Thinking of becoming a peak ninth-level expert, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel troubled. He frowned and said to Lucifer: "I have a question that I want to ask you. It has been bothering me for a long time."

"you say."

Lucifer was happy to answer Lin Feng's questions, especially about the journey of cultivation.

"In the past five years, my cultivation progress has been very fast. It took me only four years to reach the middle level of level 7. However, in the past year or so, I have stopped here. I I feel like the extraordinary power of my physical strength is constantly draining away, like a bucket with a piece missing. After filling up with water, the extraordinary power quietly passes away before I can make a breakthrough, and in the end I can no longer make any progress."

"It wasn't until later, by chance, that I broke through to the peak of level 7, but the feeling of loss of extraordinary power has not disappeared. I want to know why? What is the reason that traps me here."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Lucifer's face, and he smiled sheepishly.

"Hehe, actually, I am also to blame for this matter. It stands to reason that you should have been promoted a long time ago. At least it will be no problem to reach the 8th level. Even a higher level. At your mother's age, reaching the peak of the 9th level is not a problem. impossible."

"I need energy from sleeping to waking up, so I have been hiding in your body and absorbing your extraordinary power."

Lin Feng looked in disbelief, "What? Have you been absorbing my extraordinary power? You thief!"

"Look at you, you're getting excited again, calm down, I fell into a deep sleep, and it's not all because of your mother!"

"What? Because of my mother? What happened!"

"Hey, forget it, I'll tell you anyway."

"Back then, your mother was looking for a way to become a god. She knew that if she wanted to become a god, she had to kill that guy, but this would cause chaos in the entire extraordinary world. Of course, she didn't have the ability to defeat the Black Eagle Temple, so she Under the leadership of your father, we came to the place abandoned by God."

"The Land Abandoned by Gods? What is that place, and what does it have to do with Lin Yuantian?"

"The so-called land abandoned by the gods is a place abandoned by the gods. That place leads to the dark side of the moon. In the land of the gods, countless demons sleep. Of course, the word demon is a unilateral term for the clan of gods. Definition, the demon clan is also known as the Netherworld clan."

"I will tell you the story about the Nether Clan later."

"I was awakened after your mother set foot in the Forsaken Land."

"The reason why I was able to be awakened is because I came with your mother and your father. He is the bloodline of the king of the Nether Clan and the last bloodline left by the devil in the world."

"Could it be that Lin Yuantian is also extraordinary? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

"Of course he is extraordinary. As the king's bloodline left in the world by the Nether Clan, how can he be a mortal?"

"Then why would Lin Yuantian rather watch his mother being taken away by the people from the Black Eagle Temple instead of doing anything?"

Lin Feng still can't let go of what Lin Yuantian did back then.

"What can he do? Even with your father's strength, even if he ruins the power of the entire Nether Clan, can he fight against the Black Eagle Temple? Fortunately, all the ancient tribes have an agreement, as long as Lin Yuantian does not leave Dongfang Alliance, the bloodline of the Nether Clan will be preserved."

"And your mother, as Luo Shen, one of her duties is to guard the Nether Clan in the Eastern Alliance, but she never expected that they fell in love. And it was under the guidance of the Nether Clan that Luo Shen came to the land abandoned by the gods. "

"Actually, you wrongly blamed your father. At least Lin Yuantian had the courage to accompany your mother to the land abandoned by the gods. It was your father who woke me up. If it weren't for his pleading, how could I have woken up early? Help your mother become a god? So, I parasitized in your mother's soul and followed them to the Eastern Alliance."

“Where is the place abandoned by God?”

"It doesn't hurt to tell you. It's in a fog, which is now the Fog Federation."

"Then how did you help my mother become a god?"

"Your mother has a body of extreme yang that has practiced the art of Taihe. If you continue to practice the "Law of Darkness" and reconcile yin and yang, it is very possible to break through the limitations of this world and achieve the goal of becoming a god."

"Isn't the "Law of Darkness" in the Nether Palace? Why must it wake you up?"

"Your mother is not from the Nether Clan. Without my blessing, she would not be able to practice the six "Laws of Darkness" at all."

"Six books? Isn't there only three books of "Law of Darkness"?"

"Haha, there are three volumes stored in your Nether Palace, but I have three more volumes here. So I just said that I would make up for you by giving you these three "Laws of Darkness" so that I can wish you to become a god as soon as possible."

"And don't worry, during this period of time, I will never absorb your extraordinary power. But you have to pay attention and become a ninth-level extraordinary power as soon as possible so that my true body can come to the world smoothly, otherwise Black Eagle That guy from the temple will find you sooner or later, and he won't let you grow."

"By the way, you said that your deep sleep was because of my mother, but you haven't told me yet?"

"In my hands, there are only three "Laws of Darkness", but there are still three copies in the hands of the Netherworld Palace, which is what you call the deacon. Of course, Qixu also has them. Therefore, your mother went to the Netherworld Palace to find The other three "Dark Laws". But your father could not leave the Eastern Alliance. Even when he went to the Federation of Mist, he took great risks. At that time, a trace of my consciousness was separated from you and followed your mother. , went to the Nether Palace."

"So I said that your father loves your mother very much, and he will help your mother even if he risks his life."

"It's a pity that your mother was discovered by that guy after she came to the Nether Palace. Your mother underestimated his determination. They did not allow gods to exist in this world, or the clan of gods behind him. Not allowed."

"In order to prevent your mother from being taken away by that guy, I came to the world in my true form, forcibly fought with him, and fell into a deep sleep again."

"Why do you say it was my mother who woke up early? If my mother hadn't arrived, would you have woken up?"

"Of course, why do you think there are demons coming now, and why do you think the Nether Palace is fighting with the Luoshen Palace? This is completely controlled by the people from the Black Eagle Temple. The guy from the Black Eagle Temple is the God of God. Sent by one clan to monitor the five clans.”

"As for who the five tribes are, I will tell you when you meet them in the future."

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