The old man was so surprised that he was so embarrassed.

The sudden words of the half-century-old man made Cui Dongshan a little confused.

It was their first meeting, and the chat was not very pleasant.

According to the old saying, this is a chance encounter, and if you don't get along, you can just go your own way.

I was planning to leave.

You suddenly want to give me a mount?

You are kidding.

Cui Dongshan didn't say anything, but just looked at the old man with a simple and unsophisticated look.

Even though the half-century-old man was very intelligent, he was embarrassed by this look and didn't dare to look at him.

However, when the other people heard this, their eyes flickered and seemed to be moving.

The young man said directly: "Little brother, it is fate that we can meet. Moreover, you are alone and can travel freely in the wilderness. Your luck is much better than ours. So, if you are willing, we can give you the hunted beast cub."

Hearing this, Cui Dongshan smiled: "So generous? I am afraid that there is something wrong with this cub?"

"There is a problem. This is the dragon cub of the ninth-level red dragon king in the Flame Mountain. Now the pioneer bases in the wilderness are attacked by the tide of beasts. It is because the red dragon king is angry and drives the beasts to retaliate."

"If this cub is on you, then you are the enemy of the red dragon king, and you will never stop until you die." At this time, the girl explained.

These words made the men look ugly, but they were also ashamed and did not dare to refute.

Cui Dongshan was not angry, but curiously asked: "I heard that the cubs of high-level beasts are difficult to tame, and there is no point in training them. This offends the high-level beasts. Why do you want to steal their cubs?"

The girl sneered, her tone full of sarcasm: "Of course you are confused. When you see good things, you want to grab them. As a result, you found it on the first day, and when you went to steal it on the second day, you found that the dragon egg had turned into a dragon cub. The best time to recognize the relatives has long been missed."

"Besides, the person was exposed, so he took the cubs of others as hostages to threaten the Red Dragon King. , now this dragon cub has become the hottest potato. It is not okay to kill or throw it away, because the dragon cub was taken away by a person. If it cannot be returned, then the hatred will be on the person. If something happens to the dragon cub, the Red Dragon King and Daxia will fight to the death. Who will be responsible for all the consequences? "

"But it is not okay to take it with you. Such a ninth-level beast cub is not only hunted by the Red Dragon King, but also coveted by many beasts encountered on the road. Pang Lao is a master, but he was almost eaten by a beast."

Cui Dongshan looked at the fifty-year-old old man.

The old man was silent.

"So, you are planning to throw this hot potato to me to attract attention. It would be best if I met the Red Dragon King and was killed, and then the dragon cub was rescued and the Red Dragon King's anger was eliminated. In this way, you can achieve two goals, oh, no, three goals, and you can also take the opportunity to run away and get a chance to survive?"

Cui Dongshan asked directly.

The fifty-year-old man said: "Although it may be a bit offensive, your luck is indeed better than ours. I believe that you will be able to turn danger into safety. As long as you are willing to take the red dragon cub, any conditions can be proposed."

Cui Dongshan smiled and looked at the other men: "Are you sure? If the dragon cub is given to me, will you agree to my conditions?"

Seeing that Cui Dongshan did not refuse, the eyes of several men lit up.

One of the young men said; "Sure, as long as brothers are willing to accept, any conditions can be agreed."

This is also desperate.

These young people did not understand why Pang Lao suddenly made such a request.

Even a fool would know that there is a problem.

But what they did not understand was that Cui Dongshan did not refuse.

In this case, let's go with the flow.

Cui Dongshan looked at the girl: "Are they reliable?"

Although he did not know her.

But Cui Dongshan could also see that the girl and the old lady were a separate group, and their identities and origins must be extraordinary, otherwise they would not have openly stated the intentions of the old man Pang in front of the other people.

And the men did not dare to refute at all.

The girl looked at Cui Dongshan in astonishment: "No, you don't want to die?"

Cui Dongshan smiled: "I just want to know if they are reliable, and whether they will not keep their promises?"

The girl said unhappily: "Even if they keep their promises, can you return to Daxia alive? People are dead, even if you are given mountains of gold and silver, it is empty."

Cui Dongshan's impression of the girl became better.

I don't know her, but she never thought of cheating me from beginning to end, and she also gave me a kind reminder.

"It doesn't matter. I value money more than my life, and I am very good at helping others." Cui

Dongshan looked honest.

The girl was speechless.

After a moment, she said: "These young people belong to two aristocratic families, namely the Zhao family of Dongjun and the Xue family of Shangjing. They are both thousand-year-old martial arts aristocratic families with great wealth. The others are their guards and protectors, but Zhao Yunteng's protector is gone, and this old Pang is Xue Dongcheng's protector."

"Thousand-year-old aristocratic families still care about their face. They can basically fulfill the promises they make, but it also depends on your requirements. If the requirements are too high, they will also turn their faces. After all, if the requirements are too demanding, they will also say with confidence that it is difficult to complete the requirements for the sake of family inheritance. This is the bottom line tacitly accepted by all aristocratic families. Ordinary people will think this reason is shameless, but from the perspective of the aristocratic families, it will be recognized."

The girl spoke calmly.

Cui Dongshan nodded.

This is to guide himself.

Tell yourself that they also have a bottom line. Even if you make a request, you can't make it too much, otherwise they can completely refuse to admit it. Other noble families are of the same blood and take care of each other, and you will be busy and sacrificed in vain.

This also shows that Daxia seems to be developing well and everyone has the opportunity to make progress.

But in fact, Daxia is controlled by various noble families for most of its resources.

If you don't provoke them, they will be good guys. You will be cattle and horses, and they will live in Rome.

But if you go too far, all the noble families will unite. After all, they are the same class accumulated over thousands of years, and the same identity can be recognized by them.

Cui Dongshan was very surprised when he heard Sister Wan talk about the noble family's dragon stealing behavior.

I didn't expect that I would actually meet this group of dragon stealers.

Look at their expressions.

They only care about whether they can escape, return to Daxia alive, and continue to live their lives as superior people.

And for their own behavior and the damage caused, they have no guilt or feelings.

This is not their own fault.

Because this has been a matter of course for thousands of years, and has been formed imperceptibly.

This is not an individual's fault, but the fault of the word "family".

If Daxia wants to become truly powerful, the family may not be completely wiped out, and even if it is wiped out, new families may be born in the future. This is a common problem of human nature and a trend of development, and there is no possibility of resolution.

But the family has too much control over resources, and they must let go.

The family of the future cannot occupy the largest resources, and more opportunities must be given to ordinary people, so that Daxia can go further.

Cui Dongshan is now determined to open up a new path of martial arts for everyone, so he naturally has to consider more.

He really wants to take over this dragon cub.

This is a matter of convenience. If he meets the Red Dragon King again, there is no risk at all.

What Cui Dongshan wants is to bleed these two families and explore a way that can work in the future.

Immediately, Cui Dongshan looked at Zhao Yunteng and Xue Dongcheng and said, "I can take the dragon cub away, and I promise not to abandon or kill him at will, but the Zhao family and the Xue family must agree to one condition of mine."

Xue Dongcheng was overjoyed and said directly, "Brother, you decide."

Cui Dongshan said, "I want both of you to subsidize the daily practice resources of 10,000 high school martial arts students every year until they graduate from high school, and you cannot deduct a single cent. This behavior will continue for ten years."

Hearing this, a group of people were stunned.

Even the girl and the old lady who were angry at Cui Dongshan's foolish behavior were stunned.

Good guy, I thought it was for his own benefit.

I didn't expect it to be for the benefit of students all over the world?

The image changed so quickly that my brain couldn't change at all.

After being stunned for a while, the girl couldn't help but said, "Are you stupid? An ordinary high school martial arts student only needs an ordinary blood and qi potion in three days. Even if there are 10,000, the consumption is not big. Don't think that blood and qi potions are expensive. Times have changed. Those ordinary blood and qi potions in the martial arts realm are squeezed out from the flesh and blood of ordinary beasts, and then diluted and mixed. With the current level of technology, the cost of a blood and qi potion in the martial arts realm is less than ten credit points. Because of the poor effect and mixed impurities, using too much is not good for the body, and it will also affect the blood and qi limit. People with real status and status will not use these things as cultivation resources for the blood and qi realm." Cui Dongshan's mouth twitched when he heard it. Because he also regarded this blood and qi potion as a treasure at the beginning. Now it seems that this is the difference between fast food with gutter oil and a formal meal in a hotel. The people are really the people wherever they go. But no matter how bad it is, it is also a resource and the only chance for the people to get ahead. And it seems that there are few people in 10,000. That is for the previous practice method. Later.

Oh, my Cui's Zhuang Gong came into being.

The daily resources needed for the practice of an ordinary martial arts student must be at least tripled, and those with good talents need more.

And such a request is just the beginning.

Cui Dongshan is now planning how to deal with it after he becomes famous in the college entrance examination.

Anyone who wants to get to know me and want to treat me to a meal must agree to the conditions of supporting ordinary people. A few hundred is not too little, and tens of thousands is not too much.

Of course, this requires a strong backer as a middleman, otherwise what if fraud is committed?

To change the martial arts landscape of Daxia, start by being treated to a meal.

With his mind turning, Cui Dongshan said, "It doesn't matter. We ordinary people don't care about the lack of resources, we only care about whether we have them. Also, is this request too much?"

The girl sneered, "If such a request is too much, it's really shameless. I am Jia Yueming, the legitimate daughter of the Shangjing Jia family. I guarantee you. If you can go back alive, their two families can't do it. I will publish a statement for you in the newspaper so that hundreds of millions of people in Daxia can know about this."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Yueming. Well, if you have no objection, then take me to see the little dragon cub. I'm in a hurry."

Zhao Yunteng and Xue Dongcheng decisively said that it was no problem.

Spending a little bit of resources can get rid of big troubles. It's really a big profit.

It's just that this request is really incomprehensible.

Is there really such a fool in this world?

That's right, Cui Dongshan's behavior is stupid to them, stupid as hell.

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