Lin Feng holds a strange book from the ancient East called "Yi Jin Jing".

He handed the book in his hand to Su Qing, and under the surprised gazes of the two girls, he slowly explained: "This is a strange book."


"It was given to me by a legendary Taoist master."

"I helped him with some small things at first."


"When he was happy, he gave this to me."

"He also said that he wanted to take me on as his disciple, saying that I have amazing bones and extraordinary talents."

"After I practiced it for a while, I found that it wasn't of much use to me."


"This is indeed a good book."

"As long as you practice diligently, it will have the effect of strengthening your body and delaying aging."

"Su Qing, go back and take a closer look. If you don't understand, you can ask me. Let's practice together."

Lin Feng kept talking to Su Qing about the benefits of this book. At the end, Su Qing's face dropped...

Blood Bodhi covered his face and couldn't bear to look...

She thought Lin Feng was going to come up with some extraordinary secret book, but who knew that he would come up with such a book and delay aging...

In fact, Lin Feng had his own plan. For him, this "Yi Jin Jing" was already a bit late in his practice.

Lin Feng wanted Su Qing to step into the transcendent world, but he didn't want her to get hurt.

For example, take "The Law of Darkness" as an example. The difficulty of practicing it is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

Just the most basic closed six senses, Su Qing cannot bear the hardship.

If Lin Feng hadn't set foot on the extraordinary world and wanted to find the whereabouts of his mother, the originally pampered young master would not have been able to persevere.

Blood Bodhi has experienced life and death, and was humiliated with her teacher in the Southeast Country. She has experienced the feeling of powerlessness.

Therefore, in order to revitalize the Bloody Purgatory, she can work 10 times more than a man.

But for Su Qing, Lin Feng just wants her to be happy, happy, and healthy, and being able to accompany her until she grows old is enough.

Su Qing blinked her big eyes and asked: "Lin Feng, I heard that the Yi Jin Jing is actually a yoga book from the south, right?"

"Do you dislike my bad figure?"

"You said that practicing the Yi Jin Jing can delay aging..."

"Lin Feng, do you think I am older than you and dislike me for being old?"

Lin Feng was left speechless by Su Qing's question...

Conscience of heaven and earth!

In her eyes, Su Qing was like a fairy descending to earth, extremely beautiful.

I'm afraid it will melt when I hold it in my mouth, and I'm afraid it will fall when I hold it in my hand.

If there were one sentence to describe Lin Feng's obsession with Su Qing, it would be that after meeting Su Qing, Lin Feng felt that all women in the world were just women, no different from men except for gender.

And Su Qing is his woman.

The one and only woman who belongs to him in heaven and on earth.

Lin Feng hurriedly explained: "This is not an ordinary yoga practice book. I have practiced it before. It is very mysterious. Delaying aging is just an additional effect of it."

"If you can practice to the point of entering the hall, you will enter an ethereal state, which is extremely mysterious. If you practice this book..."

Su Qing chuckled.

She just wanted to tease Lin Feng. Seeing this guy's nervous look, Su Qing thought he was extremely cute.

"Okay, I know you're doing it for my own good, so I'll accept it. If there's anything I don't understand, I'll ask you again."

Su Qing took the book from Lin Feng's hand and put it into her bag.

At this time, whether it was Lin Feng or Su Qing.

None of them realized the value of "Yi Jin Jing".

This will completely change Su Qing's life path.

Lin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, took a sip of water, and continued: "Okay, this matter is settled, let's talk about the next plan."

"Bodhi, first of all, from your side, I want to package all the entertainment industries owned by Fang Jie and hand them over to Li Fei'er. We will completely abandon the entertainment market in Qingyuan City."

Su Qing was not surprised. Fang Jie was a well-known business master in Qingyuan City, but based on Fang Jie's performance in front of Blood Bodhi yesterday, Su Qing had already guessed that Blood Bodhi was the boss behind Fang Jie's actions.

But Su Qing thought that Blood Bodhi was the daughter or granddaughter of a certain boss. She would never have guessed that Blood Bodhi was the leader of an extraordinary organization!

Moreover, this extraordinary organization is quite famous.

Blood Bodhi herself is a terrifying female devil.

Of course, compared to Lin Feng, she was much more low-key.

At this time, Xue Bodhi frowned. It was not that she was reluctant to hand over the business group founded by Fang Jie, but she didn't know what Lin Feng's intention was.

The entertainment industry has always been a mixed bag, and the people and information they come into contact with are unmatched by other industries. With such an industrial foundation, wouldn't it be more conducive to their development?

Why do you want to hand over your property like Lin Feng said?

Lin Feng explained patiently: "Among the five major families in Qingyuan City, the Li family ranks third and is very powerful."

"Li Fei'er currently controls Qingyuan City, except all the entertainment industries owned by Fang Jie."

"Now, if we hand over the entertainment industry to her early, we can fully win her support in exchange for Li Feier's greater help to us in the future."

"In addition, handing over all the original entertainment industry will also make it easier for us to get rid of the Luoshui Li family. Now the Luoshui Li family will think that the collection of pictures created by Fang Jie does not belong to you, Blood Bodhi, nor to Blood Purgatory, but to him. The Li family in Luoshui."

Blood Bodhi was slightly startled. What Lin Feng said was "we" getting rid of the Li family. It seemed that Lin Feng was going to exert his power in the extraordinary world.

Only by getting rid of the control of the Li family can we form our own extraordinary power in Qingyuan.

Blood Bodhi nodded and said, "I agree. I'll go to Fang Jie and tell him. With this move, will we take some risks and offend the two major Luoshui families at the same time?"

Su Qing was confused. She didn't understand what Blood Bodhi said about offending the two major families in Luoshui. How come she had never heard of the Li family in Luoshui.

Lin Feng knew that if he forcefully annexed Zhang Jilang, he would definitely complain to the Ouyang family behind him.

I believe that the Ouyang family will find Fang Jie's head soon.

The Luoshui mentioned in his conversation with Blood Bodhi was the name that replaced the Luoshen Temple.

Now that they have to get rid of the Li family, this is equivalent to offending the two major families of the Luoshen Temple at the same time. This is not what Blood Bodhi wants to see.

The Luoshen Temple may bear the brunt of the attack on the Bloody Purgatory.

The next days will be difficult.

Lin Feng said sincerely to Blood Bodhi: "Bodhi, if you believe me..."

Before Blood Bodhi could finish Lin Feng's words, she said firmly: "I believe it!"

Worry is on the one hand, but on the other hand, this means that she can truly fight side by side with Lucifer.

Loyalty can always only choose one side.

Between Lucifer and the Li family of Luoshen Temple, she chose Lucifer without hesitation.

This man whom she deeply admired.


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