The God of Thunder saw that his hard-fought blow was actually blocked by Lucifer with just his wings, and the brilliance on his wings flashed, not like a projection body.

The voice of thunder roared: "You! You are not a projection! Why did you escape from hell!"

Baili Fengqing clearly heard that there was a tremor in the voice of "Thunder God".


"What does it mean to escape from hell? Hell is mine. I can come and go when I want. Nothing can stop me, but you, God of Thunder. You are relying on the power of the artifact after all. You are too weak. You are now In which corner are you hiding, waiting to be resurrected secretly?"

The "Thor God" did not answer, and said for the first time: "I didn't expect you to be the real Lucifer. I won't struggle in vain. I can't defeat you."

Having said that, the God of Thunder, who had been so arrogant just now, gave up his attack and gave up.

Everyone present, whether it was Ouyang Zeya, Baili Fengqing, or the two puppet brothers, found it incredible that the God of Thunder was the leader of the Western gods in the legend. Who was Lucifer? In the legend, he was just a god. He is just an evil angel, how could he be so afraid of a righteous god.

"It's better to leave without seeing him off."

Facing Thor, Lucifer was still extremely arrogant.

"By the way, Thor, if you are resurrected, don't forget to tell your old guys that I, Lucifer, have returned to the world from the underworld."

After hearing Lucifer's words, Thor twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally and said lightly: "I know, I'll see you again when I have the chance."

After saying that, the God of Thunder disappeared, a bolt of thunder returned to the sky, and the artifact Thor's hammer and Thor's helmet also disappeared without a trace.

The body of the second worshiper seemed to have been drained. He fell to the ground, twitching all over, and could not speak for a long time. The summoning of the thunder god's body must have exhausted all the strength of this eighth-level strong man.

But he didn't expect that the Thunder God's projection that he had worked so hard to summon would be so vulnerable.

Ouyang Zeya wanted to get closer, but was whipped away by a thunderbolt from the second worshiper.

He fell to the ground, his eyes blank: What on earth happened? Why did the body of the thunder god summoned by the second worshiper leave on his own initiative? What is the origin of this Lucifer!

He can't be more powerful than Thor!

Absolutely impossible!

Reality gave Ouyang Zeya a hard slap in the face. He didn't understand that Lin Feng, who should have been lost, not only survived, but also became so powerful!

So much so that even the second offering became like this.

The people around were also stunned. They had never seen such a scene before. When did Thor become so timid?

Is this still the legendary Lord of the Gods?

Could it be that the Lucifer in front of me is too powerful?

But a mere Lucifer managed to scare away the God of Thunder with just one move!

But outsiders didn't know that at this time, two souls were chasing and fighting each other in Lin Feng's body.

"What on earth do you know?"

"It's not that I didn't tell you, the time hasn't come yet."

"You won't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, you'll give me back control of my body!"

"You are a pig who kills donkeys, you are a pig with brains. Aren't you afraid that someone will come and kill you again? Let's see who will help you then!"

"Hmph, I don't need you to help me. If I really encounter a strong enemy, I'm afraid you will run out again."

"Bah! I won't! Even if you beg me next time, I won't come out!"

"Then go back quickly!"

"Hehe... don't worry, let me start killing. After all, I haven't been bloodthirsty for a long time, and I have some desire for killing."


Lin Feng outside was seen folding his wings and slowly falling to the ground.

The wings gradually faded away, revealing a back full of scars.

Lin Feng's thoughts still had the upper hand, after all, this was his body.

"Please, let me stay a little longer, kill these two people and then disappear!"

Lin Feng said no more, he acquiesced.

He even wondered whether his growing desire to kill was caused by the Lucifer in his heart.

However, this time is an exception.

Whether it's Er Zongfeng or Ouyang Zeya, they must die!

Even though Lin Feng was "killed" by the second worshipper, he recovered with the help of Lucifer.

Lin Feng knew everything about what was happening around him in the outside world.

This Ouyang Zeya is such a bastard and is not worthy of being a member of the eight major families of Luoshen Temple!

Just in time, you come and do the surgery!


I saw Lucifer approaching Ouyang Zeya with a hideous smile.

Baili Fengqing thought to herself: Ouyang Zeya may never go back to Luoshui...

Step by step, Lucifer walked to Ouyang Zeya. At this moment, he had not recovered from the thunder blow.

He looked at Lucifer blankly: "You...what do you want to do?"

Lucifer had a strange expression on his face: "Of course, I will send you to hell!"

Ouyang Zeya seemed to react, and he shouted loudly: "I am from the Ouyang family of Luoshen Temple, how dare you!"

Lucifer's smile became even more ferocious: "What am I afraid of? Just you?"

"Our Ouyang family not only has the Second Enshrinement, but also the Great Enshrinement. He has already surpassed the 8th level and entered the 9th level. If you dare to hurt me, he will definitely not let you go!"

"Haha... let him come."

As he said that, Lin Feng had already grabbed Ouyang Zeya's neck with one hand. He was like a little chicken, without any resistance, being lifted up by Lin Feng.

Ouyang Zeya's face turned red due to the iron-like pliers, and he struggled hard, unable to say a word.

"Haha, you dare to bully my people, I'm really tired of living!"

Seeing that Ouyang Zeya was about to die, Baili Fengqing reminded him: "Lucifer, he is the son of the Ouyang family after all."

"What happened to the young master? Who is not a young master anymore?"

Lucifer looked at Baili Fengqing, "Do you want to take his place? I don't mind a few more undead to fill up the number of ghosts."

"By the way, let me tell you a secret. The Netherworld and Hell are under my control."

Baili Fengqing was frightened into silence by Lucifer's words.

This demon has always been Baili Fengqing's nightmare.

Just when Ouyang Zeya was about to lose his strength, the second worshiper woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Ouyang Zeya who was about to expire.

This scene scared the two priests to death.

"Lucifer! What are you going to do!"

Lucifer looked at the second worshiper and gave him a sincere smile.

"What do you think? What do you think I am doing?"


Ouyang Zeya lost his breath.


The second offering makes the liver and gallbladder burst!

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