"You planned the operation, right?"

At this time, Lin Feng was standing behind Q, and he touched a gun and put it against the back of Q's head.

Everyone was so frightened that they escaped under a heavy machine gun. Who is this ghost-like man?

Q asked tremblingly: "What action?"

"To tell you the truth, I killed all the people you sent to hijack the plane..."

"You...are you alone?"

"if not?"

Q believes it from the bottom of his heart, this man is too scary!

"Why do you want to interfere with our operations? Are you from the fifth bureau of Country Y?"

Q was confused, when did Country Y's fifth game become so efficient? If they had such strong ability to do things, I am afraid that my group would not be able to gain a foothold here long ago.

"I come from the underworld."


He obviously didn't know the existence of Netherworld Palace.

"Let me ask you, who planned the operation?"

"What does this have to do with you? Do you think I will tell you?"

Q wants to show his heroic spirit, how can this be said so easily? No need to go through some haggling!


Plain and simple, there was a gunshot and the back of Q's head was blown open.

"Forget it if you don't tell me, what's the big deal?"

Everyone present did not expect that Lin Feng would beat Q to death just by asking a question.

This is so unreasonable.

Q would never have thought that he would die like this...

As the boss of the villain, his screen time is too short.

Lin Feng said coldly: "Among the remaining people, only one of you can survive. Help me go to your headquarters with a message."

"Now, let's start, you only have 10 seconds."

After that, the rest of the people looked at me and I looked at you. No one took the lead.

"Hey...I still need to teach you..."

"Puff puff……"

Lin Feng's ghostly figure moved out of the room, and several more people fell down in an instant.

There are only five people in the room now.

The scary thing is that no one present clearly saw how Lin Feng did it.

While the others were stunned, Scarface, armed with a heavy machine gun, quickly fired at the other four people...

“Tu tu tu tu tu…”

"Son of a bitch!"

Scarface calmly killed his four companions, quickly threw away the heavy machine gun in his hand, held his head in his hands, knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing.

"Please let me go..."

An indescribable smile appeared on Lin Feng's face.

"Haha...it's insidious enough. Go back to your headquarters and tell them that Lucifer is here."


Scarface, who survived by chance, chanted the name repeatedly.

Shatan City, the headquarters of the Ficker Organization.

Old A frowned as he listened to a series of reports from his subordinates.

What he was really worried about was not the failure of the operation, nor the removal of Country F's stronghold.

It was the name "Lucifer" that the scar face in front of him told him.

"Did he say anything else?"

Scarface knelt down on the ground tremblingly, "No... nothing. The devil asked me to come back with a message to tell the leader that Lucifer is coming."


"Boss, have we provoked that person?" the person standing next to Old A asked.

He is the number two figure in the FIKE organization, codenamed B.

"You just hijacked a plane, how could you mess with him? How big of a deal is this..."

B is a little confused.

"Besides, with his status, how could he interfere in disputes in the secular world?"

In fact, everyone present felt a little lucky that it would not be that Lucifer.

Scarface remembered something and said quickly: "By the way, boss, he also said something that he came from the netherworld."


Old A fell to the ground.

"Sure enough...it's really him."

Several senior executives present also had pale faces.

The Ficker Organization is one of the top non-governmental armed organizations in the secular world. They roam the black zone and lick blood from the edge of the knife. Of course they have heard of the name Lucifer of the Netherworld Palace.

Lucifer is at the top of the list that the Fick Organization must not mess with!

"It's over...it's over now! I really offended him!" B said with a cry.

"Boss! There is no need for us to be so panicked, right?" Among all the people present, only C looked as normal. He is the strategist of the Fike organization.

He pulled Old A up from the ground and said slowly: "Chief, let's prepare a big gift for him. As the saying goes, money can make the world go round. We have not offended him to death. There is some misunderstanding. We will talk it over. of."

"Our FIKE organization is not even afraid of the Western Alliance, so why should we be afraid of him?"

"Whether he is the Lucifer from the Nether Palace, we are not sure yet. Even if Lucifer is really here, if we gather everyone together, we may not be able to defeat him!"

"Furthermore, I heard that there are several deacons in the Nether Palace, and this Lucifer is just one of them. They all work on their own. If all the deacons came, we would be afraid, but with just one, we have nothing to do. So scary!”

"Besides, people have died in the Blood Purgatory. We can also prepare a generous gift to bring the Blood Purgatory in! Don't they like to accept bounty missions the most? I will communicate with them personally!"

Hearing C's words so confidently, old A felt relieved a little. At least he could stand up holding on to the wall.

The leader of the Bloody Purgatory was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the study room, holding a document tightly in his hand: "Operation Failure Report."

I saw the report saying:

The employer of this operation was the FIKE organization, and its purpose was to take hostages and threaten Country Y to withdraw from Shatan City.

Before the operation, he received a deposit of 20 million from the FIKE organization and asked to send a super strong person to protect the operation.

Consider sending a Level 2 Transcendent for a mission in the secular world.

This time, the employer FICA dispatched a total of 15 people and successfully hijacked a passenger plane to France Airport in Country F.

Two hours after the plane landed in France, the entire Fick organization was wiped out, including our Chaofan.

Among them, 13 people died after their necks were crushed with bare hands.

The second-level extraordinary strongman sent had a finger mark on his head, his entire skull was completely shattered, his head was pierced, and his right arm was shattered.

There was another deceased person who was the leader of this operation. His death was extremely miserable.

All the fingers and toes on the whole body were cut off. His ears were cut off, his eyes were blinded, and his nose was cut off.

In addition, more than 200 bones throughout the body were cut and separated.

The deceased seemed to have been killed by an ancient Eastern technique called Lingchi execution.

Nether Palace, Parliament Hall.

Linda sat at the presentation table, her usual seat.

She held some not-so-important meetings on Lin Feng's behalf.

Of course, this lack of importance is unilaterally defined by Lin Feng.

At this moment, except for the chief deacon and the sixth deacon Lucifer, the other five deacons were sitting at the deacon's seat, listening to Linda's report.

The second deacon is a middle-aged man named Sal.

He sounded a little unhappy: "Linda, where is Lucifer now?"

"Tell the Second Deacon that the master should be on his way to Shatan City at this moment."

Seventh Deacon Nilang asked: "I heard that Lucifer killed people from the Fick organization in front of all the passengers. There was also a deceased person who was a second-level transcendent from the Blood Purgatory?"

"The master has indeed killed all the Fick members involved in the operation."

Linda's answer was a bit evasive.

Seventh Deacon Nilang continued to ask: "I heard that he dismembered the leader of the Fick organization in this operation?"

"Answer to Deacon Nilang, I don't know about this..."

Linda was actually a little worried. This time the master did go a bit too far.

"The Ministry of National Defense of Country F has submitted a serious protest, complaining bitterly about what Lucifer did at the Farland Airport. In addition, Lucifer's actions at the Shard Building in Farland City last night caused a lot of commotion. This led to the complete destruction of the FICA branch in country F."

"Lucifer acted without the approval of the organization and rashly intervened in disputes in the secular world. This brought a lot of trouble to the Nether Palace and had an extremely negative impact on our reputation!"

"We have always maintained a neutral attitude towards secular disputes, but Lucifer broke this constraint!"

The Seventh Deacon Nilang became more and more excited as he spoke. At the end of the sentence, he stood up and slammed the table!

Nilang became famous as a young boy, but his parents died while performing tasks in the Netherworld Palace.

He had joined the Netherworld Hall since he was a child. It had been thirty years since he had made his achievements again and again, and he had finally taken the position of the Seventh Deacon.

Nilang has always been dissatisfied with Lin Feng and regards him as his mortal enemy.

How could a young outsider easily be ranked ahead of him and become the sixth deacon?

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