I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 53 The Destruction Of The Zhang Family (4)

Unexpectedly, things took many twists and turns, and finally came to the attention of the heads of the two major families. At this time, Zhang Jilang and Lin Yuantian looked at each other. They were no longer talking and laughing in the business field, but were fighting a life-and-death personal feud.

Lin Yuantian sat in the first place, listening to Zhang Jilang's accusation against Lin Feng.

He said slowly: "Brother Zhang, my Feng'er has gone too far in this matter. I will first make amends to you, Brother Zhang, on his behalf."

"However, since the good nephew has been like this, he can be regarded as having his evil deeds paid for his previous actions. Don't blame everything on that person named Liu Yaxuan. After all, you Zhang are standing behind him. Home."

"Ade, you must contact the top medical team in the Eastern League and try to treat nephew Zhang Yuanxian."

Uncle De nodded repeatedly. Lin Yuantian's words were very level. On the surface, he was submissive, but in fact he was very tough.

That means that your Zhang family has to swallow this breath.

"Geelong, let this matter go as it is. We should still live in harmony in the future."

With that said, Lin Yuantian patted Zhang Jilang's hand gently.

Zhang Jilang had no intention of causing trouble for Lin Yuantian, and he didn't dare to either.

Now seeing Lin Yuantian favoring Lin Feng so much, he felt helpless.

Now that things have come to this, what else can be done?

Zhang Jilang is not Lin Feng's ignorant boy. Can he really fight to the death with Lin Yuantian?

I'm afraid it's not enough to involve the entire Zhang family!

Zhang Jilang stood up and said: "Brother Lin, I will give you this face today. To be honest, I have always respected you, Brother Lin. If it weren't for this matter, what Mr. Lin did was really too much, and I wouldn't dare to To alert you to come late at night.”

"I hope you won't mind this matter, and our two families are on good terms as before! Also, Brother Lin, there is something that brothers don't know whether to say or not!"

"But it doesn't matter."

Zhang Jilang cupped his hands, pointed at Su Qing and said, "Brother Lin, in the final analysis, this matter started because of this woman, Su Qing. It's really not worth it for our two families to be in such trouble for such a woman!"

"Young Master Lin is handsome and handsome, and his achievements in the future will surely not be inferior to yours, Mr. Lin. I, Mr. Zhang, still hope that Young Master Lin will see clearly the witch in front of you as soon as possible. Men, you should take a longer view and don't delay for the sake of beauty. A great future.”

"The world is so big, what kind of woman can't be found? It's really not worth destroying the relationship between our two families for this despicable woman!"

After saying that, Zhang Jilang flicked his sleeves, cupped his hands towards Lin Yuan Tiangong and said, "Brother Lin, Jilang says goodbye!"

Lin Feng held Su Qing's hand and clearly felt her trembling body.

Blood Bodhi really couldn't stand listening anymore, "Master Zhang, Zhang Yuan is really your biological son! Your despicableness is really inherited from the same line!"

When an unknown woman in front of him dared to be so presumptuous, Zhang Jilang scolded: "Asshole!"

Fang Jie yelled, dare you scold their prison master? I am so impatient to live!

"You bastard! You old immortal thing!"

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Lin Yuantian was also confused, what was Fang Jie doing here? And he defends this woman like this.

Lin Yuantian made a false gesture and said to Zhang Jilang: "Okay, brother Jilang, as for whether the child is bewitched by beauty, I don't need to worry about it, let's just leave it alone."

Zhang Jilang didn't say much and strode towards the door. The entourage behind him quickly helped Zhang Yuan up and followed quickly.

Just when Zhang Jilang walked to the door, Lin Feng suddenly spoke: "Stop..."

Ah Hu shook his body and blocked the door, like a door god, glaring at Zhang Jilang.

Zhang Jilang looked angry, turned back to Lin Yuantian and asked: "Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Yuantian looked at Lin Feng and said, "Feng'er, don't add any more extraneous problems, let's stop it right now!"

To everyone's surprise, Lin Feng ignored Lin Yuantian, and instead said rudely to Zhang Jilang:

"Zhang Jilang, who do you think is a despicable woman?"

Zhang Jilang was furious. This kid provoked him again and again. The clay figurine was still very angry, let alone Zhang Jilang!

He has dominated Qingyuan for so many years, but he has never been so humiliated or suffered such a big loss!

Now that his son has been crippled, he can't even leave in despair?

Zhang Jilang almost shouted!

"I said that Su Qing sitting next to you is a despicable woman! If it weren't for her, how could my Yuan'er become like this?"

"For such a woman, you, Mr. Lin, dare to offend my Zhang family. You really think that I, Zhang Jilang, are easy to mess with! A slutty bitch who is known as the most beautiful woman in Qingyuan has charmed you, Mr. Lin." Are you confused? For a girl like this, I, Zhang Jilang, will give you three or five by raising my hand!"

"Zhang Jilang, you are seeking death!"

"Feng'er, that's enough!"

Lin Yuantian slapped the chair. He thought that the other party had given in so much. For a woman like Su Qing, there was really no need to form a life-or-death feud with the Zhang family!

"Feng'er, what the head of the Zhang family said makes some sense. For Miss Su, it won't be like this."

It was okay for Lin Yuantian not to speak, but when he spoke, Lin Feng became even more angry!

"Lin Yuantian, you don't have to worry about my affairs!"

Lin Yuantian was also angry. He scolded Lin Feng: "Is this your attitude towards your father? Feng'er, don't be too stubborn! Today's matter has caused enough trouble, don't you think it's enough? "

"Lin Yuantian, what kind of father are you? What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?

"If I hadn't looked at your face, Lin Yuantian, and if this wasn't a dirty person like the Zhang family in Qingyuan City, I wouldn't have kept them here making noise at all!"

Lin Yuantian did not expect Lin Feng to be so loud. How could Lin Yuantian's son, without the support of the Lin family, offend such a behemoth as the Zhang family?

"Feng'er, what are you talking about? Is this what I taught you since you were a child?"

"Or are you saying that you have been fascinated by this witch in just a few days since you returned to Qingyuan City? Do you know what you are talking about? Let's see if you look good now!"

"Lin Yuantian, you are not qualified to say this. I can also tell you that Amelia Su is my favorite woman."

"If she is unhappy, I am unhappy. Now someone actually wants to conspire to harm her. I, Lin Feng, must make him pay the price! By destroying Zhang Yuan, I am not giving him Zhang Jilang face. This face is given by me, Lin Feng." your!"

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