I can add one every day

Chapter 247 Who do you want to kill?

"Brother, I was too loud just now, don't kill me!"

Facing the black Tianwu who was walking towards him with a murderous aura, Dort's legs trembled. He was really afraid that if this killer went crazy and killed him, what would he do?

After all, his attitude towards him just now was not very good.

"Come up, let's go find the teacher."

Zhou Qingyuan felt amused, and Eva stretched out a hand and gently grasped the excited Dort.

"Yes, we should find the teacher quickly! He is helping you to delay time now. I think it is because of this that those Tianqing Party members sent a message to the Damon family's thugs."

"Do you know where the teacher is now?"

"I know that they are all gathered in the No. 1 base now, and they are arguing over your affairs. If I take you there, it might be troublesome if it's too late!"

"Dulong, get out of the way. For the sake of our past relationship, I don't want to break up with you."

"Everyone, I know you have passed the message to Haas, so you don't have to go now, okay?"

Looking at Duolong who was blocking the only entrance and looking at them with pleading eyes, everyone's heart flashed with reluctance.

It is definitely not what anyone wants to see that the friendship of many years has come to this point.

They have never met Zhou Qingyuan, and they cannot understand Duolong's persistence and cherishment of talent, but even if they have met, they will still make the same difficult decision.

Haas's methods were getting more and more serious day by day, dancing on their nerves in a slow knife-cutting way, making them naively believe that there was still room for maneuver in this matter. As long as Zhou Qingyuan was handed over, everything would be fine.

"Forget it, everyone. Anyway, the people of the Haas family are on the way. We might as well wait here."

Hearing this, Duolong's pupils shrank slightly, and his lips moved slightly. He wanted to say something, but he felt that his upper and lower lips were glued together by super glue and could not be opened anyway.

In this matter, he felt guilty towards Zhou Qingyuan, but he was not only guilty of Zhou Qingyuan?

Everyone fell into silence for a while, but when they didn't notice, the colorless and tasteless mental toxins had already filled the field.

In the solemn atmosphere, someone suddenly fell silently.

As the first person fell, it was soon the second and the third. Like dominoes, they fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

"There are mental toxins, be careful!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, but he was responded by a shrill and high-pitched laugh.

"Hehehe! Since the position of that kid has been exposed, there is no point in keeping you."

The black room appeared out of thin air, and ten green-skinned strange people with human heads and snake bodies walked out of it, followed by a huge man with double horns on his forehead.

"Are you from the Damon family? But we have already...!"

"What? You don't think that if you hand over the person, this matter will be over, right?"

The green-skinned snake man Camus, who was in the lead, showed a mocking look on his face. This was his unique killing moment, and he didn't mind having some appetizers before starting the slaughter.

Especially... these people are all first-class people who are arrogant on weekdays. Many of them are technical workers with noble status. The Tianqing Party is the private land of these clean streams, and they are not easily touched by others.

Now, these people have become lambs to be slaughtered in the eyes of these mercenaries just because they misjudged one person. After slaughtering them at will, the Damon family will cover them.

The taste is wonderful.

"You have provoked the Damon family. Do you think you can escape safely? Lord Haas has already issued an order long after the position of that kid was exposed."

The slender broadsword appeared in Camus's hand. He excitedly licked the back of the knife with his long tongue. Looking at the desperate expressions of the crowd, he was so excited that his lower body was about to swell.

Although he has no lower body.

But it's all worth it.

"How can this be! Just because he is a member of our party, he wants to kill all of us? Is this reasonable?"

"You are talking about reason with the special family? Don't worry, after you leave, the people in the prison will accompany you one after another. You can form a party in hell again."

"Hey, where are you going."

Camus' figure suddenly appeared in the right corner, kicking the Tianqing party member who still had the strength to resist back, the power of the law surged, the poison wrapped toes touched the chest, and the man kicked was embedded in the floor tiles and unconscious.

"Let me see, who should we start killing? By the way, Duolong, you are the teacher of the fool who killed the young lady, right?"

Camus looked relaxed, not in a hurry at all, and decided to have some fun.

Anyway, the fool who dared to kill the young lady must have been caught and sent to Lord Has, so it doesn't matter if I move slowly here, right?

Let's have some fun.

Camus smiled and walked towards Duolong step by step, while other aliens were already preparing to cut off the heads of everyone and take them away.

Under the force field constructed by the law suppression device, all their post-processing methods would be useless.

"If you are willing to say more bad things about that boy, maybe I can kill you last."

At this moment, the ceiling above his head was crushed by a huge force, and Zhou Qingyuan, who had observed that everyone's position had not moved for a long time, suddenly fell from the top.


Amidst the loud noise, the black Tianwu grabbed Camus and squeezed him hard. As the law of force spread, all of Camus's material information was annihilated. The law of cause and effect traced back to the source and firmly wiped out everything about him.

"Who do you say you want to kill?"

A cold voice sounded, and Zhou Qingyuan walked out of the cockpit. The light from the ceiling fell on him, like a piece of good luck, and he was handsome beyond compare.

All the strange people present were stagnant, and they looked puzzled when they saw Zhou Qingyuan's figure.

Who is this person?

The magic gun in his hand was very familiar.


Duolong saw Zhou Qingyuan and showed a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect to see his apprentice in such a place and at such a time.

But didn't the people of the Damon family go to find him? What happened?

"All the people of the Tianqing Party, come to me."

The power of the law of chaos enveloped this place, and the toxins in everyone's body were dissected and thrown away by Zhou Qingyuan, along with part of their cultivation.

The people lying on the ground were encouraged by Zhou Qingyuan's domineering attitude and subconsciously moved closer to Zhou Qingyuan's position.

Other aliens subconsciously wanted to take action, and some wanted to retreat when they saw the bad situation, but as they moved, parts of their bodies moved in multiple trajectories and fell to the ground piece by piece.

The hearts of the Tianqing party members trembled, and some were so weak that they even used their hands and feet to quickly crawl to Duolong's side, still in shock.

This strong man who suddenly fell from the sky. Is he the cause of the Damon family incident?


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