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Chapter 101: Magical weapon upgrade, the best in this world

Under the continuous burning of the natal elixir fire, the blood on the magic knife faded a lot.

Later, at Zhou Qingyuan's request, the magic knife pointed out the parts of his body that could be discarded. The structure gradually became simpler and simpler, and finally turned into a smooth sword.

Zhou Qingyuan was still dissatisfied and gradually calcined it into a long-handled knife with a long blade, a certain curvature and a sharp tip.

Looking at the magic knife that was exactly the same as the Xiuchun knife in his memory, Zhou Qingyuan touched the handle of the knife slightly with trembling blood eyes.

Subsequently, under the full strength of the natal elixir fire, this magic sword finally turned into a pool of red liquid, melted into Zhou Qingyuan's Dantian, and re-turned into the appearance of the Xiuchun knife, with a mini shape.

Originally, this process would take a lot of time, but because Zhou Qingyuan's natal elixir fire was too strong, and the magic knife had the spiritual ability to actively cooperate, it shortened his time a lot.

In fact, it was a bit late to condense the natal magic weapon after the elixir formation period was complete, but it also saved Zhou Qingyuan's time.

After smelting the magic knife into his body, Zhou Qingyuan, who had been delayed for a long time, no longer hesitated and opened the system.

Before twelve o'clock came, he had to finish adding points first.

[Elixir Formation Realm-Perfection]+

[Elixir Formation Realm - Perfection]

With the addition of points completed, the spiritual power in Zhou Qingyuan's body was once again expanded by 30%, and his spiritual consciousness expanded another hundred miles, reaching four hundred miles, which was already beyond the detection range of ordinary Nascent Soul in the later stage.

The demon knife that had just been smelted spontaneously flew out of Zhou Qingyuan's dantian, shining brightly.

"Quack, evolve, quack, quack, quack."

The demon eye on the hilt opened a mouth full of jagged teeth and laughed evilly.

With Zhou Qingyuan's promotion, it suddenly felt a surging infusion of heaven and earth energy when it was halfway through the promotion.

At this moment, it will advance towards the level of the innate spiritual treasure and usher in sublimation.

This is the ultimate level of a monk's magic weapon. Except for some ancient treasures left over from ancient times and some innate creations, there is no magic weapon that can compare with it.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack!"

"It's so noisy."


Under the infusion of massive amounts of heaven and earth energy, the slender magic knife became even more extraordinary, and black thunderclouds began to appear above Wan Zhi Peak.

Thunder disaster is coming.

"Lord, master, help me"

The magic knife carefully conveyed spiritual thoughts to Zhou Qingyuan, and his spiritual intelligence had improved a lot.

"come over."


The magic knife teleported into Zhou Qingyuan's hand, and a long tongue stuck out from where the magic eye was, and licked Zhou Qingyuan's big hand flatteringly.

Zhou Qingyuan clenched his fingers tightly and looked at the thunderclouds above with a meaningless expression.

How boring.

"Swish swish swish."

Twelve figures appeared around Jie Yun, and the twelve peak masters looked a little solemn at this moment.

"Where did the thunder tribulation come from? Could it be that the sect leader's Lotus of Rebirth is finally about to advance?"

"Hey, why is it located at Wanzhi Peak?"

"Look at the movement of this thunder tribulation. It must be the five-metal divine thunder that was promoted from the acquired spiritual treasure to the innate spiritual treasure! It can't be wrong!"

Qi Yuan was standing in the middle of the peak masters with a look of doubt on his face.

He and Zhou Qingyuan were the only two people in Wanzhi Peak at this time. Could it be that Zhou Qingyuan caused this thunder disaster?

Thinking of the other party's previous discussion with him about his natal magic weapon, the expression on Qi Yuan's face became a little subtle.

A normal monk who condenses his natal magic weapon is only at the top-grade spiritual weapon stage and is not qualified to cause thunder disaster.

But if it were Zhou Qingyuan, this unprecedented genius in the world of immortality, Qi Yuan would not be surprised to do anything.

After all, the other party has already realized the magical power.

Hearing this from his eldest disciple Fei Jian before, he was actually no less surprised than him.

The expression of confusion and shock on the face of the eldest disciple, who was always fearless and always strived to hit the target, made Qi Yuan want to laugh when he thought about it.

"Master. Who is this junior brother?"

"What's wrong?"

Qi Yuan turned around and looked at his eldest apprentice with slight surprise.

Feijian usually wouldn't call him master, but once he did, something must have happened.

I saw a bitter smile on the corner of my eldest disciple's mouth and asked feebly:

"Tell me the truth, what are the qualifications of Junior Brother Qingyuan? How good are they?"

"Sir, didn't I say that before?"

"The qualifications above can allow a foundation-building monk to realize magical powers?"

Qi Yuan: "."

He tried hard to suppress the shock in his heart and maintain his image as a master.

Of course, it was also because Feijian was so disrespectful to him that even he was a bit teasing at the moment.

"You know everything?"

Feijian looked at Qi Yuan Zhuangzuo and said such words in a deep voice, and became very angry.

"Okay, okay, do you know everything about co-writing? So my junior brother's realm is actually above mine, and his natal fire is also different from others. Do you know all this?"

There are three co-authors, Wan Zhifeng, and I am the only one who is kept in the dark?

Fortunately, I still take my junior brother around, saying that it can't be a great road, but it has already been achieved by cooperating with others. "

The more Fei Jian talked, the more excited he became. It was not that he was jealous of his junior brother's talent. He really felt that his previous behavior was a bit like judging his talented junior brother from ordinary people's eyes.

Since the other party can comprehend the magical power at the foundation-building stage, what qualifications do I have to point fingers at his cultivation path?

How dare I point fingers?

In this way, isn't he no different from those people who don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.

Qi Yuan looked at Fei Jian's wonderful expression, tried his best to hold back the twitch of his mouth, patted his eldest disciple and said:

"It's not that I intentionally concealed it from you, it's just that this fact is too shocking, I'm afraid you can't digest it."

"The thunder tribulation is over, what were those white lights just now? Is it the sect master's new method?"

"Such a terrible killing power, it can actually fight against the Five Metal God Thunder. Is this the sect master's new Taoist method?"

"No, that is a magical power, called Yu Shen."

The other eleven peak masters turned their heads to look at Qi Yuan who spoke, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"How do you know?"

"The sect master actually comprehended the second magical power? This is too shocking."

At this moment, Wan Chun, who was in seclusion, was finally startled by the thunder tribulation, stepped out, and came to Wanzhi Peak.

"Master? Why are you here?"

"Since the Master is here, who is the one who solved the thunder tribulation?"

As everyone was surprised, crazy and noisy laughter resounded throughout the Wanzhi Peak.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Could it be that a demon soldier was born in my Wanzhi Peak?"

Except for Qi Yuan, the expressions of the eleven peak masters and Wan Chun became a little ugly, and their mood suddenly fell from ecstasy to sadness.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded again between heaven and earth.

"Shut up."


The laughter stopped abruptly, the thunder tribulation dissipated, and the entire Wanzhi Peak fell into silence again.

The peak masters looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

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