I Came From The Underworld And Am Going To The Human World

Chapter 58 The Destruction Of The Zhang Family (9)

Zhang Jilang has never been ignored like this before, "You are not done yet! Head of the Li family, if you want to talk about family affairs, you can talk about it after you go home. Please leave my conference room now!"

"Master Zhang, haven't you understood? This group no longer belongs to you."

Zhang Jilang was so angry that his lips turned purple.

Just listen to a director saying in the video: "Chairman Zhang, just now, we have unanimously voted that you are no longer suitable to be the chairman of our group."

"We have just received news that due to your wrong decision, the group's two most important partners in the Western Alliance have unilaterally and unconditionally announced the termination of their cooperation agreement with us."

"Just now, the other party has held a press conference to announce this decision. In just one hour, half of our group's market value evaporated out of thin air."

"Even now, the group's share price has not stopped falling."

Zhang Jilang tried to argue, "This is all the conspiracy of that little brat from the Lin family. Don't be fooled. As long as we work together to stabilize this stage, our group's stock price will rise back to its original level in less than a month." of."

Li Feier said with a smile: "Master Zhang, are you too optimistic? In such a short period of time, where can the Zhang Group make up for the lost orders? Are you still dreaming of finding a market as big as the Western Alliance? You In the Western Alliance, you have offended two major clothing families at the same time, and you have been removed from the high-end luxury clothing industry."

Zhang Jilang was speechless by Li Fei'er's words.

It is true that, as Li Fei'er said, Zhang Jilang has lost the support of the two established clothing families in the Western Alliance.

As soon as the other party finished the phone call, he immediately held a press conference. This was clearly intended to affect the Zhang Group's stock price and spare no room to help Lin Feng suppress the Zhang family.

What is the origin of this Lin Feng and the woman beside him.

And this Fang Jie was also determined to help him.

"Li Fei'er, why did you help Lin Feng embezzle my property? Did you guys have already discussed this?"

"Master Zhang, I purchased the stocks sold by your company through formal channels. How can this be considered embezzlement? You should ask other shareholders why they sold their shares at the same time."

Zhang Jilang was speechless. Even if he was unwilling now, he could only accept this fact.

The company's board of directors has been controlled by Li Fei'er.

"Li Fei'er, even if you are elected as chairman, I still hold 30% of the company's shares."

"Master Zhang, look at how much the shares you hold are worth now."

With that said, Lin Feng asked Fang Jie to show Zhang Jilang the real-time information of the Western Alliance Trading Center.


How can this be!

The shares currently held by Zhang Jilang are fully calculated, but only 80 to 90 million.

Zhang Jilang's face was ashen.

Lin Feng said calmly: "Master Zhang, your group is finished, and all the directors are no longer on your side."

"I have 200 million here now. Do you want to consider transferring 20% ​​of your equity to me? If possible, you can still cash out and leave."

"If you refuse, then your group will declare bankruptcy, change its name, and be re-integrated and listed."

"As for when that time comes..."

"You have nothing left."

"Lin Feng! I still have so many fixed assets. I still have factories and businesses in Qingyuan City. I can still make a comeback!"

Fang Jie sighed and said: "Master Zhang, the group is no longer yours. Even if the fixed assets are still in your hands, we only need to cancel the cooperation with your factory. By then, your fixed assets will be just a Empty shell, 5% depreciation every year, how long can the money in your hand last?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Let's do this, I will give you 1 billion in cash, and I want everything you have in Qingyuan City, plus the 20% of the stocks you still hold. You take this money and go to Luoshui City. Make a comeback.”

"I heard that you have transferred assets to Luoshui City. I'm afraid the shareholders sitting in the conference room don't know yet, right?"

Zhang Jilang's face was gloomy and scary. He pointed at Lin Feng and said: "Lin Feng, there are some things you'd better not say out loud. Although I don't know where you learned about them, if you expose some things, I guarantee you will die." No burial place!”

In fact, over the years, the directors of the board of directors have dared to be angry but dare not speak out. The group has flowed a large amount of money to Luoshui City every year. It is said that it is a terrible family.

No one dared to ask, this was a well-known taboo in the group.

Zhang Jilang said bitterly: "Lin Feng! I promise you, give me 1 billion in cash, and I, Zhang Jilang, will leave Qingyuan."

Lin Feng nodded readily, and Fang Jie immediately handed Zhang Jilang a contract that had been prepared long ago.

"What a good Lin Feng! What a deep calculation! Miss Su, it seems you are just an excuse! You have wanted it for a long time..."

Before Zhang Jilang could say anything, Blood Bodhi immediately interrupted him, "Zhang Family Master, I wonder if you have ever heard of it, a crowning of anger turns into a beauty?"

"As early as Fang Jie received the news that Zhang Yuan was going to frame Sister Su Qing, your Zhang family was destined to be destroyed."

"If you want to blame, blame your heir Zhang Yuan for provoking the wrong people!"

"Take your money and get out of here!"

Blood Bodhi seemed to have an exquisite heart with seven orifices. She had long seen that Zhang Jilang was cunning and cunning, and had great ability to sow discord. She allowed him to continue talking without knowing what kind of words he would say.

"Uncle Tiger, Uncle Wolf, see the guests off!"

Fang Jie took the document signed by Zhang Jilang and immediately had eight boxes brought. Adding the original two, the box was now filled with 1 billion in cash.

Zhang Jilang's men picked up the box and left the hotel under the escort of Ahu and Alang.

Lin Feng stretched and dialed Li Feier's phone number.

"Aunt Fei'er, thank you for your help."

"There is no need to be polite between us. Let's wait for you tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, Aunt Fei'er, see you tomorrow afternoon."

After everything was handled properly, Lin Feng signaled Fang Jie to close the door.

Lin Feng stood up and sat at the front seat. He pulled Su Qing to the seat on the left and sat down. Blood Bodhi sat down next to Su Qing.

The seat on the right is Uncle De, and next to him are Ahu and Alang.

Sitting opposite Lin Feng was Fang Jie.

"Okay, now there is something I want to talk to everyone here."

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