The bird-headed man looked at Cui Dongshan: "What I am practicing now is called water swallowing, which is the innate secret skill of the ancient mythical beast Wu Luo clan." As soon as the voice fell, the bird-headed man suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment, a stream of water in the river with endless waves, as if being pulled by an invisible force, gathered into his mouth. After swallowing for more than ten minutes, the bird-headed man stopped swallowing water and touched his stomach. He said, "This secret method is most suitable for the Wu Luo clan because they are born with the water element."

"Legend has it that in ancient times, the Red Water Dragon King swallowed a tribe of Wu Luo descendants, which angered Wu Luo Jun. He opened his mouth and swallowed the entire million-mile-long Red Water, causing the imbalance of the world in that area and affecting countless lives."

"Later, many divine beasts were furious and joined forces to kill the Red Water Dragon King, forcing Wu Luo Jun to return the Red Water. This shows how powerful this secret method is. I am a descendant of the fire divine beast and only have a little understanding of this method."

"But what I teach you is the improved secret method of swallowing water. The swallowed water can be transformed into various attacks."

As he said, the bird-headed man opened his mouth and a water arrow shot hundreds of meters, piercing several large trees that could be hugged by several people.

Then the bird-headed man spitted at a patch of grass and a large amount of water, like a floodgate, rushed out, covering a hundred meters of grass and destroying a large area.

This power made Cui Dongshan slightly raise his eyebrows, very good.

What made Cui Dongshan even more satisfied was that there were many ideas and techniques for controlling water, which was the experience most needed by the human race's martial arts.

Integrate the secrets of the beasts into martial arts, turn them into the foundation of the human race, and eventually evolve into the accumulation that the human race needs.

Well, good sons, learn hard.

Cui Dongshan was full of expectations. Hundreds of good sons and three good sons with magical powers were all on the bird-headed man.

Practiced swallowing water.

The bird-headed man began to practice other secrets.

The dragon elephant power of the ancient dragon elephant, this is a way to exercise the body and accumulate divine power.

However, the bird-headed man did not seem to be proficient in it. He waved his claws, and a wave of power visible to the naked eye burst out, blowing a tree more than a hundred meters away to pieces.

It looks powerful, but you, the bird-headed man, said that the dragon-elephant power of the ancient dragon elephant is pure power. One step on the ground can make the earth shatter thousands of miles away. The burst of power penetrates, and even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can easily kill a twelfth-level descendant of a divine beast.

However, the ancient dragon elephant, in today's wilderness, is also a descendant of a divine beast that is about to become extinct, because this clan likes to fight. In the ancient times, it almost offended most of the divine beasts and was surrounded.

Although there are still descendants today, it is estimated that there are no more than ten pure-blooded ancient dragon elephants, and most of them are still young.

Cui Dongshan is very optimistic about this divine power, and it is so wonderful to attack from a distance.

So he let the bird-headed man practice it a few more times.

Then it was Wujian.

Cui Dongshan liked this one more.

Even Cui Dongshan felt Zongheng's joy.

Wujian, the innate secret method of the divine beast Fuzhu, a kind of body movement ability that can be called a supernatural power.

When the divine beast Fuzhu's Wujian is fully exerted, it can transcend time and space, disappear in an instant, and then appear somewhere else hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Even ordinary performances can show unimaginable speed.

The bird-headed man performed very poorly, brewing for a full three minutes before leaping in one step and appearing more than 200 meters away.

Then he told that Wujian needed to comprehend the power of time and space, but he couldn't explain what the power of time and space was. The adjectives he said made Cui Dongshan have a lot of question marks.

But Cui Dongshan didn't care, anyway, Zongheng could understand it.

Then it was the six skills.

The bird-headed man regained his confidence, his figure flew across, his movements were extremely fast, his claws waved, fierce and ferocious.

Then it can pick up a stone anywhere and turn it into a hidden weapon, shoot a hundred meters and penetrate a tree. It can pick up a branch and use it as a weapon, which is like a stick technique, a knife technique, or a sword technique. It is not the same, but it is extremely powerful.

After the drill, the bird-headed man said: "The six-eared demon ape is a unique beast in the ancient times. It is known as one of the four great ancient apes. It is proficient in the power of learning. It has created six skills by learning from all races, namely speed, grabbing, smashing, chopping, hammering, and kicking."

"These six skills combine the attack characteristics of various beasts and fierce beasts, making the six-eared demon ape in the ancient times also known as invincible in close combat. Generally, there is not much hatred, and no one wants to provoke the six-eared demon ape."

Judging from the bird-headed man's pride and the proficiency of his practice, it is obvious that he also likes these six skills and practices them frequently.

Cui Dongshan certainly satisfied his vanity, so he threw a lot of nice words at him, and then said pitifully: "Teacher... Senior, I like this, can you practice it a few more times? Even if I can't learn it, I want to see it a few more times."

The bird-headed man was proud and practiced martial arts one after another for a full hour before he stopped contentedly.

After that, he began to explain Chang Cheng's Ming Shen Shu and Xing Tian's Yang Shi.

But this time, the bird-headed man also fell into a state of unconfidence. Obviously, he himself was afraid that he had not entered the door of these two, but had only learned them.

According to the explanation of the bird-headed man.

Chang Cheng is an ethereal beast, not good at fighting, but born with divine power, which is the Ming Shen Shu of the Chang Cheng clan.

They can wipe out other beasts and beasts just by relying on their eyes and thoughts.

Cui Dongshan's eyes were strange after the explanation of the bird-headed man.

Isn't this the use of mental power?

Or in the words of the wilderness, is this the power of mind?

Although I don't understand it, most of my martial arts skills are in Brother Bird. When I return, I will definitely bring back some experience.

This is also a good thing, definitely a great tonic for visualization and willpower.

There is also the Xingtian clan's power-raising method.

Brother Bird also doesn't know it, but he has learned it, or has seen it before. It describes the Xingtian clan's innate secret method, which is nothing special on weekdays.

But in battle, their momentum will become stronger and stronger, and the stronger the momentum, the stronger their combat power, as if there is no end.

It is said that in the ancient times, the Xingtian clan once attacked the Tianmen and killed a wilderness master, shocking the ancient times.

You know, in the ancient times, there was a monarch, that is, the monarch who lived in the Tianmen and was recognized and surrendered by all the divine beasts and fierce beasts in the wilderness. He was also called the God Emperor.

But after the ancient times, there was no monarch in the wilderness.

Cui Dongshan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

This Xingtian clan is as awesome as the legendary Xingtian God in the previous life.

This cultivation of momentum is definitely an indispensable aid to my Great Xia martial arts.

Especially the army.

If there is this cultivation of momentum, the army will be full of momentum, and the more they fight, the stronger they will be. The stronger they are, the better they will be. Even a soldier can kill the alien demon lord in the Cataclysm world!

But unfortunately, Brother Bird only understands it in theory and has not learned it himself.

The last one, Brother Bird regained his confidence and practiced fire control.

This is the innate magical power of his clan.

A wisp of flame, in its claws and mouth, is really like an arm, and it can be transformed at will. It looks like a wisp, but the power contained in it makes Cui Dongshan, who is observing closely, jump with his eyelids, and feel that he will be reduced to ashes if he is touched by it.

This kind of control of flames, and power.

What rank is Brother Bird in front of me!

Thirteen? Fourteen? Fifteen?

It may be higher.

But Cui Dongshan didn't plan to ask.

The current friendship is just cooperation, and it has not reached the level of friendship that can be disclosed.

Wait for Brother Bird to finish the drill.

Cui Dongshan said decisively: "I choose Dragon Elephant Power, Infinity, and Six Skills."

The bird-headed man smiled and said: "Your choice is no different from Long Zhanye."

Cui Dongshan also smiled and said nothing.

That's a big difference, because I can learn it.

Then the bird-headed man said: "Let's go, I will escort you to the Black Water Land and teach you slowly on the way."

"Black Water Land? Where is it?"

"A place occupied by the Moon Wolf Clan. Long Zhanye also went to the Black Water Land first. Because the Black Water Land has the Black Water Pool of the ground vein, it is good for low-level divine beasts and descendants of fierce beasts to soak more. Your current strength is just within the range of soaking."

Hearing this, Cui Dongshan's eyes lit up.

This is not because the Black Water Pool can strengthen the body after soaking.

It's the name of Moon Wolf.

Among the friends of Long Zhanye that Senior Brother Taigu Jin Diao told me, there was one who was the eleventh-rank Moon Wolf Princess Gu Ling. She became friends with Long Zhanye back then, and there seemed to be some special friendship between them, but Jin Diao didn't elaborate.

Since she is my cheap teacher's friend, she must be my elder, Aunt Gu Ling... or should I say, Master's wife?


The third update is here, please give me good reviews, and it would be better if you can give me some love.

I'll continue writing, and there will be another update in the evening.

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