded by lard!"

Su Qing said angrily: "Uncle Li, I have always treated you well. Even when the company was in the most difficult times, I never lowered your salary."

"Yes, Mr. Su..."

Director Li said with runny nose and tears: "Although the company's performance is not good this year, you still paid me according to last year's salary and did not deduct a penny from me."

Xue Bodhi said coldly: "Human desires are endless. This matter is already clear. Under the huge temptation of money, Director Li betrayed his boss, Sister Su Qing. No matter how good you are to him, But how can such a person miss your old relationship?"

Blood Bodhi has also been betrayed by others. In that incident three years ago, weren't she and her teacher betrayed by the people closest to them? Blood Bodhi knows this feeling.

"Director Li, you were the one who had no choice but to take me in for the sake of my father."

"You have always worked hard, so I promoted you to the position of factory director, with an annual salary of 500,000 yuan a year. I treat you well, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, but as the largest shareholder of the company, how much dividends do you receive per year? Isn't my little money just drizzle to you?"

"But do you know how much Liu Yaxuan gave me? He gave me a full 5 million in cash!"

"Mr. Su, can you stop me from being moved? If you give me 500,000 yuan a year, without food or water, I will save it for 10 years!"

Su Qing was shocked by Director Li's words. She didn't expect that human nature could be judged so simply by money.

No matter whether the business is good or bad, or how much market share it occupies, Su Qing always increases Director Li's salary year by year and never lowers it. However, Su Qing never thought that the other party only saw benefits and had no intention of competing with him. She advances and retreats together.

Although Liu Yaxuan gave him 5 million, the 5 million was obtained through extremely bad means that harmed the interests of the company and all employees.

How could there be such a shameless person!

Lin Feng raised his hand and motioned to Fang Jie to ask his men to take Director Li out. His value had already been demonstrated, so there was no need to provoke Su Qing here.

Later, Lin Feng asked Fang Jie to bring a series of materials to Zhang Yuan. There was a notebook handwritten by Director Li, which recorded every word Liu Yaxuan said to him, as well as the specific batch of goods Liu Yaxuan ordered him to place. , what kind of tricks have been done.

Director Li recorded everything.

Zhang Yuan tore up the materials in his hands and said angrily: "Based on these alone, you can't be sure that those defective products were made by Liu Yaxuan's orders!"

"Yes, Master Zhang, so...I also prepared a recording."

Fang Jie turned on his cell phone, and there was a recording in it. It was Liu Yaxuan saying: "Don't worry, Zhang Yuan is behind this matter. It's no problem. Just go ahead and do it! Wait for me to get Su Qing's company After all the acquisitions, this little girl will never be able to make any trouble again!"

"By the way, if there is a suitable opportunity, put something in that little girl's water. I can give it a try first and get this Su Qing! You must think about what to do!"

All that was played in the recording was Liu Yaxuan's voice. Liu Yaxuan was stunned. He knew that he had said these words before, but he didn't expect that Fang Jie would get the recording.

Zhang Yuan's face darkened. He didn't expect Liu Yaxuan to be so courageous! Even Liu Yaxuan, Zhang Yuan, dared to have a foot in the woman he liked, he was so bold!

Liu Yaxuan broke into a cold sweat. Wouldn't this cost him his life?

Lin Feng sneered and said: "Mr. Zhang, how to deal with it is your internal matter. I hope you will give me a satisfactory answer today. After all, Su Qing is my woman, and it is not just a cat or a dog who can make up her mind!"

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