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Chapter 63 You probably can’t become an immortal

"Mortal! Stop it!"

Inside the Dan Palace, Qiu Chiyin, who was deeply trapped in the tunnel, roared in anger as Zhou Qingyuan's fatal knife chopped him.

At the same time, the skin on his face began to fall off piece by piece, revealing the wood color hidden inside.

Zhou Qingyuan noticed something strange and stopped the attack that was falling like a rainstorm, and looked carefully at Qiu Chiyin, whose appearance had changed drastically.

"Wow? It turned out to be a puppet?"

Qiu Chiyin stood up from the tunnel, and his condition had become very miserable at this time.

Most of the skin on his body had fallen off, revealing the true appearance inside, without a trace of flesh and blood, but with a slightly green wood grain.

"I know you want to kill me, but as you can see, this body is just a puppet of mine.

Even if you kill this body, it will only be a loss of a puppet for me, but without my help, you will die after the blood disaster comes."

Qiu Chiyin carefully chose his words, suppressed the tension in his heart, and thought about how to convince Zhou Qingyuan.

His inner emotions were far from being as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Ever since he learned that this place was the place where the last drop of blood of the Divine Transformation cultivator Li Hua was shed, he had been preparing for this for twenty years.

In order to make this special human puppet, it took him three years just to find the materials, and it took more than a month to refine it. The efforts during this period were definitely not negated by the mere word "forget it".

If he lost this human puppet at this time, he would lose the qualification to continue to play chess, and all the previous arrangements and preparations would be in vain.

Just because of the variables caused by a mortal, twenty years of hard work went to waste. This was definitely not what Qiu Chiyin wanted to see.

"So, what is your true identity?"

The giant sat down slowly, stretched out his hand to grab the human puppet in front of him, and placed it in front of him.

"I'll say it first. If what you say makes me doubt anything, I will destroy your puppet at all costs."

Qiu Chiyin's eyelids twitched slightly. No mortal had ever spoken to him in this way.

But unfortunately, he really has no way out now. The situation is stronger than people, so he will tolerate this kid for the time being.

"I am Qiu Chiyin, a cultivator from the Sun-Chasing Realm. I came here to seek an opportunity."

"What opportunity?"

". Your Majesty, don't you want to know the reason why vampires are born?"

The giant opened his mouth, showing his cold teeth, ignoring Qiu Chiyin's question, and asked again:

"The question I asked is what opportunity you came here to seek, are you deaf?"

Qiu Chiyin was slightly angry, and all kinds of thoughts flowed. In just a few moments, he quickly organized his words.

While he spoke slowly and respectfully, he thought about what he could say and what he couldn't say.

"If your majesty wants to know about this opportunity, I will tell you, but this matter cannot be avoided without mentioning the blood ghost incident."

"Your majesty, do you know why the blood ghost was created?"

Feeling that the giant's grip on him had loosened a little, Qiu Chiyin continued tactfully:

"A hundred years ago, the incarnation monk Li Hua accidentally died while exploring the forbidden land.

Before he died, he transferred a drop of infinitely concentrated blood from his body and finally sprinkled it here.

After this drop of blood concentrated with the essence of the immortal fell on this land, it began to accumulate power continuously.

Now, it has completely spread in this land, forming a low-level magic array that repeats in a cycle.

Although this drop of blood does not have advanced thinking, it has the instinct to survive and seek benefits and avoid harm.

The primitive desire will make it spontaneously start looking for all opportunities to revive its body."

"Now that the blood ghost has come, it means that this drop of blood has accumulated enough power and has begun to strengthen itself by plundering the blood of mortals.

Although you have killed blood ghosts in various places, the blood crystals left behind are only a very small part of its blood.

Under the transformation of the power of the magic circle, it can be said that it has almost no effect on its blood."

"It is foreseeable that once this blood disaster breaks out, the yellow-level blood ghost will plunder all blood in a short period of time, and finally rush back to one place.

The immortal will also return to the world and revive here."

"And my chance is to help this person increase his blood by refining the innate pill, so that he can get a more complete body and gain his favor."

Qiu Chiyin, who had modified some of the facts, looked at Zhou Qingyuan sincerely and quietly observed the other party's expression.

At this time, Zhou Qingyuan digested the information Qiu Chiyin said, and his brows were tightly furrowed.

The blood ghost is actually caused by a drop of immortal blood?

The Divine Transformation cultivator can even be reborn by dropping blood. How strong will his strength be?

How powerful is Qiu Chiyin if he can communicate with the other party?

Why didn't the other party attack him at this time?

"So, there are really immortals in this world? The reason why I couldn't hurt you before was also because of this?

What is the biggest difference between immortals and warriors like us?"

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan didn't find some loopholes in his words, Qiu Chiyin calmed down and continued:

"Spiritual energy."

"The biggest difference between immortals and ordinary warriors is that warriors cultivate internal energy, while immortals cultivate spiritual energy.

The gap between the two energies is so great that it is impossible to estimate.

If you use your ordinary things to make an inappropriate analogy, it is probably the difference between wheat stalks and iron rods.

No matter how many wheat stalks you have and how thick they are, it cannot change its fragile nature.

Even a thin piece of iron rod wire can easily pierce it. "

Speaking of this, Qiu Chiyin's words were paused as he thought that his spiritual puppet, which was equivalent to the first level of Qi refining, was almost beaten to pieces by the other party.

Zhou Qingyuan nodded and finally asked the most critical question:

"So, how can I become an immortal?"


Zhou Qingyuan's eyes began to turn cold when he looked at Qiu Chiyin. This person became silent after he asked this question. Could it be that he didn't want to give it?

At this time, Qiu Chiyin was also very conflicted. He didn't want to irritate Zhou Qingyuan, but he also knew that Zhou Qingyuan had some kind of sensing method, so it was impossible for him to take his human elixir.

Then I can only tell the truth.

Before Zhou Qingyuan's face turned completely ugly, Qiu Chiyin said with some difficulty:

"Zhou Qingyuan, you probably won't be able to become an immortal."

"The first state before a monk enters the door is called [Purixia]"

“Aura is an extremely powerful energy that is regarded as highly poisonous by mortal body instincts and cannot be carried at all, let alone actively absorbed.

We can only swallow the elixir and absorb the weak spiritual energy contained in the elixir again and again over ninety-nine days, allowing it to dissipate in the body.

In this process, our body will gradually adapt to the spiritual energy, and eventually we will develop an immortal body.

At that time, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, the body can make up for all the previous shortcomings at once, and can also temper the body to a large extent and achieve the foundation of immortality. "

"And that's where your problem lies."

"Your inner energy will greatly hinder your adaptation to spiritual energy."

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