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Chapter 197 Xuantian Magic

Everyone followed the noble figure with anxiety, not knowing what the other party meant by bringing people like them.

Could it be that they will also participate in the battle later, and that terrifying embryo-killing move can only be used once? Maybe he was still injured, but he just held on and didn't have an attack?

But it turns out that they thought too much.

They were not involved in the whole matter of destroying the Buddhist kingdom. All the people whose spiritual thoughts were similar to Yuanjing were targeted and killed by Zhou Qingyuan. Only some unrelated people survived.

The abrupt bamboo sea was cracked by Zhou Qingyuan, and the formation dissipated, revealing the various chanters who had been made into chant seeds inside, as well as the Taoist boy who had disappeared from the Shinto Palace.

Chongxu was furious and wanted to pick up the dead people and kill them again. The thoughts in his mind that were frightening about Zhou Qingyuan's radical actions were all gone in an instant.

If it weren't for Zhou Qingyuan and other Taoist boys, wouldn't all of them have to be swallowed one by one by Yuanjing like elixirs?

"Lord Qing Daojun, can you please help these disciples recover?"

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at Chongxu in surprise, shook his head and said: "Teacher, there is no need to be so angry, just keep the original name."

Then he stretched out his hand a little, and the principles of light and darkness reappeared in the virtual world, easily separating and cutting the lesions in everyone's spirits, and what they lost was only a small part of their spiritual cultivation.

The saved people still didn't understand what happened here, but they all thanked Zhou Qingyuan immediately.

It was a great blessing to be able to survive in this state, not to mention that Zhou Qingyuan only caused them to lose some cultivation.

Then from their mouths, all the scandalous things in the entire Buddhist kingdom were exposed, and the people of the world were furious.

Suddenly, the scene was in full swing. Relatives reunited, master and disciple looked at each other with tears. The angry man looked everywhere for the Buddhist disciples, but he couldn't find them no matter how hard he looked.

"Are there any Confucians who are proficient in management?"

Zhou Qingyuan called Kong Er and left all the subsequent matters to him and Chongxu.

Buddhism has been established for a long time and has a very deep foundation. There are countless interests involved in it, and wealth and silk are very attractive.

But to Zhou Qingyuan, these things are completely meaningless to him. He is not afraid that these people will use their brains to kill another group of people.

And if you do things for him, as long as you don't annoy him, even if you are greedy, it doesn't matter to him. They are just some cultivation resources.

As his strength increased, Zhou Qingyuan became more and more tired of these rules and regulations. He only felt that they would restrict his spirituality, and he was much more comfortable as a hands-off shopkeeper.

And what he has to do is far more important than the distribution of these benefits.

Zhou Qingyuan briefly explained a few words, then disappeared again, and in a blink of an eye he had arrived at the boundary between clouds, sea and sky.

It was only then that Ancient God Teng Luo Shi, who had watched the entire process, spoke:

"That's right. It seems that you know what you need very well, and you are not blinded by the power and status brought about by your improvement in strength."


Zhou Qingyuan felt a little strange, and then realized that Teng Luo had misunderstood something.

He had already enjoyed the so-called power status in three different worlds.

Whether he is a mortal emperor of martial arts, a Taoist king in the world of immortals, or the de facto ruler of the world of immortality, whether he wants it or not, there are always all kinds of people and things entangled with him.

Zhou Qingyuan was a little interested in it at first, but as time went on, he became more and more bored until he became bored.

To put it simply, you have had enough fun and are tired of it.

Now only by improving his strength and seeing a wider and fresher world can he arouse his interest.

After all, he has no interest in oppressing or controlling others, and he doesn't have to fight desperately for training resources. There is really nothing to work hard for.

With his thoughts wandering, Zhou Qingyuan reached out his hand casually. The magical power that shocked everyone earlier and thought it was Zhou Qingyuan who had paid a heavy price for it had reappeared.

Although the magical power that could cover a hundred thousand miles was restricted a hundred times because of being in the virtual world, the effect was still astonishing.

Teng Luo watched the disaster beasts die in Zhou Qingyuan's hands amidst the whining sounds, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Being able to create such movements outside the real world and comprehending such profound skills, this person has a Dharma understanding that is close to the Tao!

Although Zhou Qingyuan had also used this trick before, because the target was the natives of Yunhaitian, even though Teng Luo was a little curious about the power of the magical power, he could not be sure.

At this time, he saw that a large number of disaster beasts that were extremely powerful compared to the natives of this world were also dying under this move, and he dared to confirm this.

"It's amazing!" Teng Luo couldn't help but praise, "Since you have such a profound understanding of Taoism, maybe the real world is the stage that is truly suitable for you."

"Although your achievements are now very impressive, they are still subject to the rules of the material world, which prevents you from seeing the shape of the great road. But I dare to conclude that once you step into the real world, within three years, you will be able to understand the fit. Your own great law!"

"What is the Law of the Great Dao? This is not mentioned in the Star Refining Art."

Compared with Zhou Qingyuan's calmness, Teng Luo's state was slightly excited and he explained:

"It is normal that there is no record in the Star Refining Technique, because we Ancient Gods focus on our own cultivation, and our understanding of the power of the law is slightly lacking." Speaking of this, Teng Luo was a little shy.

To say that they are lacking is an understatement. In fact, in addition to their natural affinity with the law of force and their ability to understand it to a certain extent, the ancient gods’ understanding of other great ways is simply catastrophic compared to the myriad races in the heavens.

He had never paid attention to this matter before. After all, their ancient gods specialized in cultivating their bodies. After achieving the external scene, they could initially resist the influence of the power of the law on themselves. When the internal scene is forged, each strike is equivalent to containing the power of a world, which is not much less than the power of the law.

This is why they neglected this way.

But after experiencing the crazy woman using a [Xuantian Treasure Technique] to kill their ancient gods, Teng Luo realized that the way of law might also have its own unique features, which is not inferior to the ancient god system, and even better.

And Zhou Qingyuan’s high understanding of the law is unintentionally good news for him.

This means that Zhou Qingyuan has more than one way to become stronger, and the means will be more diverse.

The ancient god system that specializes in physical training, coupled with the laws of the Great Dao, I wonder what kind of power will burst out?

Just thinking about it makes Teng Luo look forward to it.

He didn't even realize that he had begun to believe in Zhou Qingyuan's potential and was impressed by the possibilities shown by the other party.

Various thoughts flashed in the noise, but Teng Luo's explanation did not stop.

".In short, the advantage of the ancient god is that the great power is added to oneself, while the law is in line with the rules of the real world. Any random action can affect the power of the Great Dao. They have their own merits."

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