The more you go, the more you will be rewarded.

"Not bad, my son Zongheng, you work hard."

After learning from Zongheng the ideas and thoughts of countless people on Qinggong footwork, Cui Dongshan felt his own growth.

Of course, he was not stingy in praising Zongheng.

Zongheng smiled and was very happy.

Xianzhen glanced at Zongheng with disdain.

A guy who can only run away, how can he be as invincible as me with my magic gun.

Then Zongheng came up and wanted to hold Xianzhen's hand.

Xianzhen dodged directly with an arrogant look on his face.

I had both hands of Xianzhen, and my gun was sharp, only stabbing and killing, not warm.

Then it was stunned.

Didn't avoid it, and the hand was caught by Zongheng.

Zongheng looked very proud.

I am the master of Qinggong footwork, you are not as fast as me.

Xianzhen glared at Zongheng.

Zongheng was unmoved.

No matter how powerful your gun is, you can't stab me.

Good brother, play with me.

Xianzhen was angry, shook off Zongheng, and shot out directly.

Xianzhen is a master of gun skills, his gun is as fast as a dragon.

Zongheng laughed and chased after him, and kept talking... as if he was driving chickens and ducks.

Seeing the warm communication between the two big children.

Cui Dongshan was very relieved.

A house full of children, a harmonious family is the best!

In addition to Jinyang, he went into the mountains and forests again.

When it got dark, Cui Dongshan was not in a hurry to get on the road. He cleared a clearing by a stream and lit a bonfire.

Two wild rabbits were roasted on the bonfire.

Cui Dongshan brought a seasoning bag with him and grilled it very seriously.

Xiaoqing was standing not far away, tempering her blood.

Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Xiaoqing is very persistent in practicing martial arts. She doesn't like to waste time, which is irresponsible to herself.

On Xiaoqing's shoulder, Xianzhen stood contentedly.

Even if Xiaoqing didn't practice spear, the momentum on her body was condensed all the time.

For Xianzhen, this is the greatest nourishment for the way of spear.

Xiaoqing alone can fight against ten thousand people.

Zongheng looked at him with envy, and looked at Cui Dongshan from time to time, hoping that Cui Dongshan would also accept a talented and hardworking disciple in spirit, intention, and momentum, so that it would have a nest to stay in for a long time.

After a while, Cui Dongshan called out, "Xiaoqing, come and eat."

Xiaoqing, who was standing in a stance, opened her eyes, slowly gathered her qi and blood, and came to the campfire. She bowed respectfully first, and then sat down cross-legged.

Cui Dongshan handed her a roasted golden hare.

"Thank you, Master." Xiaoqing happily took it, and her eyes turned red when she smelled the fragrance.

It was Mr. Liu's instruction that she came to Cui Dongshan to become his disciple. He also said that Wu Zu would be able to give her the family affection she wanted.

But after really experiencing it, Xiaoqing always couldn't help but feel excited and couldn't help herself.

Cui Dongshan saw it, but didn't say much.

For this child, emotions are something she lacks.

What a person becomes is determined by emotions.

A child who grows up in warmth, touching, happy, and joy.

It is different from a child who grows up in suffering, fear, fear, and panic.

Xiaoqing suffered since childhood, and now she has a chance to correct it. Cui Dongshan hopes that she will have more warmth in her heart, which is the taste she lacks.

She has great talent and will definitely be a great spearman in the future.

But compared to the cold and ruthless spearman, the spearman with faith, warmth and love will be more powerful.

Cui Dongshan also took a roasted rabbit and ate it bite by bite.

Seeing the master eating, Xiaoqing also started to eat.

I don’t know if she is used to being cautious or it is the nature of girls. She eats very slowly and gently.

Cui Dongshan couldn’t stand it and said directly: "Eat with big mouthfuls, you are a warrior, not an ordinary girl. You eat so slowly. When your cultivation level improves in the future and you can eat a cow in one meal, do you have to eat it all day?"

"Ah? One meal, a cow?" Xiaoqing's eyes were dull. It was hard to imagine that if she ate a cow, could her stomach bear it?

"Hahaha, I said too little. There are two things in martial arts: one is to tap your own potential, and the other is to be nourished by external things. Only by combining them can you grow."

"When you enter the Qi realm, your Qi will be strong and you need more food. If you eat in small bites, your Qi will rebel."

Xiao Qing saw that Cui Dongshan didn't seem to be joking. After hesitating for a while, she took a big bite. The cheeks of her little face were puffed up and she was so cute.

Cui Dongshan praised with satisfaction: "Yes, that's how you eat. After eating, continue to stand and digest it."


"Yeah!" Seeing Cui Dongshan satisfied, Xiaoqing also plucked up the courage and ate with big mouthfuls, but her small mouth couldn't hold too much, so it was always bulging. Cui Dongshan was secretly happy. The more he looked at this precious disciple, the more he liked him. After eating and drinking, Xiaoqing went to practice the Zhuang Gong again. Xianzhen, the cold and cruel young man, completely became Xiaoqing's follower, constantly enjoying the nourishment from Xiaoqing's momentum. Zongheng couldn't stay idle, and ran wildly in the mountains and forests, making a lot of noise, scaring the small animals in the forest to flee everywhere, and all kinds of small insects dared not sing. Cui Dongshan sat by the stream, listening to the gurgling stream, and constantly condensed the Taibai gold energy in his hand to refine the Fengming Spear. This peaceful and quiet life made Cui Dongshan immersed in it. Cui Dongshan I feel that it will become less and less.

Because I want to go further in the martial arts.

He must go deep into the wilderness, use the power of plug-ins, learn the wild beasts, and make up for himself.

This is called, learn from the barbarians to defeat the barbarians.

Otherwise, it all depends on Daxia to slowly accumulate and grow, and the time is too slow.

The human race can't afford it.

The fusion of the three realms is getting closer day by day.

Maybe one day, the three realms will suddenly complete the fusion.

Before that, Daxia must complete the overall transformation. I dare not say that everyone is like a dragon, but the strong must stand up and occupy a piece of sky belonging to the human race under the threat of the beasts and demons.

The next day, continue to hurry.

However, after observing Xiaoqing for a night, Cui Dongshan taught her a footwork the next day.

The footwork is called Baizhanhengxing.

It was Cui Dongshan who asked Zong Heng observed Xiaoqing practicing spear, then communicated with himself, and joined forces to tailor it for Xiaoqing.

The role of footwork is to target Xiaoqing's spear talent and momentum.

Xiaoqing is still weak now, but in the future, she will definitely face the thousands of fierce beasts and demons, so her martial arts and footwork must be able to run rampant in the chaos.

Hundred Battles is not the best, but it is the most suitable for Xiaoqing.

Perhaps, as Xiaoqing grows up, she can slowly modify it to make it more suitable for herself and become her unique Hundred Battles.

However, practicing this footwork requires hardship.

Hundred Battles means endless battles.

And running rampant explains the original meaning of footwork, even in the face of endless battles, you can keep rushing and never stop. .

Such a pace is most suitable for the battlefield.

Therefore, the biggest pain of practicing is to exercise endurance, as well as the coordination between blood and legs.

With Xiaoqing's cultivation, although the realm has reached the blood and qi, the blood and qi are not enough.

Following Cui Dongshan to run for hundreds of miles, she climbed countless mountains and ridges during the period, and her legs were already trembling with fatigue, and her face was pale.

Cui Dongshan did not have any pity.

After all, it is not herself, and there is no plug-in.

The hardship she endures now is her life in the future battlefield.

Even Xianzhen, who is very attached to Xiaoqing, did not express any attitude.

As a magic gun, it also knows Xiaoqing's shortcomings and the direction it needs to work hard.

So, after Xiaoqing practiced Baizhan Hengxing for two days.

Xianzhen said to Cui Dongshan: "I also want to teach her a better gun method."

Cui Dongshan seemed to be waiting for a long time, and asked with a smile: "Are you ready?"

Xianzhen said proudly: "It's better than Baizhan Hengxing... a hundred times. "

Zongheng couldn't help but glance at Xianzhen.

My stupid little brother, even if I love you very much, I will kick your little butt.

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