I can add one every day

Chapter 226 The lower laws become a replicable force

The hot climate makes people exposed more, making it difficult to hide their desires.

The shouts of the crowd formed a wave of sound, and ‘Zhou Qingyuan’ felt that his brain was buzzing.

In front of him was the strong man who had been beaten with a dent in his head by the law of force after he accelerated it three times with the law of time.

"What a surprise! Unilateral crushing of strength! Absolute aesthetics of violence!"

"Let us congratulate the newly born genetic warrior, Zhou! Qing! Yuan!"

The madness in his eyes dissipated and the scarlet dissipated.

‘Zhou Qingyuan’ felt the cries of many viewers, but he had no real feeling in his heart.

Instead, he began to feel sad.

His indecisive sub-personality began to affect his mood, making him feel sad about it all.

He doesn't like this.

He didn't know how he got to the lounge. An AI girl served him. She put a ball on his chest and pressed it lightly. The adaptive combat uniform spontaneously extended and spread all over his body, cleaning itself. The system started, and the blood splashed on the body was cleared away.

The girl with a soft face changed her appearance at this time, transforming into a short-haired and capable female model, and said solemnly:

"Hello, Mr. Zhou Qingyuan, a third-class genetic warrior."

"If you win this battle, you will get 0.01 crystal coins," the short-haired woman swiped in front of 'Zhou Qingyuan' out of thin air, and a dazzling list was clearly displayed in front of him.

"Here are the resources you can currently redeem."

[Universal Energy Type I: 0.01 crystal quantity]

[Influence factor of the law of gravity: trace amount]

[Influence factor of the law of gravity: trace amount]

【.Rule influence factor: trace】

"It is recommended that you determine the direction of resource tilt as soon as possible to better help you win the next battle."

'Zhou Qingyuan' looked at the panel in front of him dejectedly. He didn't pay attention. Instead, his eyes showed sadness and asked the artificial intelligence in front of him: "What is the meaning of all this?"

"In the Tiandou Empire, only strength has meaning."

"Is it?"

"Yes, please make your choice as soon as possible. The next battle will begin in twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes, and thirty-six seconds."

'Zhou Qingyuan' looked at the cold-faced short-haired woman and realized that she was just a program. Discussing these with her would only get fixed answers.

The hesitation in his eyes faded and turned into an accelerant for his emotions. The inexplicable irritability filled his chest and turned into a rage, pushing him to change.

"Is power everything? Then I will first master absolute power and then decide the meaning."

‘Zhou Qingyuan’ stretched out his finger and chose Universal Energy Type I.

The supplies were transferred through pipelines, and a green solution was placed in a test tube full of technology. It was delivered to 'Zhou Qingyuan' three seconds after he placed the order.

He didn't need to exchange the power of the law. In just one battle, he felt that his power of the law had been significantly improved.

Then improving one's own realm strength is the most important thing at the moment.

As for the rest, he will take charge of it himself.

Swallowing the reagent containing universal energy, ‘Zhou Qingyuan’’s strength began to rise from the lower level of satellite level.

"The information has been entered. Welcome again to join the Tianshu Empire, Mr. Zhou Qingyuan, a second-class citizen."

As Zhou Qingyuan's whole body was scanned and recorded, the short-haired lady bowed respectfully to Zhou Qingyuan, suddenly transformed into a ball, and then transformed into an arrow indicator needle the size of a fist.

"There are powerful interference laws operating within the empire. Please restrain your power and do not use it at will to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Next, let me lead you to the second residential area. Please follow me carefully and don't run around. "

Zhou Qingyuan did as he was told and followed the pointer calmly. Feeling the limitations on myself, I was secretly surprised.

It is also the power of law at the perfection level.

Whether it is this city or the previous Old Man Tianji, has the power of perfect law become their standard?

Could it be that they have the power of mass production laws?

Zhou Qingyuan secretly guessed in his heart and followed the arrow pointer into a prescription cabin. The power of the law of time and the law of space appeared again, and the surrounding scenery began to recede like running water.

They were moving quickly.

Only this time, Zhou Qingyuan clearly felt that the power of the laws contained in it was not that powerful, and it was only at the level of Xiaocheng.

Is it controlling power?

Or is it that copying the superior laws is not that easy? The previous starships seemed to be only close to the power of the law, and there was still a long way to go before reaching perfection.

Zhou Qingyuan, who mastered the perfect level of time law, was very confident in his judgment and guessed that this might be the limit of the Tianshu Empire.

In this way, he felt a lot more at ease.

It seems that what they can copy is only the power of the lower laws. The degree of mastery of the upper laws is still the hard currency that distinguishes the strong.

But since he can only be a second-class citizen at the planet level, it means that there must be countless powerful beings above him.

The cabin opened, and neatly arranged square buildings appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

Each grid inside corresponds to the residence of a second-class citizen.

The space is not large, only fifty square meters, and the decoration style is simple and elegant. It is similar to the five-star hotel where Zhou Qingyuan lived in his previous life, except that there are many more technological items that he does not recognize.

The arrow pointer turned into a sphere again, and then into a short-haired capable woman, who bowed her head and said to Zhou Qingyuan:

"Then, there is only one last step left.

"As a second-class citizen, you can choose a favorite type of artificial intelligence as your butler. After the selection is completed, it will take the initiative to report to you."

The short-haired woman stretched out her hand and swiped, and three figures appeared in front of her, corresponding to the three images of a queen, a young girl, and a mature woman.

"If you are not satisfied, you can apply for a customized segmentation after you are promoted to a first-class citizen. I hope you will work harder and fulfill your obligations to the empire."

"No, I am very satisfied."

Zhou Qingyuan gently tapped on the queen image of the black-haired girl with glasses, "Let's take her."

"Okay, your unique artificial intelligence is being produced, please wait a moment."

"Then I will take my leave first. Your butler will tell you the specific matters later. "

The short-haired woman turned into a metal sphere and flew away.

The cabin door closed automatically, and Zhou Qingyuan came to the French window and watched various spheres passing through the window. From time to time, there were people of different shapes walking on the street, but

Zhou Qingyuan noticed that the expressions on many of their faces were not very good.

"The initial citizen level is divided by strength. If you want to upgrade the citizen level, you have to complete tasks."

Zhou Qingyuan tried to swipe in front of his eyes. No panel appeared.

I think it is a function exclusive to artificial intelligence.

Just as Zhou Qingyuan was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

His artificial intelligence has arrived.

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