Lin Feng looked at Lucifer, with a rare trace of pity in his eyes, "Hey, Lucifer, I didn't expect you to be a pitiful person, and I didn't expect you to be so brilliant in the past."

"Hey, what's so brilliant about this? It's just a game."

"What happened next?"

"Later, we changed our appearance and continued to live on the dark side of the moon. We carried the original evil divinity of these evil gods and were despised by people."

"In a forged oracle, I actually became a fallen angel who rebelled against the Lord of Creation. I led other angels to rebel against the Lord of Creation, came to hell, and became the ruler of hell."

"Lucifer, if what you said is true, then these evil gods are too hateful, and they are not the natives of this world. What on earth do they want to do? Could it be that there is something they want in this world? ?"

"They naturally want to gain the power of faith in this world, so that all the people in this world will become their favored ones, and they will eventually become the new generation of creators in this world, absorbing all the benefits of this world. Resources to provide that sun god with more powerful power, this is what they want."

"It's a pity that their idea was not achieved. I don't know if you noticed that I repeatedly mentioned the name of the sun god. His full name is Apollo, the sun god."

"Yeah, could it be that..."

Lin Feng must have thought of something. Lucifer once mentioned before, "Everything you say must be known."

Since Lucifer dares to mention the name of the Lord of Evil God repeatedly, then..."

"Yes, you should have thought that the Sun God has fallen."


Lin Feng was still extremely shocked when he heard the news from Lucifer. That was a god, how could he fall so easily!

"Is it possible for gods to fall?"

"Of course, how is this impossible? Archangels in the past could degenerate into demons, let alone foreign evil gods?"

"But he is the Lord of Evil Gods!"

"They touched upon the taboos of this world."


"Yes, you heard it right, it is taboo. I only learned about these after the death of the Sun God."

"Who else in this world can fight against the Sun God? Even you can't do it. Could it be that the Lord of Creation has been resurrected!"

"No, the Lord of Creation cannot be resurrected. He has completely integrated with this world."

"Who else could it be?"

"The aboriginal people of this world are, to be more precise, the earliest gods of this world. Those ancient gods are an era earlier than the Creator. Perhaps they were the era known as the barbaric era."

"Ancient God? Are you saying that the legend about Yi is true?"

"Of course."

"It is said that Yi shot down the sun. Does this sun refer to the sun god?"

"Do you know who the sun was in this world before the invasion of the sun god?"

"It's me, Lucifer Morningstar!"

"The so-called morning star is the sun! This is why the Lord of Creation named me Morning Star."

"You turned out to be the sun of this world..."

Lin Feng was shocked. If Lucifer was the first angel created by the Creator and the leader of all angels, Lin Feng could accept it. However, if Lucifer was the sun, Lin Feng still couldn't accept it easily.

The sun is the source of energy for this world!

How great and powerful was Lucifer in ancient times!

"How did Yi defeat the Sun God?"

"Yi shot down the sun with an arrow. That sun was the sun god Apollo. But Yi also paid the price. He completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth."

"The appetite of those evil gods was too great. They wanted to obtain the original power of this world, but later they found that the last continent in the world, the Eastern Continent, could not be swallowed by them."

"Because they unexpectedly discovered that the aboriginal people of the Eastern Continent refused to believe in them, and instead believed in some strange gods. After their research, they found that these gods were the last remaining gods in this world, the ancient gods."

"This is also the origin of the current Ancient Clan. Their ancestors are all ancient gods. They are ancient gods that were born naturally in this world and are older than our Creator."

"It is these evil gods who loudly preach the oracles and dare to violate them. They will all be condemned as heretics and sent to the fire rack to roast them alive. These evil gods believe that only in this way can their evil hearts be purified."

"It was also the actions of these evil gods that awakened the ancient gods, led by Yi."

"Under the leadership of Yi, the ancient gods fought with the evil god and finally defeated the evil god. However, it was precisely because of this that Yi fell."

"In fact, there was no winner in this tragic war. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Later, the ancient gods and the evil gods signed a mutual non-aggression treaty. The evil gods promised in the treaty that they would never invade the human world. Therefore, the beliefs of the West and the beliefs of the East It’s all up to the free choice of secular people.”

"This is why palace-level extraordinary organizations are not allowed to interfere with the order of the secular world at will, and that guy in the Black Eagle Temple is just a god left by the evil gods to monitor people in the world."

"This tragic war is called the Twilight of the Gods."

"Then the sun god has died? Will he be resurrected?"

"I don't know whether the Sun God will really be resurrected successfully, but the Sun God is not completely dead. You see, the sun is still burning and shining on the world. Unfortunately, only a body is left."

"Just in the last five hundred years, these foreign evil gods were still thinking of resurrecting Him."

"How will He be resurrected? I mean, why can He be resurrected?"

"Have you forgotten whose godhead Apollo stole before he became the sun?"

"Do you think you can resurrect him?"

Lucifer nodded under Lin Feng's surprised gaze, "To be precise, I returned the evil godhead of arrogance to him."

"So, there is a reason why they let me live until now. Only when I become a god can they strip me of my godhead and dedicate it to the Sun God, so that he can be resurrected."

"So you haven't died yet and are still hiding on the dark side of the moon. As long as you don't die, they will never really die."

"Of course, as long as they don't really fall, I will always have the chance to be resurrected."

"Then have you ever been successfully resurrected?"

"No, I have been lingering on the dark side of the moon for so many years. I have never succeeded in reincarnating into the world. The most I can reach is the land abandoned by the gods. If I successfully regained my power of light, I would have returned long ago. It’s time for the Archangel.”

"Last time, I lost the chance to return in order to prevent the resurrection of the Sun God, but I retained my arrogant godhead."

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