What's going on? How can there be a tunnel in this place? Cui Dongshan was surprised. After observing for a while, he didn't find anything unusual, so he jumped down and began to observe. This tunnel is not small. He can pass through it by bending down slightly. One side is endless, but the other side turns upward? Cui Dongshan went to the upward passage first and found something magical. This upward passage leads to the ground, and after opening the stone slab on the top, it is a corner of the yard covered with a layer of black soil. After a moment of stunned, Cui Dongshan was confused. Gu Ling said that Long Zhanye used to live here? Then this tunnel is 90% likely to be dug by Long Zhanye. Because the fierce beasts and divine beasts don't need to do this, let alone have such a strange idea.

But why did Senior Long Zhanye dig a tunnel?

Just when he was wondering, Cui Dongshan found that there were words engraved on the stone slab covering the tunnel.

After pulling it, Cui Dongshan looked carefully.

Cui Dongshan narrowed his eyes at this look.

There were not many words on it, but it made Cui Dongshan very alert.

"If you are not of my race, your heart must be different. If you find a tunnel, you must escape immediately. Don't stay. Remember, remember."

There was no name on it.

But this Daxia font, and the refined language, who else can write except Long Zhanye?

Cui Dongshan made a decisive choice.

He covered the stone slab again, returned to the room, used the earth-based true qi, and swallowed water to suck the original mud back, covered the hole, and glued it firmly with the water-based true qi.

Although there was not much remedy, it was a slight hindrance.

Afterwards, Cui Dongshan took the Fengming gun and walked forward along the tunnel.

Not long after, Cui Dongshan was stunned, because this tunnel was not just one, but connected in all directions and was intricate.

Wow, not only did he dig a tunnel, but he also made a maze?

Such a large amount of work? How did he do it?

Now I believe that Senior Long Zhanye, who was not yet a martial god, had the ability to thrive in the Savage Divine Realm.

Observing in the tunnel.

Cui Dongshan soon discovered some traces left by Senior Long Zhanye.

Obviously, this was for people to see.

Those traces were all numbers.

All the entrances to the caves were marked with numbers.

For example, one, two, three, and so on.

Cui Dongshan walked along the passage and found that the passages after two, three, and four were all circular passages, and they would go in circles no matter how he walked.

The only mark was that he could go straight forward, and cleverly used the effects of folding and visual differences to create several holes in the hole.

Cui Dongshan just walked forward.

After about two hundred meters, there was only one passage.

Cui Dongshan sped up and walked forward. At the same time, Cui Dongshan found that he was still walking down, and it seemed that the tunnel was getting humid and hot.

Continuing forward, Cui Dongshan was now very curious about where the end of this tunnel was.

How did Long Zhanye dig it out?

Why did he dig such a tunnel?

After walking about one kilometer forward, the eyes suddenly opened up and turned out to be a huge karst cave space.

Under this space, there was a steaming black water pool, which was connected to several karst cave forks. The black water kept surging and transporting back and forth, showing the magical structure of nature.

Cui Dongshan was amazed and found that there were some words written on the wall on one side.

When he got closer, Cui Dongshan widened his eyes.

There were more words here.

It mainly describes how Long Zhanye discovered this place, because when Long Zhanye was studying, he also learned geology, spiritual objects, tectonics and many other knowledge, just to make a success in future practice, so that he could go to the wilderness to find treasures.

Unexpectedly, I used it in this Black Water City.

Long Zhanye, who experienced the Black Water Hot Spring for the first time, was sure that the Black Water must have a special circulation channel underground.

Moreover, Long Zhanye also experienced the role of Black Water in nourishing the Yuanshen at that time, but he wrote that it nourishes the spirit and mind, helps to control the true energy, and is more subtle.

Therefore, Long Zhanye dug the tunnel in order to enjoy better Black Water to nourish the body.

Sure enough, this hot spring pool water has a better nourishing effect on the human body.

But later, Long Zhanye discovered another thing. The ancient spirit of the Moon Wolf Clan who was on good terms with him was not befriended by good intentions. The ancient spirit was attracted by a secret method he learned, called Mingshenshu.

Although he did not learn it at that time, he only seemed to understand it.

But Gu Ling obviously knew the origin of Mingshenshu, and Mingshenshu was absolutely important to the Moon Wolf Clan.

It is a top secret technique that can help the Moon Wolf Clan practice better, even break through limitations and achieve a higher level.

Originally, Long Zhanye thought that it didn't matter to talk about it. After all, the predecessors who taught him didn't say that it couldn't be passed on to others, and it was even unclear whether Gu Ling could learn it.

But Long Zhanye discovered that Gu Ling intended to combine with him.

It would be fine if the love was deep, anyway, it would be more exciting for a high-level beast to transform into a human form.

But Long Zhanye found that when Gu Ling was with him, he always felt that everything in himself was being swallowed by Gu Ling.

After all, he was born in the Long family and had the blood of a real dragon. Long Zhanye had also awakened some unique things, and immediately found that it was Gu Ling who wanted to plunder him, and his heart was worthy of death.

So Long Zhanye added a maze-like obstacle on the basis of the original tunnel, and then he pointed out that there was another pool under the black water pool where he could leave.

Seeing these words.

Cui Dongshan looked puzzled.

If Gu Ling and Long Zhan Ye get along like this, then there must be a grudge between them. Why did the ancient golden eagle tell him that among Long Zhan Ye's friends, there was Princess Gu Ling?

This makes me so confused!

But Cui Dongshan didn't mean to go back to Black Water City.

No matter what happened inside.

But he also felt that Princess Gu Ling was not right.

Having this feeling was enough for him to make a judgment.

Fortunately, there was still some time. Cui Dongshan's mind moved, and the four gods were directly pulled back.

They seemed a little confused, and then they all looked at Cui Dongshan with dissatisfaction.

"Dad, what are you doing? I'm learning a secret method of the wolf clan." Zongheng asked unhappily.

Xianzhen was also unhappy. It wandered around Black Water City for a long time before it found a target, but before the target could practice, it was pulled back.

But King Kong and Fighting were very calm.

Cui Dongshan said: "It's dangerous here, we must leave immediately."

"Ah?" The four good boys were all shocked, and soon their faces became solemn.

No matter what benefits they have, they are not as good as the safety of their father.

As long as their father is there, they will be there.

Without their father, they will be completely finished.

Cui Dongshan did not explain much, and continued: "You go into the water and see what the situation is like below and whether there is a way out."


The four good boys jumped into the black water pool.

Cui Dongshan was not idle either. He went back to the tunnel and started digging the soil to block the tunnel inside to prevent the Moon Wolf Clan from chasing him.

More than 30 minutes later.

The four good boys came back one by one, looking excited.

"Dad, under this pool, the karst road is intricate. Even going down, through a hidden karst cave, there is a huge black water underground lake. The temperature inside is very high. However, there is a kind of black fish in the black water lake. It is very fast. I can learn some experience by possessing it."

Zongheng answered first.

"I found seventeen passages, all of which can extend very far, but they are all dead ends." Xianzhen answered.

"Amitabha, I also found a dead end, the farthest of which is more than 80 kilometers." King Kong answered.

Bosha said: "I found the Daxia text guidance symbol. According to the guidance, you can leave in the canyon 36 kilometers outside the Black Water City."

"Oh? Only one way?" Cui Dongshan frowned.

"No, there are other ways in the underground lake, which can connect to a volcano, which is very far away." Zongheng answered.

Cui Dongshan's eyes lit up.

More than 30 kilometers is still too close.

Long Zhanye can run away.

I am not sure.

Can't take risks.

So, run as far as you can.

"Zongheng, you lead the way, let's go."

After Cui Dongshan finished speaking, he jumped directly into the black water pool and dived down.

He used the technique of shocking qi, and the speed of people in the water was extremely fast, like a cannonball.

Followed Zongheng, turning around and diving continuously.

About seven or eight minutes.

Cui Dongshan passed through a long underwater cave and saw endless black water.

Not to mention, the black water here is hotter, darker, and less visible, and basically can only rely on perception to patrol the surroundings.

Cui Dongshan had already covered his body with water-based true qi, converted heat in the form of five elements rotation, and protected his body with diamond true qi, but even so, he felt like he was roasting on fire and felt that he could not stay for long.

Just when he was about to let Zongheng lead the way so that he could leave quickly, Cui Dongshan felt something approaching.

This thing was very clear under the perception of the soul.

As big as a little finger, black all over, emitting a faint glow, and there were quite a few of them.

They were not afraid of people either. After discovering Cui Dongshan, they took the initiative to approach him and swam around him.

Cui Dongshan was shocked at this time.


The aura was so strong, how come it looked more and more like the five elements essence that Senior Brother Taigu Jin Diao had said?

Cui Dongshan couldn't help but open his mouth.

In an instant, several small black fish seemed to find it fun and quickly got into his mouth.

As soon as Cui Dongshan closed his mouth, several small black fish melted in his throat like ice cream, turned into rolling warmth and coolness, penetrated Cui Dongshan's body, and then merged into the water-based true qi.

The water-based true qi, like blowing a balloon, expanded rapidly and grew stronger.

Cui Dongshan could only subconsciously start to operate quickly.

Finally, when the meridians could not bear it, this majestic water-based true qi seemed to find a place to vent, went straight to the kidney water, poured into it, and began to expand.

But at this time, Cui Dongshan found that the kidney's capacity for water-based true qi was like a bottomless pit, and it could swallow up as much as it came, which made the water-based true qi seem insufficient.

Cui Dongshan opened his mouth and swallowed the surrounding black water and the little black fish, who was unaware of the danger, with the secret method of swallowing water.

As the black water and the little black fish continued to flow in, the kidneys continued to expand.

Finally, with a rumbling sound like the creation of the world.

The whole kidney turned into a torrent of black water, surging.

The five internal organs palace, the kidney's black water palace, was completed.

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