"What about after entering Sun City?"

Of course Lin Feng knew about Sun City, and even the deacon of Nether Palace had been there not long ago.

"I have no way of knowing what happened after entering Sun City. My eldest sister has never said anything. However, by going to Sun City this time, maybe eldest sister wants to explore the secret of becoming a god."

"What's strange is that after returning from Sun City, the eldest sister handed over all the affairs of Luoshen Temple to her junior sister, Bai Mei'er."

"Bai Mei'er..."

"Yes, Bai Meier naturally became the fifth Luoshen of the Luoshen Temple after her eldest sister disappeared."

"Did mother come to Qingyuan after transferring power to Bai Meier?"

Li Dong nodded, "As of now, it's like this. If you want to talk about why she came to Qingyuan, and then why she was with your father and gave birth to you, I'm afraid you are the only one who can do this now. 's father knows."

"I heard... you had a falling out with Lin Yuantian. I would like to advise you on this matter. Maybe Lin Yuantian has some compelling reasons, and he probably also wants to protect you."

Lin Feng thought to himself: It seems that after this incident is over, I will go back to the mountainside villa. Maybe my father concealed the truth about what happened back then, and he has been keeping some secrets. "

"Actually, this time, when I come to Qingqing to see you, the person I want to avoid is the fifth generation Luo Shen, Bai Mei'er."

Xue Bo asked: "What is Bai Mei'er's cultivation level?"

"Mid-9th level, but Bai Mei'er is not a polar-yang body. She cannot practice the "Taihe Technique", and the "Taihe Technique" has disappeared. She disappeared with her eldest sister."

"Could it be that my mother's disappearance is related to Bai Meier?"

"It shouldn't be possible."

Blood Bodhi was a little confused, "Why are you so sure? Isn't it possible that Bai Meier wanted to be the Luo God and designed to frame the fourth generation Luo God?"

Li Dong shook his head and clasped the folding fan in his hand, "Although Bai Mei'er has always been jealous of the eldest sister's extremely yang body, she respects the eldest sister very much. Moreover, you don't understand Bai Mei'er's personality."

"Although she is jealous, she is extremely arrogant. If I say she conspired to frame my eldest sister, I don't think she can do it."

"What's more, she has been in charge of palace affairs for nearly twenty years. How could she deliberately harm the eldest sister? The reason why I avoided Bai Mei'er to see you is because Su Qing is by your side now."

Lin Feng frowned, what does this have to do with Su Qing?

Li Dong pondered for a moment and then said: "Lin Feng, Su Qing is not as simple as you think, and I dare to conclude that Su Qing must know about your mother's disappearance. Has she disclosed it to you?"

Lin Feng shook his head in confusion, how could Su Qing be related to her mother's disappearance?

She should have absolutely no contact with her mother.

"Bai Meier has a team that carries out secret missions. There are people in this team who meet with Su Qing regularly."

Lin Feng was shocked, how could this be possible!

Blood Bodhi asked: "You mean Su Qing is Bai Meier's person?"

"Not entirely, but I can't say for sure whether they have reached any agreement. Moreover, the reason why Bai Meier came into contact with Su Qing was because of the eldest sister. The eldest sister had looked for Su Qing before she disappeared."

"Bai Mei'er knew about this matter, or in other words, eldest sister told Bai Mei'er. There must be a secret about Su Qing that we don't know about. This secret concerns eldest sister!"

Lin Feng would not believe that it was Su Qing who framed his mother's disappearance.

It seems that I need to go back and ask Amelia Su...

She must have some connection with her mother, but she didn't know that Li Qing was Lin Feng's mother.

"Uncle, thank you for asking about my mother's whereabouts over the years. If there is anything you need me to do in the future, just tell me. I will not stop looking for my mother. I believe she is still alive."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Li Dong put away his folding fan and said solemnly: "Silly boy, we are all a family. I never thought that the eldest sister's son is so majestic and majestic. He is actually Lucifer of the Nether Palace. I think the eldest sister knows. I will be very proud too!”

"Let's work together. There must be a huge conspiracy behind the disappearance of the eldest sister. If this conspiracy is related to the secret of becoming a god, then the truth behind this matter is in Sun City! You must be mentally prepared Prepare!"

Li Dong put a hand on Lin Feng's shoulder and patted him gently.

Lin Feng nodded heavily, "Uncle, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will definitely find my mother."

Hearing the word "uncle", Li Dong was very pleased, "When second brother comes back, you must meet him. He must have been waiting for this uncle for a long time. Okay, it's getting late, you guys hurry up Click back, you will be discovered by Bai Meier's people if you take too long."

"You must be building a new force in Qingyuan City. Qingyuan City is the territory of the Li family. I have already discussed it with my second brother when I came here. You go ahead and do it. Your two uncles will hide behind the scenes to protect you. The key is moment, maybe we will be your help.”

Blood Bodhi's confidence increased greatly. He originally thought it was a conflict, but he didn't expect Lin Feng and Li Dong to have such a close relationship.

In this way, instead of being their enemies, the Li family became their most powerful helpers.

Now they can safely expand their power in Qingyuan.

"Oh, by the way, a small greeting gift." With that, Li Dong grabbed the air, and two drops of intertwined blood appeared in Li Dong's hand.

He suddenly gathered his strength, and the two drops of blood instantly turned into a crystal.

He clicked lightly, and the crystal flew quickly towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng did not dodge and allowed the crystal to sink into the center of his eyebrows.


Lin Feng felt his mind clear, and the extraordinary power in his body was exploded.

Peak level 7!


Blood Bodhi sighed secretly on the side, the power of inheritance is indeed powerful!

After bidding farewell to Li Dong and leaving the secret space, Lin Feng did not feel happy because of his promotion in strength. Instead, his heart was filled with sorrow and anxiety.

Blood Bodhi quietly accompanied him and walked towards Maofu.

Lin Feng didn't know what to say when he saw Su Qing later.

He would never believe that Su Qing was the person who caused his mother to disappear. Based on Lin Feng's understanding of her character, Su Qing would not hurt anyone.

She is a kind girl.

It's just that she knew her mother.

Maybe Su Qing also has her own reasons for having to do it. When the time comes, she will definitely tell her extraordinary identity.

It's ridiculous that I even gave her a copy of "Yi Jin Jing", Su Qing, Su Qing, you hide it so deeply!

You actually lied to me.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

Lin Feng shook his dizzy head and summoned up the courage to ask Su Qing when he saw her!

When we returned to Maofu, it was already evening. Su Qing should have gone home by this time, but after searching the whole house, there was no sign of Su Qing.

Lin Feng had a bad premonition, and he told Blood Bodhi: "Bodhi, call Fang Jie quickly and ask if Su Qing is back."

The call was quickly answered, "Prison Master!"

"Fang Jie, have you met Miss Su?"

"Half an hour ago, I sent Chairman Su back to Mao Mansion."

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