The more you look at the explosion, the more you will see.

A true man never looks back at the explosion.

Cui Dongshan is also very confident in the use of his combined combat skills.

Putting away the Fengming gun, Cui Dongshan silently feels the experience after performing the combined combat skills, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps, and thinking whether there is room for improvement?

This is a habit he has developed now.

But it must be said that the power of the combined combat skills is indeed very strong.

This allows Cui Dongshan to see a clearer way of combat.

Based on the path of Qi, blood, true Qi, and Yuanshen, and assisted by the special abilities of thousands of fierce beasts in the wilderness, develop a combat skill suitable for the human race.

In the future, Daxia will see the blossoming of martial arts, individual joint combat skills, team joint combat skills, and large-scale joint combat skills. This is also one of the feasible paths for the human race.

Well, speaking of it, why do I feel that it means to learn from the barbarians to defeat the barbarians?

Cui Dongshan felt helpless.

The human race is too weak. From the inside to the outside, it needs to accumulate little by little, like a little hamster moving house. There is nothing we can do about it.

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Cui Dongshan suddenly looked at the place where he originally grilled the fish, and asked in animal language: "Senior, you have been watching for so long, do you have any comments?"

At this moment, another person appeared in the place where he originally grilled the fierce fish.

No, this is not a person.

It looks like a human body, but it has a red bird head, and it is also covered with red feathers. Its hands are also claws, not human hands.

And it looks very thin, but it is nearly three meters tall. At this moment, it is taking over the grilled fierce fish position left by Cui Dongshan, and is feasting on it. It is eating very fragrantly.

"It's a long-lost taste. Think about it, the last time I tasted this taste was the last time." The bird-headed man did not answer Cui Dongshan, but sighed first, as if recalling the past.

Cui Dongshan paused, walked over directly, moved a stone and sat down opposite the bird-headed man.

Sitting opposite each other, like an adult and a child, the picture is particularly interesting.

Cui Dongshan did not panic.

Even though he felt that the bird-headed man was terribly strong, it did not have any malice towards him. This was the feedback from Cui Dongshan's condensed soul seed.

Unlike the ninth-level vicious fox just now, that thing was good at confusing and its malice was well hidden, but Cui Dongshan still sensed it very clearly, so he acted decisively and pierced the body of the ninth-level fox with a gun.

After the bird-headed man finished the fierce fish in his mouth, he finally looked at Cui Dongshan and said, "This encounter is the same. It feels like reincarnation. It's really quite interesting."

Cui Dongshan thought for a moment and asked, "Senior, have you ever met Teacher Long Zhanye?"

"He is your teacher? Hahahaha, that's really fun. The first time the teacher came here, he killed a ninth-level fox. When the disciple came here, he also killed a ninth-level fox. Are you, the master and the disciple, born to be incompatible with the fox clan?"

The bird-headed man's tone was teasing.

Cui Dongshan was also a little surprised.

Did Long Zhanye also fight foxes when he came here?

No, are the foxes here a gatekeeper monster to enter the divine realm?

At this time, the bird-headed man continued, "What's your name?"

Cui Dongshan replied, "Cui Dongshan."

"Not as good as your teacher's, Long Zhanye, Zhanye, with his domineering and fierce, indomitable momentum, he is really a natural warrior." The bird-headed man commented.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said nothing.

The bird-headed man said, "But your moves are just like Long Zhanye's. You are very straightforward and decisive. You kill them all. Such a character and means prove that you are qualified to walk in the God's Domain."

Cui Dongshan said, "I'm sorry, senior?"

The ancient golden eagle told him a lot about Long Zhanye's enemies and friends before.

Since it is considered a lineage inheritance, enemies must be accepted, and friends must also be inherited.

The bird-headed man looked at Cui Dongshan: "Your teacher taught you the beast language, but never mentioned me?"

Cui Dongshan said frankly: "My beast language was not taught by my teacher, but by my teacher's mount, Yunfeng Feitian. And my teacher Long Zhanye was besieged by the four fierce beasts of the God's Domain a long time ago, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

The bird-headed man was stunned, as if he didn't know this information.

No wonder, the Savage God's Domain is too big. If you want to avoid it, you won't know what happened in hundreds or thousands of years.

It fell silent for a while, and no one knew what it was thinking.

Cui Dongshan saw it, but did not disturb it. Instead, he took the initiative to cut meat from the fierce fish and continued to grill it.

After a while.

The bird-headed man sighed and said, "I didn't expect that a friend I made with great difficulty would encounter such a thing.

Unfortunately, for some reason, I cannot return to the God's Domain, and can only wander around here, like a downtrodden bird."

From its tone, Cui Dongshan could hear the bitterness and discomfort of the bird-headed man, as well as the anger and frustration.

This made Cui Dongshan very curious.

This beast seemed to be able to transform, and it was unknown how many levels it was, but it must be very high.

What could force it to not even dare to go back to the God's Domain?

At this time, the bird-headed man looked at Cui Dongshan and continued: "When your teacher first met me, I provoked him slightly, and he drew his sword against me. Although he was very weak, he had a strong will and a strong will, which made me admire him very much."

"It's just that his cultivation method was wrong, and his potential was not tapped at all. I taught him the language of the beast and gave him a method to rebuild, and he went back. I didn't expect that when I saw him again, he had destroyed his foundation, started all over again, and went a step further. ”

“That was something I didn’t dare to do, and I couldn’t do it. He did it, and it was really shocking, so we became friends. ”

“Later, he was going to the God’s Domain for training, and I didn’t expect that I would never see him again. "

Cui Dongshan suddenly realized and was a little excited.

Finally I know more about this senior from the Long family.

He is indeed a very fierce senior.

In the past, Daxia martial arts did not pay attention to qi and blood, so the bird-headed senior said that his practice method was wrong. Now that he has a method, he directly chooses to practice again from the beginning. This is playing with his life!

This is exactly the same as when the ancient golden eagle told him that the senior Long Zhanye destroyed his martial arts and practiced again.

However, Cui Dongshan put himself in his shoes. If it were him, or even many other martial arts seniors above the Grandmaster level of the Daxia human race, they would probably be willing to try to practice again.

After all, one is a dead end, and the other has the opportunity to continue practicing.

We can fight hard. Our human race has never lacked the will to struggle and work hard.

"Are you going to the God's Domain too?" The bird-headed man suddenly asked.

Cui Dongshan nodded: "Yes, I came to the God's Domain to practice. ”

“Practice, it’s such an exciting word, but at the end of practice, it will become more and more difficult. Legend has it that even for our various tribes of divine beasts, the nineteenth level is the peak, and the world does not allow existence beyond the nineteenth level.” The bird-headed man sighed.

Not allowed to exceed the nineteenth level?

Cui Dongshan was stunned.

Fuck, I fooled the old wolf and the old bear at the beginning, and they didn’t refute it?

“Why? In the wild world, there is no existence above the nineteenth level?” Cui Dongshan asked with pretended curiosity.

The bird-headed man said: “Yes, but not in the wild divine domain, in the forbidden land.”

“Do you know what those forbidden areas are? That is the compressed area after other worlds merged with the wild world for countless years. Some of these places are called forbidden areas, some are called caves, some are called blessed lands, and some are called strange areas. In short, there are all kinds of things. Legend has it that these forbidden areas are suppressed by the world because they have the power beyond the nineteenth level. They are not allowed to enter and leave at will, destroying the balance of heaven and earth. "

Cui Dongshan breathed a sigh of relief.

So that's how it is. Then what I said was not all nonsense.

But Cui Dongshan was also very curious.

Why would a world with more powerful power be suppressed by the wild world after merging with the wild world?

This is really hard to understand.

It also made Cui Dongshan feel his own insignificance and ignorance. In this vast and boundless wild world, he was just a pure newbie.

"Don't think too much. I told you about the rank of the divine beasts because I hope you won't be like your teacher. When you go to the wild divine domain, you will be unscrupulous. You should keep a low profile if you can, and stay away if you can."

"The high-ranking divine beasts have their own qualities, but without exception, they are all high and mighty and despise the weak. It's not uncommon for them to kill you if they don't like you, or to wave them casually when passing by, causing harm to innocent people."

Cui Dongshan hurriedly bowed his hands with a serious look: "Thank you for your guidance, senior. I am very grateful and will keep it in mind. ”

The bird-headed man smiled and said, “Yes, I can see that you and Long Zhanye have different personalities. You are more cautious than him.”

Cui Dongshan smiled and said nothing.

That’s because Long Zhanye is old and has undergone a major training. He no longer has time to keep a low profile. He can only fight and struggle to have a chance to break through the martial arts.

But I am different. I have a cheat.

“Cui Dongshan, do you want to cooperate once?” The bird-headed man suddenly asked, changing the subject.

Cui Dongshan: ???

The bird-headed man explained, “Your teacher and I have had this cooperation before, but now he is missing, so it’s hard to expect it. Are you willing to take over the cooperation between me and your teacher? As long as you are willing, I can teach you three secret methods.”

The first update is here. Please give me a good review.

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