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Chapter 210 Xuantian Magic, All-encompassing

[The Law of Power-Xiaocheng (Sixth-Seventh Heaven)]

With the introduction of the Law of Gravity, Zhou Qingyuan's mastery of the Law of Force has gone one step further.

Feeling the power of the law becoming stronger in his body again, Zhou Qingyuan clenched his five fingers and felt the surge of power.

The understanding of the power of laws brought by the Star Refining Technique was originally just an additional add-on. Even if the planet's own laws were understood, it was nothing more than a useless existence. After all, even if you master a hundred entry-level rules, you can only compete with the power of a small master's rules.

Not to mention, the power of laws has its own characteristics, and many laws have conflicts. It is simply impossible for you to coordinate and use all the powers of these laws together.

But in the hands of Zhou Qingyuan, a man with incredible understanding and a system to help integrate information, this Star Refining Technique has become the most terrifying existence!

‘No wonder Heaven guided me to go here, it’s really a good place. ’

Zhou Qingyuan smiled, very satisfied with this harvest, and looked at the white ball in front of him.

Compared with the gains in the power of law, this pure energy seems a bit insignificant.

With a tap of his finger, the white energy turned into white light and poured into Zhou Qingyuan's body, nourishing the space inside his body and promoting the evolution of the world inside his body.

Zhou Qingyuan closed his eyes and calmly mobilized this energy.

The Su Dynasty was established in a galaxy composed of eighteen planets. The owner of the dynasty, Su Mo, welcomed a strange guest today.

One of the top ten Xuantian Treasure Technique owners, the master of [Zongheng], Zhang Miao.

No, now it’s time to say the eleven great treasures.

‘What do you want from me? ’

Holding his beloved wife in his arms, Su Mo looked at Zhang Miao coldly, a little wary of this person.

‘You suddenly left the dynasty a while ago. Do you think fate has given you guidance again? ’ Zhang Miao smiled gently and said tentatively: ‘I guess it must be because of the eleventh person who is not in the standard? ’

‘So what? ’

‘Every destined person will have a huge impact on the situation here, so I naturally have to be concerned about it. What about others? Killed by you? ’

A flash of fluctuation flashed in Su Mo's eyes, and he said unhappily:

'I wanted to take him as a slave by force before he got up, but it turned out that the boy was a bit slippery and he escaped. ’

Zhang Miao nodded slightly and his eyes blinked a little slower.

As soon as Su Mo saw his actions, he knew that the lobbyist must be interested in the eleventh person, and said calmly:

‘I advise you not to mess with that person’s crooked mind. Not to mention that he has awakened the Xuantian Treasure Technique, we cannot detect his location at all.


I had cast a great fate spell on him before he understood the magic. Fate will definitely guide me to meet him again within a year. When that time comes, I will not give him another chance to surrender and will kill him directly! ’

Zhang Miao glanced at Su Mo, who was confident, and nodded in agreement, but he didn't think so at all.

You couldn't win him down the first time you met him. Now that he has awakened the magic and is a super-destined person from outside the world, how could he be easily captured by you again?

It's just that Zhang Miao, who is lobbying among the powerful people, is naturally not so devoid of emotional intelligence. Instead, after learning about Zhou Qingyuan's information, he kindly reminded:

'Now that he has awakened the magic, he can obscure the perception of fate, and the revelation about him that you have always trusted will also become invalid. Please be more careful. ’

The Great Destiny Technique, as a rule-based magic, guides all of Su Mo's key actions without any disadvantage.

Whether it is establishing a dynasty, controlling desires and only marrying one wife, refusing to take concubines, or choosing which planets to bring under his command, fate has made the best arrangements for everything.

‘I understand what you mean, it’s just that fate can’t guide me about this person, so what?

I said that when we meet again, I will kill him without hesitation! ’

Zhang Miao nodded: 'Thank you for sharing this news with me, then I'll leave first. ’

Su Mo looked at Zhang Miao's leaving figure, thinking about what he said, a trace of disdain flashed in his heart.

Even without the guidance of fate, would he still lose to a fledgling boy? He had already sensed the kid's realm when he made the move, but was he even in a satellite-level realm worthy of contending with him who was about to enter a planet-level realm?

Within a year, his life will be taken.

Zhang Miao left the main planet where the Su Dynasty was located, found an abandoned planet with no people, took out an exquisite bone flute, and played it loudly.

Special frequencies are transmitted in this space, trembling, and gradually spread to the distance.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response in the dark universe, but Zhang Miao was not in a hurry and just kept playing the bone flute.

After a long time, a voice suddenly sounded, and a beautiful and charming sissy appeared next to Zhang Miao.

'looking for me? ’

‘I want to ask you a favor.

in addition.

Could you please stop using this image to speak to me? It sounds very uncomfortable. ’

‘Bullshit,’ the voice changed midway, ‘there are so many. ’ The weird sissy voice instantly transformed into a soft female voice.

The handsome sissy also instantly transformed into a beautiful and graceful woman with long hair.

‘Tell me what you want from me. Besides, after helping you this time, you and I will owe each other nothing. ’

Meng Qianji looked at the smiling man in front of her, wondering what happened to this man, and he actually wanted to use that precious opportunity to let her take action?

‘Oh, this Wanhua treasure technique is pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it. Not only the shape and sound, but even the nature of the soul has changed. You can never get tired of it. ’

‘Stop talking nonsense. ’ Meng Qianji’s face was slightly cold. It was just a voice transmission, but she showed the anger of a woman.

Zhang Miao’s face was serious, and he said seriously: ‘At the beginning, the old man Tianji predicted that the Tianhe system would give birth to ten destined people. These ten people must master ten corresponding Xuantian treasure techniques.

And among these ten people, one will become the overlord who rules this system. But now, there is one more destined person. Aren’t you curious? ’

‘You want me to find him? ’

Seeing Zhang Miao nod with a smile, Meng Qianji smiled, ‘Okay, what are the characteristics? ’

‘There is a teardrop mole in the corner of the eye, handsome appearance, cold face, and he practices the ancient god. Su Mo had already met him and wanted to force him to be a slave, but he ran away. ’

Faced with Zhang Miao’s simple information, Meng Qianji did not feel any difficulty, but said:

‘Is this what you asked me to do? Find a new destined person who is being chased by Su Mo? Are you sure you want to use your last precious chance for this? ’

‘I am sure. ’

‘In that case, I will leave a message in Wanhua Forest after I find him. I will definitely give you the news in three months at the fastest and half a year at the shortest. ’

‘He has been hit by Su Mo’s great destiny spell and will definitely meet Su Mo within a year. Please take care of it. ’

‘Tsk. ’

Meng Qianji frowned slightly, ‘In that case, I will do it myself. Within three months, there will be a result. ’

‘Really reliable~ I will leave it to you. ’

Looking at Meng Qianji’s departing figure, Zhang Miao’s eyes showed a deep color.

Will the newly appeared outsider be his opportunity?

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