Li Fei'er looked past Lin Feng and towards Su Qing behind him. Li Fei'er had already heard about this rumored most beautiful woman in Qingyuan City.

For a person of her status, she no longer cares about the rumors in the market, but when she saw Su Qing today, the rumors were true.

There are very few people who don't like the woman in front of them. Whether it's a man or a woman, Su Qing's beauty really stuns Li Fei'er.

"You brat, no wonder you got so angry yesterday! I was also curious about how that old fox Zhang Jilang could offend you? It turns out it was because of this beautiful woman."

Su Qing's face turned red after what Li Fei'er said. She stood behind Lin Feng and faced the elder, not knowing what to say.

Just after teasing Su Qing, Li Fei'er turned her attention to Blood Bodhi, "Lin Feng, who is this?"

Blood Bodhi immediately said: "Sister Fei'er, just call me Bodhi."

Hearing this title, Li Fei'er was extremely happy. She said with a smile: "Look, look! Lin Feng, can't you learn from this girl? You call me Aunt Fei'er all day long. I'll tell you since you were little. Call me sister!"

Li Fei'er stepped forward, pulled Lin Feng aside, and asked quietly: "Which one is your girlfriend? Why did you kidnap two of them for me at once?"

"Su Qing is my girlfriend, and Bodhi is my sister for now."

Li Fei'er punched Lin Feng in the chest and said loudly: "You're such a good boy! You actually captured the hearts of two beauties at once!"

Not to mention, I punched this kid on the chest. It was so strong that he didn’t look like the dry and skinny kid before. If it weren’t for the two beauties following behind, I would have really wanted to pinch him.

Lin Feng muttered in a low voice: "Can you save some face for me..."

When it comes to women, Lin Feng has nothing to do with Li Fei'er. She has always teased him since he was a child. Li Fei'er is simply Lin Feng's youthful shadow.

Li Fei'er suddenly thought that Lin Feng's mother was missing, and she was half his elder. Now that Lin Feng brought Su Qing to find her, does that mean he was meeting his parents?

Thinking of this, Li Fei'er put away her fun and said seriously: "Okay, let's not make trouble with you kid. Let's sit down and talk about business."

The two girls followed Lin Feng and sat down together.

Li Fei'er was the first to ask: "Tell me, how are you going to thank me?"

"All the entertainment industries of Fangjie Group belong to Auntie Fei'er."

Li Feier raised her eyebrows, feeling extremely surprised.

However, she hesitated for a moment. It was said that the person standing behind Fang Jie was a mysterious organization that could not be offended.

For so many years, no one in Qingyuan City dared to challenge him, including Li Fei'er, the boss of Qingyuan City's entertainment industry.

"Can you be Fang Jie's master? Lin Feng, if you want to know Fang Jie's backstory, that would be..."

After hearing this, Lin Feng looked at Blood Bodhi, who smiled and said: "Aunt Fei'er, Bodhi offers all the entertainment properties of Fangjie Group with both hands. As long as you agree, I will ask Fang Jie to come over and handle the handover formalities with you soon." ."

Li Fei'er couldn't help but admire this young and beautiful girl. Since Lin Feng could bring her here, Li Fei'er naturally believed what she said.

Being able to drive Fang Jie is by no means a simple person.

"Tell me, what are the conditions? There is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world."

Lin Feng said seriously: "I need Aunt Fei'er to help Su Qing get all the remaining shares of the Zhang Group. I will keep 10% for myself, and the rest will be transferred to Su Qing's name."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Fei'er stood up excitedly, "Lin Feng, are you kidding me? Do you know how much all the shares of Zhang Group are worth?"

Lin Feng crossed his legs, crossed his hands, leaned on the sofa, and said with a relaxed expression: "Of course I know, that's why I need Aunt Fei'er to help me with this matter."

"All the properties of the Zhang Group add up to almost 20 billion yuan. Now part of it is in my hands, and most of the rest is in the hands of Auntie Feier. There is not much left in the hands of other shareholders. This It’s not difficult for Aunt Fei’er, who is rich and wealthy.”

"Hmph, you really can't stand up and talk without hurting your back. Even if I bundle your Lin Feng and Fang Jie's properties and package them to me, it's not worth the price. Tell me, what leverage do you have?"

Su Qing thought that Lin Feng would easily convince Li Fei'er, but she didn't expect that the other party didn't completely buy it.

Blood Bodhi is not worried. She believes that Lin Feng must have a backup plan. This man never does anything he is not sure of.

Lin Feng said slowly: "Aunt Fei'er, have you ever heard of Chaofan?"

Li Fei'er's body was shaken. In Qingyuan City, no one dared to mention the word "superior" casually.

"You mean..."

"If, I mean if, the company controlled by Su Qing has a background in extraordinary organizations, Auntie Feier, would you consider joining the company?"

Extraordinary background…

It's not that Li Fei'er hasn't considered that Zhang Jilang expanded rapidly in just a dozen years because of his extraordinary support, and eventually became one of the five major families in Qingyuan City.

But relying on extraordinary organizations is a double-edged sword!

"Aunt Fei'er, you don't need to pay anything more. As long as you retain 10% of the company's shares, you will naturally be tied to Amelia Su."

"Can I ask which extraordinary organization it is? Who is the leader?"

When it comes to extraordinary things, Li Feier is very cautious.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "The extraordinary organization that Fang Jie belongs to is called Blood Purgatory, and its headquarters is in the Fog Federation."

Bloody Purgatory? Li Fei'er had actually heard of this organization.

The Bloody Purgatory is really too famous. It is said that it is a powerful new force and the dark horse of the extraordinary world.

Bloody Purgatory has taken on too many tasks in the secular world, and is famous among some people in the secular world.

Naturally, people like Li Feier have been heard of.

However, in the Eastern Alliance, the strongest one is the Luoshen Temple.

"I heard that Bloody Purgatory has become very powerful and popular in the past three years, but I still have some concerns..."

"Aunt Fei'er, it doesn't matter."

"First, how do you make me believe that Bloody Purgatory will sincerely help us?"

"Second, this is Qingyuan City after all, the territory of the Luoshen Temple. The Blood Purgatory is a force of the Western Alliance. Can they have a place to survive here?"

"Aunt Fei'er, the first question is easy to answer. The current leader of Blood Purgatory is sitting in front of you. The leader of Blood Purgatory is Blood Bodhi."

After hearing this, Li Feier looked surprised!

How could she believe that this beautiful, harmless girl in front of her was the leader of the Bloody Purgatory?

Even Su Qing was extremely surprised at this time.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't know that Su Qing had a much deeper understanding of the extraordinary world than Li Fei'er.

Now that this beautiful young girl next to her is the leader of the Blood Purgatory, Su Qing cannot believe it no matter what.

How can this be?

The extraordinary world is like a fairy tale to them.

How could this be the person in front of me?

Just when both of them felt unbelievable, there was a knock on the door outside, "Come in."

At this time, Fang Jie strode in.

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