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Chapter 263 Xu Family

"With these visions, what kind of existence is this person?!"

Xu Zhiya was shocked to see the terrifying celestial phenomenon erupting in front of her eyes.

"Great, if we can bring him back to the tribe, wouldn't it be a great achievement?

This is the opportunity I have been waiting for and I must seize it! "

Xu Zhiya's fleet originally came out to mine energy from a planet a hundred light years away, but unexpectedly met Zhou Qingyuan.

Unexpectedly, this person with no aura on his body suddenly burst out with overwhelming power, and his aura kept rising in an instant, frightening all of them, thinking that their death was imminent.

Fortunately, the strong man had now restrained his aura and showed a kind smile to them.

This person is the type who can communicate!

Xu Zhiya's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, and she personally stepped out of the ship and respectfully invited Zhou Qingyuan to the battleship.

Both parties had a positive exchange and had a good time talking.

"Senior, this is the planet where our family lives."

Xu Zhiya, who decisively abandoned the mining mission, dismissed the fleet and tribesmen, and respectfully took Zhou Qingyuan to land.

Although the technology of battleships has been developed, Zhou Qingyuan discovered that the technology here was far inferior to that of the Tianshu Empire.

One look at the construction level shows that they are all industrial high-rise buildings, but that's about it.

"This place is restricted to airspace, so we can only trouble senior and I to take a vehicle there."

Xu Zhiya looked apologetic towards Zhou Qingyuan, and was secretly happy when she saw that the other party just nodded calmly without showing any displeasure on his face.

It seems that this senior is not only powerful, but also has a first-class temper. This time he really met a treasure.

What she didn't know was that the senior she thought had a good temper had just been temporarily weakened by the long lonely journey.

Now Zhou Qingyuan's mental state is very strange. After not meeting a new civilization for a long time, his attitude towards human beings has become extremely friendly.

In a nutshell: I-LOVE-HUMAN.

Yes, this is Zhou Qingyuan's current state. Everyone looks peaceful.

And after entering the cosmic level, he didn't think there would be anyone in this world who could pose an actual threat to his life. With no fear, everything he saw and heard was just scenery.

"Senior, it's about your future treatment. Could you please tell me about your current status? I can fight for the maximum rights for your family."

Before entering the building at the top, Xu Zhiya asked this good-tempered senior.

Zhou Qingyuan learned about it and found that the previous realm positioning may have different names, but after reaching the satellite level, they are basically the same.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Qingyuan said:

"I am currently at the cosmic-level stage of creating space."

Even though he had deliberately lowered himself to a lower level, Xu Zhiya still subconsciously opened his mouth wide and exclaimed: "Cosmic level! Still Yanxu level!"

She couldn't help but be surprised, it was because of this level. It had even surpassed the actual agent of this planet, and was even higher than Xu Zhiqing, the most powerful person in his generation!

"The acting patriarch of our planet has just reached the stellar level."

Although Zhou Qingyuan had already experienced such strange phenomena before, what could Xu Zhiya understand at the satellite level?

At this moment, she truly realized how strong the kind-hearted man standing in front of her was.

But at the same time, she also had suspicions that were forcibly suppressed and hidden.

The strong men she had ever seen were more outspoken and as kind as Zhou Qingyuan, but she had never seen him before.

"Senior, this matter is of great importance. Can you please go to the training room to verify it in detail?"

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, and it was okay.

As soon as the two of them entered the lobby, Xu Zhiya arranged for Zhou Qingyuan to sit down at the reception desk in the lobby, and then hurriedly went to the front desk to apply for an audience with the clan leader.

Her strength is too weak and her authority is not enough.

"I really have something urgent to do to find the clan leader! I'm looking for one from the outside world."

Xu Zhiya wanted to tell the truth, but suddenly thought that Zhou Qingyuan's realm had not yet been verified. If something happened, she might not be able to bear the clan leader's anger.

Thinking of this, she changed her words and could only register and make an appointment first.

"Senior, I've been waiting for a long time. Let me take you to test it first."

With that said, she was about to take Zhou Qingyuan to the training room, but then there was a sudden harsh sound.

"Zhiya, what happened to make you give up the hard-won mining mission?"

A man wearing a sexy cardigan and purple clothes came to Xu Zhiya with three or two figures. His peach blossom eyes stared directly at Xu Zhiya's chest without covering up.

Xu Zhiya had a look of disgust on her face, unwilling to show her timidity in front of a strong man like Zhou Qingyuan, and said coldly:

"Of course I have something more important to deal with. Xu Zhiruo, I am very busy now and have no time to care about you."

Saying that, Xu Zhiya changed her expression again, extended her hand to Zhou Qingyuan and said:

"Senior, please."

oh? Find a master?

Xu Zhiruo looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was not breathing, stopped talking, and watched the two people leaving in silence.

“I guess they are going to the training room to test their strength.

Follow up and quietly copy the results to me. "



After punching the test equipment in front of him, Zhou Qingyuan showed a look of surprise on his face.

Doesn’t it mean that you can do whatever you want? Isn’t it just a star-level power that can’t be resisted?

Although, after mastering the two supreme laws, Zhou Qingyuan can burst out terrifying power even with planetary energy.

And Xu Zhiya's eyes were already dull.

She had never seen anyone blow up this tester.

But the next second, she was so excited that she trembled all over.

What he said was true!

A cosmic-level strongman who was free from the Xu Dynasty!

If she could successfully accept this person and leave his genes, Xu Zhiya seemed to see endless wealth and glory waving to her.

"Senior! I will introduce you to the acting clan leader immediately, please follow me!"

Xu Zhiya walked ahead boldly, and Zhou Qingyuan followed behind him, but his brows were inadvertently frowned.

The amplitude of the other party's buttocks twisting was a little too large.

Was it like this before?

That's it, it's just a contact channel.

Zhou Qingyuan just wanted to find the strongest person in this civilization as soon as possible, communicate with him, and then find a city to settle down.

As for whose hand to borrow, it doesn't matter.


The door of the reception room was suddenly opened, and Xu Zhiruo turned his head to look in dissatisfaction.

He knew that the other party might have something urgent to do, but this approach was too unskillful, which naturally made him unhappy.

Not to mention, the expression on the other party's face at this time was as if he had seen a ghost.

If the star-level strongman opposite him thought that their group had such self-restraint, he might lose some impression points.

"Boss! That man blew up the tester!"


Before Xu Zhiruo's dissatisfaction fermented, it disappeared in an instant.

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