The little girl's shot was shocking.

Because the sharp sound was almost a sonic boom, it showed how powerful it was.

And sonic booms are a means.

Generally, only masters with extreme strength and speed can do it.

How did she do it?

As a master of spearmanship, Lu Junhe's mind is full of question marks.

Not just Lu Junhe.

Many masters also discovered the little girl, and they all looked surprised.

Only one old man looked confused.

He seemed to know the girl, but he couldn't believe she was so powerful!

At this moment.

After the girl fired a shot, she kept swinging her gun, and each shot was a critical hit, and the sound was like a crane's cry.

The small figure was less than 1.5 meters tall, but the spear in his hand was as agile as a dragon, and the angle of the spear was tricky and extremely sharp.

This name of the Soul-Breaking was well-deserved.

Every spear was really life-threatening.

After watching for a while, Cui Dongshan understood something in his heart.

This was not the intention of the spear, but a kind of use of strength.

In martial arts, the use of strength also has realms.

The first realm is the use of strength.

If a person has ten points of strength, he can use three points of strength to be qualified, use five points to be excellent, and use eight points to be a genius.

Because the use of human power is mutual, you burst out strength and also have to protect yourself. You can use more strength, leave less strength, and not hurt your body, which is the use of strength.

The second realm is subtle.

In this realm, ten points of strength can be used, and it can be called perfect without hurting the body.

Generally, when the martial arts reach a certain realm, the Grandmaster will also look for this kind of strength use to perfectly exert his own strength.

However, it is very difficult to reach the level of subtle strength. It is rare for one out of a hundred masters to achieve it.

But above subtle strength, there is a third realm, divine strength.

Divine strength is like breaking the limit of martial arts.

The whole body of strength seems to be alive, one point of strength can burst out two points of strength.

And divine strength has more mysteries.

Cui Dongshan has only read about it in the classics, and he has not been able to do it himself.

Now Cui Dongshan's use of strength is at the level of subtle strength.

That is not what he practiced deliberately.

But hundreds of martial arts breaking the limit have allowed him to reach this level naturally and be able to perfectly exert his own strength.

But subtle strength may be the limit of ordinary people.

And divine strength requires talent.

No wonder Xianzhen, who is so noble and arrogant, becomes so ugly when he gets on a girl.

I have to say that Xianzhen has a better vision than me.

He is worthy of being my good son.

The girl is still practicing.

Even the masters couldn't help but stop and watch carefully. The more they watched, the more frightened they were.

The girl waved the spear, and it seemed as if the spear was carrying her.

The spear was violent, and every shot was a roar.

The girl was like a decoration on the spear, and was carried away by the spear.

However, if you look closely, you can find out.

Every time the spear hits and screams, it is between the girl's every move.

It seems that the gun is carrying the person.

In fact, it is the person who is carrying the gun.

Moreover, the person carrying the gun is a little girl. Her thin body does not have such domineering and terrifying power. She uses every bit of her strength perfectly and doubles the explosion, which has the current effect.

Cui Dongshan was very moved when he saw such talent.

This is the real pride of heaven, a demon of the human race.

If she is given time to grow, she will have more powerful power and learn sharper and more domineering gun skills.

In the future, in the millions of tides of beasts or demons.

Cui Dongshan was sure that she alone could fight her way out of the thousands of demons and stab the demon lord and the beast king.


With a tragic crane cry, the little girl finally finished a set of soul-breaking spear techniques.

Then, she stood straight and looked at Cui Dongshan expectantly.

She was covered in sweat and her face was a little pale.

That was the state after the full-strength burst.

Ordinary people might have collapsed to the ground.

But the girl had a strong will and insisted on not falling.

Cui Dongshan looked at it with some pity for some reason.

This child must have suffered a lot, otherwise it would not be like this.

The thought came to his mind.

Cui Dongshan stood up, came to the girl, grabbed her hand, and passed a wisp of wood element qi to her.

The qi traveled through the girl's meridians, nourishing her body, and then Cui Dongshan frowned.

Because he found that the girl had some scars on the back of her neck?

The scars are crisscrossed, some of them look

It's been a long time.

Is this a new injury plus an old one?

She's wearing nice clothes, but her body is like this?

Is she abused?

With such talent, she's still abused?

Whose family is so extravagant?

Cui Dongshan lowered his eyelids and kept silent. After the wood element Qi circulated for a few rounds, the girl's expression eased a little.

Cui Dongshan took back the wood element Qi, and then said, "What's your name?"

The girl said, "My name is Xiaoqing."

"What's your last name?"

The girl looked at a group of masters not far away and continued, "I don't have a last name, I'm Xiaoqing."


Cui Dongshan was stunned.

He also looked at the group of masters and found an old man among them, with a pale face and dull eyes, who seemed to be incredulous and a little surprised.

Cui Dongshan looked at the girl thoughtfully and said with a smile: "You are trying so hard to show yourself, do you have any ideas?"

The girl knelt down without saying a word: "I want to worship you as my master."

Cui Dongshan did not stop her. He looked down at the stubborn and expectant girl and said with a smile: "What's the reason?"

The girl said: "I want to prove that girls are no worse than boys."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Hahahahaha, good, only faith can create miracles. Today you opened my eyes. I will give you this opportunity to prove it." Cui Dongshan laughed.

The girl immediately reacted and was extremely surprised. She kowtowed directly: "Disciple Xiaoqing, I pay my respects to the master."

After that, she kowtowed hard and continuously.

When she kowtowed nine times, Cui Dongshan intercepted her with his true energy and helped the girl up.

Although the little girl looked thin and weak, not beautiful, her big eyes were very bright, and the whole person seemed to have a unique temperament, which made Cui Dongshan like her more and more.

Some people, after a lifetime of observation, may not necessarily be suitable to be the successor.

But some people, you only need to see at a glance, you know that this is a good seedling to inherit the mantle.

Guo Jing was very good before, but he didn't make Cui Dongshan so moved that he accepted him directly.

Now Xiaoqing is different. Her belief, her understanding of martial arts, and her talent are simply a disciple of a god.

Cui Dongshan couldn't help grinning.

This is the feeling of picking up a treasure.

When this scene fell on the eyes of those around, even a group of masters, their eyes were red, envious and jealous.

And one of the old masters was excited, angry, regretful, uncomfortable, angry and other emotions.

But soon, he calmed down.

Because Xiaoqing is the blood of his family. Even if something happened, it is still his family's seed. Nothing in the world can cut off the bloodline.

Cui Dongshan took Xiaoqing to the table and asked her to sit down. He then turned to look at the group of masters and said with a smile: "Seniors, your martial arts practice actually has its own style and your own way. The reason why you came to me is because you are old. Even if you have the five realms of Qi and blood to transform your foundation, it is difficult for you to go further if your Qi and blood are not enough."

"To be honest, although you all call me the Martial Ancestor, I am not a god. Even if I want to help you change your fate, I don't have such magical means."

A group of masters looked dim.

Although they were prepared, they were disappointed when they heard this and couldn't hide it.

"Of course, it's not that there is no chance at all. Qi and blood are the foundation of the human body. As long as the qi and blood are vigorous again, the road of martial arts can still move forward."

"For this, I recommend Cai Qianqian's Qi and blood visualization method. According to the theory and ideas she submitted, her Qi and blood visualization method is already mature. She only needs to complete the Qi and blood visualization diagram. If you succeed in visualization, it will definitely make martial arts shine again."

Cui Dongshan was serious and his words were firm.

A group of old masters' eyes gradually brightened.

Cui Dongshan saw it with a smile on his face, but he had another idea in his mind.

There are too many such old masters in various parts of Daxia, especially those who have been promoted to old masters through the master realm.

This almost leads to the overflow of the master realm.

They have a high status in Daxia and enjoy many resources, but they pay very little, just like retirement. This is a pure waste of combat power.

I will study a way to break through the limit by fighting to support fighting, specifically to seduce you old masters.

It depends on whether you want to make progress or not.

If you want to make progress, then go and conquer the Cataclysm world.

…The fifth update, 12,000 words, is really the limit for me, my arm muscles are shaking.

I tried hard, so I can be tough and ask for good reviews from you gentlemen.

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