The old man was very happy.

"Yes, absolutely." The leader of the Heavenly Wolf answered excitedly without any hesitation.

Cui Dongshan was satisfied.

Wisdom is a double-edged sword.

It can make the beast smarter.

But it can also make people fool it better.

"Okay, starting today, you are a friend of our Pangu tribe. Practice well. If you want to break through to a higher level in the future, I will help you." Cui Dongshan directly made a big promise.

This is a very easy thing to say.

Don't deny it, as long as you are a person, as long as you want to start a business, you will learn the art of making big promises without a teacher, and no one can escape this curse.

The leader of the Heavenly Wolf was even more excited.

Promise, this is the promise made by the descendants of the divine beast to themselves.

I, the Heavenly Wolf King, will have the opportunity to become a true king.

That’s right, there are rules for the fierce beasts.

Only those above the high level can be the true king.

And above this, the minimum requirement is the tenth level.

I am only two steps away from the tenth level.

We reached an agreement.

We got along even better afterwards.

I ate a lot of spiritual fruits and drank a lot of Monkey King wine.

Although his body’s qi and blood were greatly nourished and regulated, Cui Dongshan was also a little dizzy.

He simply rested for a night with the Heavenly Wolf leader.

When he woke up, it was already the morning of the second day, and the Heavenly Wolf leader had already prepared everything.

He walked out of the col and took a look.


One hundred thousand Heavenly Wolves, like a formation of troops, were waiting in an orderly manner.

Even many Heavenly Wolves had things on their backs.

Those were bags woven with vines, filled with a lot of spiritual fruits.

These things were everywhere in the Heavenly Wolf territory.

Cui Dongshan likes to eat, so the leader of the Heavenly Wolf asked Tu Maorong to collect a lot of them. Tu Maorong pulled out all the spiritual fruit trees.

In addition, there is Monkey King Wine.

There are at least 40 or 50 jars carved from stone.

It is estimated that this is the last Monkey King Wine, otherwise the 100,000 Heavenly Wolfs will all become load-bearing cattle and horses.

"What are these?" Cui Dongshan asked knowingly.

The leader of the Heavenly Wolf said: "The Son of God must have a face when traveling. Although our Heavenly Wolf tribe is not very powerful, we have a large number and should open the way for the Son of God."

Cui Dongshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Good guy, I just fooled you casually, and you took it as an imperial decree?

The Son of God has even come out.

This title was mentioned by the ancient golden eagle and Cui Dongshan.

The focused descendant of the bloodline of a divine beast is the Son of God.

It failed to compete with its brother back then, and its brother became the Son of God, and it became a prodigal son.

I didn't expect that I, a young human, would now enjoy the treatment of a son of God in the wilderness?

Tsk tsk, who would believe it if I told him when I got back?

However, Cui Dongshan was not polite and praised the leader of the Heavenly Wolf, which made the leader of the Heavenly Wolf very happy. He felt that the information left by many ancestors in the inheritance memory had benefited him a lot.

In the future, when he continued his offspring, he would also pass on these useful things through blood.

With a big wave of his hand, he set off.

The leader of the Heavenly Wolf was very powerful. He made a big bed for Cui Dongshan on his back so that he could lie on it and rest.

Then, the leader of the Heavenly Wolf took the lead and led 100,000 Heavenly Wolfs to howl away.

Lying on the back of the leader of the Heavenly Wolf.

Cui Dongshan was idle, so he sat cross-legged and studied his own blood and martial arts.

The blood and qi had been baptized by the spiritual fruit and wine yesterday.

Now the changes are also great, and the amount has not increased much.

But the Qi and blood are like a piece of jade that has been polished, becoming more and more round.

After that, as long as you slowly replenish your Qi and blood, and make it more and more vigorous, the Qi and blood furnace will be completed.

I just want to break through the Qi and blood furnace and enter a higher realm.

Cui Dongshan has no idea at all.

Feitian said that the pure Yang Qi and blood of the ancient golden eagle was created by him imitating the golden crow, and it is a heritage change of the divine beast.

Humans have different physiques and different paths.

Then how should I develop the next step of my Qi and blood furnace?

Unable to figure it out, Cui Dongshan simply gave up and stood in the crouching tiger fist stance to move the Qi and blood.

During this movement, Cui Dongshan discovered his own mystery.

Under the Qi and blood furnace, the flame penetrated the whole body.

In a word, that is, all meridians are connected, the blood and flesh meridians are integrated, and the use of Qi and blood is no longer limited to the circulation of meridians.

Because Cui Dongshan's whole body is the furnace of Qi and blood.

If you want to explode, you don't need to operate it at all, you can just attack directly.

Moreover, Cui Dongshan discovered the shortcomings of Crouching Tiger Fist through this.

It can't be said to be a shortcoming.

Rather, the purpose of this stance is

Too thin.

This fist stance only develops part of the body, and it is a general framework, not the whole body.

In the current state of Qi and Blood Furnace.

Cui Dongshan found that there are actually many places in the body, which are also fine meridians, containing strands of Qi and Blood. They can actually be included in the practice from the beginning, mobilized, and tempered.

In this way, from the beginning, the Qi and Blood of all meridians are tempered, although in this way, the growth process is a bit slow.

But it can coordinate the overall situation, mobilize the changes of Qi and Blood in the whole body, and nourish every part of the body.

Thinking of this.

Cui Dongshan suddenly came up with a bold idea.

If you take yourself as a version, from a high-level perspective, develop and create a new stance to mobilize the Qi and Blood of the whole body, then even the most ordinary martial arts students can enter the realm of Qi and Blood like pearls according to this stance.

If you are a little more talented, you can achieve Qi and Blood Wolf Smoke.

If you are a genius, then Qi and Blood Furnace is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Cui Dongshan's mind seemed to be struck by lightning.

Then he realized.

He knew what path he would take in the future.

I want to open up a new martial arts for mankind.

The new martial arts will enhance the overall strength of mankind.

In this way, even if the three realms merge in the future, the beasts are powerful, and the demons are terrifying, our human race can still be invincible.

Just like Long Zhanye.

He saw the horror of the wild beasts and intended to open up the road after the martial god, so as to make the human martial arts go a step further.

But his idea was right, but his approach was wrong.

To break through the martial arts, it is not to build a new house on the old building, but to lay a new foundation before you can build a tall building!

To change the martial arts and break through the martial gods, you have to start from the basics.

Perhaps Long Zhanye realized this when he trained the ancient golden eagle and taught the way of blood cultivation, but he did not have time to start from scratch.

In this case, leave this matter to me.


If Daxia was ancient martial arts before, and then continued to develop into a martial arts that can become a martial god.

Then in the future, what I, Cui Dongshan, will create is a martial arts that can break through the martial god and plan for a higher realm.

This is called high martial arts!

The supreme martial arts.

The foundation for the human race to stand for eternity.

I, Cui Dongshan, will become the martial arts master of the human race. As long as the flame of the human race is not extinguished, my name, Cui Dongshan, will never cease!

Thoughts diverge, and thoughts are endless.

Cui Dongshan's heart can't help but beat violently.

That's right, I came to this world, carrying the plug-in, and deducing the ultimate martial arts, just to save the human race, I should be a teacher for eternity!

Immediately, Cui Dongshan closed his eyes again, and the pile skills he knew flowed through his mind one by one.

The Eighteen Arhats piles of Jinding Temple.

The Crouching Tiger Fist, Flying Eagle Fist, and Bear Rack Fist of high school emerged one by one.

All of them are Zhuanggong boxing that only develops part of the body.

This is an incomplete martial art, and it is not worthy of being relied on by the human race.

If the human race wants to develop and survive, it must blossom in all aspects and tap its potential.

Among the hundreds of millions of human beings, even if only one in a million is selected for the Qi and Blood Smoke, and one in a billion is selected for the Qi and Blood Furnace, in the next few hundred years, the human race should have hundreds of martial arts masters comparable to the thirteenth and fourteenth levels.

As long as we can gain a foothold in the integrated three realms, rely on the resources of the new world, and continue to deduce higher martial arts.

The human race has a promising future!

Today, I, Cui Dongshan, will deduce a new Zhuanggong boxing.

Breaking the record in the college entrance examination?

No, that is childish behavior.

I will spread my Cui Dongshan's martial arts in the college entrance examination, and use it to establish the foundation of the human race for eternity.

In the future, the descendants of the human race will see me as if they were seeing a saint and pay homage to me.


Research, must be studied.

Cui Dongshan didn't dare to think about it anymore, and went straight into the development of the Zhuanggong boxing method.

Now that the template is ready, it is all kinds of Zhuanggong.

What Cui Dongshan needs to do is to extract the essence and discard the dross, and verify the feasibility of the new Zhuanggong in his body with all meridians connected and blood boiling.

Such conditions for the development of martial arts, I dare not say that there will be no successors, but there have been no predecessors.

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