After Wu Xingyun finished speaking, she did not explain much to Cui Dongshan, but quickly approached, then went around the side of the cave and climbed up quickly.

It was about 15 or 16 meters from the ground.

She began to grope on the mountain wall.

After a while, it seemed that she had found a place, and Wu Xingyun pulled apart the vines and got in. Then the vines recovered, and on the surface, Wu Xingyun could not be seen at all.

Cui Dongshan widened his eyes.

Oh my god, is this how to rest?

I learned something again.

He is really a wild warrior with rich experience.

Cui Dongshan did not hesitate. Following Wu Xingyun's route, he also crawled to Wu Xingyun's side and crawled in from where she crawled in.

What's more, after digging it open, there was actually a crack inside. The narrow crack was less than one meter wide, but it was two or three meters deep.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun was huddled in it.

Cui Dongshan saw it and squeezed over.

"Come on, make room."

Wu Xingyun frowned: "No, can't you change places?"

Cui Dongshan said as a matter of course: "We are training together, so we naturally have to share the joys and sorrows. It must be a little cold at night, and it's warm to squeeze together."

Wu Xingyun was angry: "Men and women should not be intimate."

Cui Dongshan said: "You are meaningless, do you believe that I will throw you down and walk by myself?"

Wu Xingyun paused and didn't speak.

It sounds like a joke.

But Wu Xingyun is very sharp-minded and can feel that this guy is not joking. He really can do it.

They really have to separate.

The risk is much greater.

I chose to agree at that time because Cui Dongshan was really a good fighter.

With a thought, Wu Xingyun moved some space and let Cui Dongshan lie down.

Cui Dongshan was satisfied. After lying down, he used several thick vines to fix his body.

Not to mention, standing and resting like this, it feels like being carried on the back of an elder to work when I was a child.

And there is a soft girl next to me as a warm baby. In the wilderness, this treatment is very good.

After Cui Dongshan lies down.

Wu Xingyun suddenly asked: "How did you cultivate your Qi and blood to this level?"

Cui Dongshan glanced at her: "Want to learn?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I want to study."

Cui Dongshan had a toothache: "You are a girl, don't talk to people as if you want to dissect people, isn't that sick."

Wu Xingyun snorted: "What do you know? The human body contains infinite mysteries, seven meridians and eight vessels, five internal organs and five Qi, just like the heaven and earth. The more you study, the more you find it unfathomable."

"I could condense the true Qi last year, why not? I just want to study some Qi and blood secrets to make my foundation more solid."

Cui Dongshan said: "But there is no such research as dissection, right? The human body is different. No matter how good others are, yours is different. What's the point?"

"The meaning of reference."

Cui Dongshan was powerless to complain.

This little girl is really crazy.

I want to see which hero in the world can accept you and dare to accept you.

After muttering inwardly, Cui Dongshan said: "I can have the current Qi and blood cultivation, all thanks to one word."

Wu Xingyun looked at Cui Dongshan expectantly.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "Fight."


"Yes, fight with the sky, because I believe in a saying, fight, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, as long as you dare to gamble, either win the sky or lose to the sky, I use myself as a chess piece, play chess with the world, and win half a piece from the sky."

Cui Dongshan opened his mouth and spoke nonsense seriously.

Wu Xingyun was silent.

It's not that she didn't believe it, but she didn't believe it completely.

Because she had more contact and research, she did find many similar situations.

For example, some people have poor talents, but dare to play with their lives. After several times of not dying, their strength has greatly improved.

Earlier, she saw Cui Dongshan swallow the heart blood of a beast in one gulp.

She was shocked at the time.

Even ordinary masters would not dare to do that kind of behavior, because it would cause indigestion and even damage their own bodies.

But Wu Xingyun felt.

Cui Dongshan definitely didn't tell the truth, or didn't tell the whole truth.

He concealed the most crucial thing.

But Wu Xingyun was not surprised.

Who would really tell outsiders about their cultivation secrets?

That's what only a fool would do.

At least, Wu Xingyun had never told anyone about his research experience for several years, not even his cousins.

"By the way, your strength is not bad, why did you hide in the previous battle? If you kill the enemy with me, you can also kill the silver-backed iron-armored python, right? There is no point in sneaking up on me, right?

" Cui Dongshan also asked.

Anyway, it's cooperation, mutual learning.

You asked me, so I should ask you to clear up your confusion.

Wu Xingyun said: "Why is it meaningless? What do you think is the meaning of experience?"

Cui Dongshan said: "To make yourself stronger, to be qualified to defeat more powerful beasts."

Wu Xingyun smiled: "Then my behavior is meaningful. After all, there are two fundamental purposes for human beings to practice martial arts. First, to defeat stronger opponents, and the fundamental purpose of so many fancy moves in martial arts is to kill the enemy more efficiently."

"In this case, I am petite and not strong, so the only thing I can rely on is the knife in my hand. Who do you think will die in a head-on battle with the silver-backed iron-armored python?"


"Yes, I will die, because the strength is unequal. That is its advantage and my disadvantage, and my advantage is the knife in my hand. To kill it, I naturally have to seize the best opportunity and give it a fatal blow. "

"If you like to watch battle videos, you should have seen that many warriors fight very lively and excitingly, with swords flying back and forth, elegant and unrestrained, attracting all kinds of cheers and shouts. Don't you feel excited and want to replace them?"

Cui Dongshan smiled.

Wu Xingyun sneered: "But those people, in the wild world or the catastrophe world, they will die first. They have put the cart before the horse in cultivation. They are pure idiots."

"In my opinion, the real battle is to kill the opponent. All the martial arts moves learned exist for fighting the opponent. Playing fancy moves on the battlefield is equivalent to chronic suicide. "

Cui Dongshan nodded, and he agreed with this view.

Because of the hunting mode in the virtual network before.

Cui Dongshan also tried to use the monster beast to sharpen his martial arts.

But when he met the silver-backed iron-armored python today, Cui Dongshan found.

His previous behavior was also very naive.

What martial arts to sharpen.

In short, martial arts is a word of killing. All moves are created for fighting.

So, when you stand with your opponent, you think about how to kill the opponent, not about sharpening and training.

And the martial arts you learn are the warehouse for this purpose, and the toolbox for you to kill your opponent.

At this moment.

Wu Xingyun in front of him fully understood this.

When she faces a powerful beast, she will do what is most in her own interest. 's actions, and the action will be at the most appropriate time.

Use the least power to gain the greatest credit and retain more strength.

Therefore, Wu Xingyun is also practicing.

And her practice like this can give her a greater chance of survival when facing the beast tide or more powerful beasts in the future.

But Cui Dongshan also disagrees with all of Wu Xingyun's views.

Always sneak attack, that is an assassin, not a warrior.

A real warrior must face the enemy head-on and kill head-on.

Otherwise, you only practice the skills to kill the enemy, but lose the courage to kill the enemy and the belief of invincibility.

Such martial arts is a dead end and can't go far.

But Cui Dongshan didn't refute it.

Everyone has different beliefs, respect others and stick to yourself.

"What is the second purpose of practicing martial arts?" Cui Dongshan continued to ask.

Wu Xingyun smiled: "Longevity."

Cui Dongshan was stunned.

Wu Xingyun continued: "Whether it is now or in ancient times, the purpose of practicing is to live long and live longer. But before, there were few resources and no breakthrough in the realm of martial arts. "

"Only after the fusion of the three realms, with the sword hanging over the head and the threat of life and death, Daxia worked together and united to plan to seize resources from the other two worlds, which made our martial arts flourish everywhere and rise steadily. "

"Nowadays, in all realms of martial arts, as long as you can achieve perfect blood and qi in the martial arts realm, you will basically rarely get sick and live a hundred years in peace and stability. The saying of the flourishing age of martial arts is also because of this."

Cui Dongshan was silent.

This is true.

It has been more than a month since I came here, and I really haven't seen many pharmacies. Occasionally, there is one that sells various medicines.

This is really different from the four or five pharmacies on a street in the previous life.

For this reason, martial arts is a blessing for mankind.

"But perfect blood and qi are not enough. If you want a longer life, you need to practice hard to break through. The true qi realm is an accumulation stage, and it is also a stage to seize external resources and make up for yourself. Breaking through to the master realm can live to be 120 years old. "

"Only twenty years more!" Cui Dongshan smacked his lips.

Wu Xingyun glanced at Cui Dongshan; "This is not living longer, but the maximum lifespan of a human body, which is 120. When you reach the master level, your meridians are connected, your true essence flows throughout your body, nourishing your body and spirit, and you can live longer.

A maximum lifespan. "

"Of course, 120 is not fixed. People are different. Some live 117 or 180, and some can live 125 or 126, but the difference is only a few years."

"Only by breaking through the master realm and becoming a grandmaster can you truly break the lifespan limit."

Speaking of this, Wu Xingyun's eyes became hot.

"Grandmaster realm, can live 150, Grandmaster, can live 180. If you practice health-preserving exercises, or eat some natural treasures, 200 years is not a luxury."

Cui Dongshan said: "What about the God of War?"

Wu Xingyun said: "In the history of Daxia, the longest-lived God of War came from the Quanzhen lineage of Taoism. He practiced Xiantian Gong and lived for 322 years."

"More than 300 years! That's okay." Cui Dongshan was a little yearning.

In the previous life, this was equivalent to living a dynasty.

Wu Xingyun said: "But above the God of War realm, you can live longer."

"Hmm? Above the Martial God Realm? Has a new realm been developed now?" Cui Dongshan was a little surprised.

Wu Xingyun said: "How can it be so easy? To reach the level of Martial God is already an incredible power. A Martial God can easily destroy a country in the past."

"But the major families and the government have never given up the pursuit of higher martial arts. At present, it is said that Buddhism is studying breakthroughs in thoughts, Taoism is studying the transcendence of the mind, and the government is studying the exploration of the human body's limits. There was also a plan before to collect all kinds of martial arts talents from all over the country to explore the potential of qi and blood."

"The result is very funny. With a large amount of resources piled up, it took more than ten years, and the so-called potential warriors cultivated were almost the same as the children cultivated by the major families, so the plan was abandoned."

"But all studies have proved that there are more realms above the Martial God, and it is very likely that breaking through the Martial God is a real transformation of life. Not only will the strength double, but the life span will also be greatly extended."

"My biggest dream in this life, Wu Xingyun, is to break through the Martial God Realm and become a true immortal. "

Wu Xingyun's tone was fiery and his eyes were burning.

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