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Chapter 27 Condensing the Breath and Condensing the Essence

[Breathing Condensation Method] [Three Transformations of Condensing Yuan] [Dead Man's Sutra] [Blood Explosion Method]

After spending a few days in Wulou's library, Zhou Qingyuan finally got these four techniques that were slightly interesting to him.

[Breathing Concentration Method]: A must-have method for hiding your breath by pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After spending four days to reach perfection, all the blood and internal energy in Zhou Qingyuan's body became like a hibernating bear in winter, leaving no trace behind.

[Three Transformations of Condensing Yuan]: The ingenuity of the ancients far exceeded Zhou Qingyuan's imagination. Although they clearly did not have the concept of physics, they understood the inner energy as the three states of gas, liquid, and solid.

The three transformations of Yuan Condensation focus on the process of changing the sea of ​​inner Qi in the body from gaseous to liquid to solid.

This method is extremely difficult to practice and is suitable for the Qi Condensation Realm. It is an extremely powerful method.

Once the cultivation is completed, the user's internal Qi increase is expected to be at least a hundred times that of a person who has not practiced.

Yes, it was just expected, because even the person who created this technique did not practice it to the solid level, and it stopped abruptly when it reached the liquid state.

The reason why this technique surprises Zhou Qingyuan is that in his opinion, this method of recognizing inner energy is actually equivalent to another method of condensation.

On the basis of Cao's Condensation Method, he can also use this method to fill the internal Qi in the body, achieving further expansion and compression of the internal Qi.

After catching up with the concept of condensing energy and refining qi, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly realized.

The technique of turning inner Qi into crystals mastered at the ultimate stage of Qi Condensation Realm is actually also a Qi refining technique.

What's more important is that these three methods of condensing energy and refining qi can be performed simultaneously.

In this way, Zhou Qingyuan can not only save countless time-wasting water grinding efforts, but also obtain an unusual amount of internal energy, killing two birds with one stone.

To be honest, even Zhou Qingyuan himself doesn't know where his future limit will be.

In the four realms of body training, he has gone much further than others.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and his strong physique gives him an inner energy that is different from ordinary people's capacity.

Now, he has mastered three more extremely difficult Qi refining methods, and the amount of Qi he can carry in his body is far superior to others.

Once he completes his initial accumulation and starts adding points to enter the Qi Refining Realm, his internal Qi in the Qi Refining Realm will be several times that of other Qi Refining Realms.

The third skill book [Book of the Dead]: a book that teaches people how to pretend to be dead. If that was all it was, it would actually mean very little to Zhou Qingyuan.

But Zhou Qingyuan realized its potential as early as the first time he saw this technique.

In a sense, pretending to be dead is actually a form of holding your breath.

After the point reaches perfection, I think it can cooperate with the breath concentration method.

The last skill [Blood Explosion Technique] is a rare skill that can still connect with the physical body in the three realms of true energy.

When necessary, let the master explode the qi and blood in the body, and use a unique internal qi driving method to convert the essence and blood in the body into a blood and gas drive similar to the internal qi to achieve the purpose of the explosion.

If possible, Zhou Qingyuan hoped that he would never have to use this technique.

In addition to these four techniques, he also learned more than a dozen sword techniques that use internal energy.

But compared with the previous four skills, these sword skills seem a bit sparse and ordinary.

For these sword skills, he will have enough points to fill up one of them. As for the subsequent ones, I am afraid he will have to wait until he has extra points before he has the time to add them.

In half a month, Zhou Qingyuan successively perfected the [Breathe Concentration Technique], [Three Transformations of Yuan Condensation], [Dead Man's Sutra] and a [Tianhe Sword Technique].

When the three Qi refining techniques are used together, most of the internal Qi in the body has been transformed.

In just half a month, with the addition of two perfect Qi refining methods, a top Qi refining method that the system helped him understand at the Qi Condensation Realm, and a total of three Qi refining methods, he completed what it would take others five years. Completed process.

The column representing [Cao's Qi Refining Method] on the panel has also changed from the previous uninitiated state to the state of completion.

"Sir, we have encountered some obstacles in Kangcheng. It is suspected that there are unregistered Qi Condensation Realm experts stationed there."

Zhou Qingyuan, who has mastered the breath-condensing technique and has always maintained at Xiaoqi Condensation Realm, did not show off and said calmly:

"I know, I'll report it to the governor immediately and let him solve it."


But just as his men were about to leave, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him.

Zhou Qingyuan of Kangcheng always felt that the name of this city was a bit familiar.

Yes, it was the place where the white-haired old man he met in prison suggested that he go.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan decided to go there by himself and said to his men:

"I'll go take a look with you first. Don't disturb the governor first."


In Cannes, where the revival church is located, a kind of revival congregation actively surrounded an old man with white hair, showing concern on their faces.

"Elder, are you okay?"

"It's okay. So many good players have suddenly appeared in the city recently?"

Dong Qiantu, a burly white-haired old man, took off his clothes and armor with a puzzled look on his face.

"Indeed, several masters of the Blood Refining Realm have emerged one after another. They act in a uniform manner, unlike ordinary forces."

"Hey, why is it just when my church is about to be revived?"

Dong Qiantu sighed, with a worried look on his face, and was quite puzzled by the court's recent change of temper.

"What exactly does the imperial court want to do? It is to build a martial arts tower and invite experts from all over the world to pay homage to the imperial court. Has it changed its temper?"

"Don't tell me, some people in the club seem to be a little moved recently. Do you want to say a few words?"

"Humph, they have lived a good life under the protection of the club for a few days, and they have forgotten their original situation.

They forgot that they were trampled and hated just because of their background.

They forgot that just because of their background, they could not get any chance to prove themselves, and could only be slaves and laborers for others for the rest of their lives, and they were insecure.

They forgot how bad the world is and how sick the dynasty has become."

Dong Qiantu sighed, and his mind thought of the boy he met in prison for no reason, the boy who shouted "Are there any kings, princes, generals and ministers?"

Why didn't he come to Kangcheng? Was he really trapped in prison for a lifetime by Chen Qinghe?

Perhaps he should have saved him at the beginning. The ideas revealed by the boy would definitely boost the atmosphere in the gang.

For no reason, Dong Qiantu regretted it a little. Should he have taken the boy with him?


Just when the two were distracted, a loud noise sounded outside the base, and a young man's voice came from afar.

"The royal family is doing business, and the outsiders should retreat."

"You remnants of the Renaissance Society, it is best to surrender obediently and leave your useful bodies to serve the royal court."

"Anyone who escapes will be killed immediately."

Dong Qiantu's heart beat rapidly and he hurried out.

"What's going on? The people of the court have come to our headquarters? How did they find out?"

What he didn't see was that the eyes of the hall master beside him flickered, and a guilty look flashed across his face.


Another loud noise, accompanied by the sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed, a crescent-shaped knife energy was like a sky river hanging upside down, which had already cut down several stubborn people and smashed the buildings behind them.

The dense footsteps spread underground, and Dong Qiantu's roar also sounded underground.


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