The first time, the second time.

The mixed area of ​​the two worlds of Savage and Great Xia, the edge of Savage Outer Domain, and the Flame Mountain.

After more than a year, the little red dragon returned. When he saw his mother, he burst into tears and threw himself into her arms, rubbing hard, enjoying the long-lost motherly love.

The Red Dragon King was naturally happy.

In such a short time, his son seemed to have become much stronger.

This is something that he may not be able to do even after following him for decades.

The Red Dragon King secretly said, Lord Son of God, you are really amazing.

The little red dragon was happy, but the giant salamander was sweating.

It was too uncomfortable with the environment here. It always felt dry mouth and tongue, and its skin was about to crack!

"Son of God, why did you come here suddenly? What do you want me to do?" the Red Dragon King asked.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "I plan to go to the depths of the wilderness to train."

"Ah? Are you going back now?"

"No, it's training. My strength has reached a bottleneck and I need to accumulate and break through. The training on the human side is no longer of much help to me. There is no point in staying there." Cui Dongshan explained.

The Red Dragon King suddenly realized and looked at Cui Dongshan again. For some reason, he felt that the Son of God, who could once be suppressed by him in terms of momentum, now gave him a strong threat.

It seemed that the current Son of God could easily kill him?

Is this the forbidden inheritance, the growth rate of Pangu's descendants?

The Red Dragon King was extremely shocked.

"Do you need me to escort the Son of God?" the Red Dragon King asked again.

Cui Dongshan said: "Just send me to Laolang. Now I have built a base in the human race. In the future, the descendants of the human race who are loyal to me will gather there. I plan to go and take a look, and then go to the Savage Divine Territory."

The Red Dragon King quickly agreed.

He was also thinking in his heart.

It turns out that Lao Chan did not lie to me. Lord Son of God really wants to gain a foothold in the human race.

Perhaps, this is the test of Lord Son of God by the chief of the Pangu clan. In the future, the Daxia human race will be the direct line of Lord Son of God.

Is the Pangu clan going to leave the forbidden area and conquer the wilderness?

Well, we must get along well in the future.

Set a small goal and learn the Daxia language from Lao Chan first.

After that, without wasting time, Cui Dongshan rode the Red Dragon King and took the two children all the way to the pioneer base in the Savage Outer Territory.

It has been more than a year, and I don’t know how the pioneer base built by Yue Wumu is now.

With the help of the Red Dragon King, the speed of traveling is much faster.

At this time, Cui Dongshan found that Zongheng had already taken the initiative to lie on the Red Dragon King, looking very happy.

It was absorbing the flying experience from the Red Dragon King.

This made Cui Dongshan look forward to it.

The human race had almost been plucked.

But it was different with the fierce beasts. There were all kinds of races with strange abilities. Perhaps, they were also high-end nutrients for him to grow up after his deification.

Five days later.

Wilderness Outer Region.

Standing on the back of the Red Dragon King, Cui Dongshan saw the outline of a city from a distance.

Even though it was far away, Cui Dongshan could see it clearly.

The city was very large, with thick stone walls that were more than ten meters high.

In the middle of the city stood a mountain with lush trees, which seemed to have wrapped up a small mountain range.

This guy, this is not building a city.

Is he going to build a country in the Wilderness Outer Region?

How many people can be accommodated in such a large territory in the future?

No wonder this behavior made many high-level beasts in the wilderness dissatisfied.

High-level beasts are all intelligent and can see how much impact the rise of such a force will have on the surrounding one million miles of the wilderness.

Fortunately, I have made arrangements here in advance and have a group of die-hard fans of beasts. Otherwise, let alone building this big city, the influx of so many human races would have attracted a tide of beasts and attacked it crazily.

While Cui Dongshan was thinking.

The Red Dragon King had already flown to the big city.

It roared, shaking the world and attracting the attention of countless people and beasts.

Then Yue Wumu, Laolang, Laoxiong, Laochan, and several master-level masters of the human race came out together.

"Martial Ancestor!"

"Lord Son of God."

Both sides paid homage to Cui Dongshan in their own languages.

Cui Dongshan jumped down from the Red Dragon King and said with a smile: "Old Yue, your big city scares me a little bit!"

Yue Wumu said seriously: "It's mainly because the foundation left by the Martial Ancestor is good. If we don't play bigger, it will be a waste."

"Can the resources keep up?"

Yue Wumu said: "Now in the foreign land, at least 30 fierce beast races have reached a friendly and peaceful coexistence with us, and have opened

The transaction, but the price and items of the transaction are still under negotiation, but there are basically no major problems. In this regard, Lao Chan has made the greatest contribution. "

Jin Chan next to him hurriedly said: "It is just a role of central coordination. There is no credit. General Yue is overpraising me."

Cui Dongshan said: "Credits are credits, and faults are faults. There is no need to be humble or quibble. Lao Yue will remember everything you have done. I will not stay for long this time. I will go to the Savage God Realm. When I come back, you should work hard. I will not be stingy with the rewards you deserve. "

Lao Chan was overjoyed.

Hard work pays off.

I have finally caught up with the status of Lao Wolf and Lao Bear in the mind of Lord God, and I have the opportunity to advance to the eleventh level and become a true beast king.

"Salvation God Realm? Wu Zu, is it too early for you to go now? "Yue Wumu frowned slightly, a little worried.

After more contact with Jin Chan, he also learned some of the general situation of the wilderness. Except for Cui Dongshan's identity as the son of the Pangu clan, Jin Chan told him about other wilderness divine domains, forbidden areas, and beasts of various ranks.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "How can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain? If the human race wants to gain a foothold in the merged three realms, not only do you need to become stronger, I also need to grow up, otherwise I can't protect it, and the human race is like a small flower in the storm, which will be destroyed and wiped out. "

Yue Wumu was silent.

On the other hand, Jin Chan admired him.

It clearly felt that the Son of God, whom it had not seen for more than a year, had made rapid progress again, and it was definitely impossible for it to beat him now.

But even so.

The Son of God still felt that he was growing too slowly.

So, the Son of God, who was so talented and had such a strong bloodline, was practicing hard.

What reason do we have to slack off!

Moreover, it also felt tremendous pressure.

The Son of God was different every year. If this continued, they would not have to fight each other, and no one would be qualified to follow the footsteps of the Son of God.

Therefore, internal fighting was unnecessary. What could be done now was to unite together, help the Son of God, and improve his base.

As long as the base was there, the Son of God would have a home, and would come back sooner or later. At that time, for I, the son of God, guard the house. I have no merit, but I have worked hard!

As an old cicada who has been with the human race for decades, it is different from the high-level beasts that can only rely on blood inheritance to get the opportunity to learn knowledge. It has also learned many ways of thinking and utilitarian calculations of the human race.

Afterwards, accompanied by Yue Wumu, Old Cicada, and Old Wolf, Cui Dongshan checked the progress of the repair of the entire city.

It must be said that Cui Dongshan discovered it only when he was observing it.

This big city is bigger than what he saw.

The surrounding area covers an area of ​​nearly 200 kilometers, with mountains and water, and good terrain.

In the middle of the city, there is a small mountain range of more than 60 kilometers. It originally belonged to the territory of a small beast, the golden cat, whose highest rank was only the fourth rank. However, although this beast is also fierce, it rarely takes the initiative to attack others.

And with more contact, as long as you don't show hostility, they will even let you pet them at close range, but you have to give them food.

Therefore, although the small mountain range will be rebuilt in the future as part of the big city, the idea of ​​integrating all living beings and seeking common development has not cut off the golden cats' retreat. The small mountain range has been demarcated to a range of more than ten kilometers as their territory, and the permanent home of the golden cats.

In the future, when the big city is built, this place can even be made into a scenic spot, with half of the income going to the base city and half to the golden cats, which will be exchanged for various foods and cultivation resources to support their clan.

Cui Dongshan was very satisfied with Yue Wumu's arrangement.

For the survival of the human race, fighting with foreign races and being ruthless are indispensable.

But weak creatures, without hindering the development trend of the human race, Under the premise of the situation, we still have to show some kindness.

After all, the harmonious development of all things is the normal order of heaven and earth. We cannot destroy and kill for our own selfishness. Even if we win in the end, is it really good if there is only one human race left in the world?

In addition, Cui Dongshan also saw a magical scene. More than fifty kinds of fierce beasts of different sizes, and even more in number, are helping the human race build a big city.

Some dig canals, some transport big stones, and some cut wood, level the land, open mountains, etc.

It looks harmonious.

Cui Dongshan knew it after Jin Chan told him.

These fierce beasts all received orders from those high-level fierce beasts to come and work in exchange for contribution points.

When the contribution points are accumulated to a sufficient amount, they can be exchanged from Cui Dongshan for the opportunity to wash the marrow and cut the veins and improve the bloodline.

This plan was suggested by Lao Chan, agreed by Yue Wumu, and all the high-level fierce beasts in the outer domain supported it.

Although there is no

In the process of development, he was treated as a tool.

But Cui Dongshan likes the way of being a tool.

Harmonious development is the eternal theme.

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