Lucifer sat patiently on the throne, waiting quietly for Baili Fengqing to wake up.

Outside, Lin Feng was sitting next to Qingyan, waiting for her to wake up.

The two puppet brothers were extremely anxious. Their young master Baili Fengqing had not woken up yet. They did not dare to ask Lucifer what the situation was like now.

The second worshipper still maintained his kneeling posture...

Baili Fengqing woke up in confusion, "Where am I?"

Touching the skulls under his hands, Baili Fengqing jumped up suddenly, "Why am I still here?"

Lucifer mocked: "What do you think? Do you think that when you fall asleep, you can lie on your big bed when you wake up again?"

"Lucifer, there is no irreconcilable hatred between you and me. Even just now, I didn't hurt you, nor did I really do anything to Miss Qingyan. Can't you let me go?"

"I didn't take the initiative to recruit you. Who told you to dare to try anything? If you just stayed quietly and watched, how could you be here?"

In fact, with Baili Fengqing's strength, Lucifer didn't want to drag him into it at all, but this silly boy barged in by himself, what could he do?

Now if he doesn't have an angel descend on him, then Baili Fengqing can only be silenced here.

Lucifer said slowly: "Baili Fengqing, I give you two choices. First, I will kill you and silence you, as if you have never been here. Second, become my demon and be loyal to me. "

Obviously, Baili Fengqing didn't believe it, "Lucifer, don't lie to me. No matter which one of these two options you choose, you will be dead."

"The second worshipper chose to be your demon, but he was actually swallowed alive by the demon Mamon."

As she said that, Baili Fengqing secretly glanced in Mamon's direction, and felt relieved when she saw that he was still tightly bound by his wings and showed no sign of waking up.

He was really afraid that this Mammon would wake up and eat him.

Lucifer laughed out loud, "Haha, you misunderstood. Mammon is actually very kind, but he looks ugly. The way he chose to come to the world is indeed a bit rough."

"Norwich was not swallowed by Mammon. What you came here is just a soul body."

"On the contrary, Mammon has now become Norwich's guardian demon, giving Norwich hope of attacking the demigods."

"Baili Fengqing, have you never heard of the coming of the devil?"

"The devil is coming? I only know that the angel is coming. That is the first step to becoming a god. It is known as half-stepping into the threshold of becoming a god. Of course, this is the Western Alliance's way to become a god."

Lucifer clapped his hands and said, "That's right. As the number one young master in the Hall of Bewitchment, he knows more than the average extraordinary powerful man."

Baili Fengqing has heard that the arrival of an angel is a rare good thing. Even his father, who has been stuck at level 9 for so many years, has never found a way to become a god. If there is a chance for an angel to arrive, his father will definitely not hesitate. Hesitantly choose to try.

But that Mammon just now is an out-and-out evil angel in the legend. If he becomes a member of the devil, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lucifer knew Baili Fengqing's doubts, "What you really know are all illusions. The contents recorded in the book have been artificially tampered with, and the truth has been covered up."

"It's useless to tell you this now. If you are willing to open your heart, let me see your true thoughts, or who is more suitable for you, otherwise you will choose to die."

"You came here by coincidence. Maybe you have a connection with some demon."

When Baili Fengqing heard Lucifer's words, he was dumbfounded.

If it weren't for some mistake, who would want to have a fate with a devil?

Now there is no other way. Baili Fengqing chanted without piety: "The great dark god..."

The clouds rolled above the blood-red sky, and a giant chaotic dragon with wings flashed past the clouds.

He actually attracted Leviathan...

Lucifer could never understand that what Baili Fengqing represented deep inside her heart was actually jealousy.

A graceful figure stepped on the Chaos Dragon and finally rolled out from above the clouds.

"I have met my lord, Lucifer."

Lucifer nodded, "Long time no see, Leviathan, this guy Baili Fengqing actually recruited you."

Leviathan said in surprise: "My lord, are you sure he is a boy?"

Lucifer frowned, "Is that possible?"

Leviathan said no more, he smiled softly at Baili Fengqing, and the chaos dragon wandered over, rolled up Baili Fengqing, and rushed straight into the clouds.

"My lord, see you later."

Leviathan saluted Lucifer respectfully and chased after the Chaos Dragon.

The two relatively "loyal" servants finally completed the summons. Lucifer turned around tiredly and walked up to the Skeleton Throne step by step.

He curled up his body, closed his eyes, and actually fell asleep on the throne.

He has been here, alone, for five hundred years.

When Qing Yan woke up, Lin Feng looked at her distressedly.


"I've wronged you, Qingyan. It's my fault that I made you suffer."

"Qingyan is not aggrieved. By following her master, Qingyan will not feel any pain."

"Master, don't leave Qingyan behind. Let me follow you."

Seeing Lin Feng nod in agreement, a bright smile bloomed on Qingyan's face.

"Let's go, Qingyan, let's get out of here."

Erzongfeng and Baili Fengqing are still in a state of wandering, and neither of them shows any sign of waking up.

The two puppet brothers bravely asked: "Excuse me... Mr. Lucifer, the eldest son of our family?"

Lin Feng turned back and glanced at them coldly, "Just wait, it can take as little as two or three days, or as long as seven or eight days."

The short and fat puppet still wanted to ask more questions, but the tall and thin puppet pulled him and whispered: "Don't ask, it will be good if you can wake up. The two of us brothers will stay here to guard."

Lin Feng gently picked up Qingyan and left in a flash.

Baili Fengqing among the blood-red clouds lost the handsome young man look he had during the day, and was replaced by a look of horror.

"Giggle, I won't tell your secret."

"You are the devil!"

"Yes, I am the real jealous demon in your heart. Without your jealousy, I would not appear."

"You entered my body, am I still me?"

"You, just be happy to have this opportunity today! Our Lord will lead us to the light."

"Light? Aren't you demons in the darkness afraid of the light?"

"Gee, you mortals are really stupid!"

"I am extraordinary!"

“Extraordinary is also mortal.”

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