The tree is full of life, and the tree is full of life.

"The sacred tree is alive!"

After Cui Dongshan sank into the boundless sea of ​​life, this thought came to his mind.

Because that gentle feeling has always enveloped him, and he seems to be very curious and happy, and even seems to want to communicate.

Cui Dongshan thought about it and let go of his mind.

The next moment, a communication method similar to brain waves appeared.

It was not Xia language, nor was it barbarian language or animal language. It was a kind of communication that went beyond language and the mind.

You don't need words to understand what the other person means.


A slightly unfamiliar, but excited and happy voice emerged in Cui Dongshan's mind.

This voice could not distinguish between men and women.

Cui Dongshan was shocked.


"This is the friendliest and most appropriate way of opening communication that I have found from your heart. I'm sorry, because you are very weak, so I can see all your memories and past, and I can see it clearly at a glance, and there is no way to avoid it." The voice continued, with some apology.

Cui Dongshan's scalp tingled when he heard it.

So, you also know about time travel?

"Yes, I know."

No? You can hear what I think?

"Yes, I can hear what you think."

Cui Dongshan: "..."

At this moment, he felt like he was standing on a crowded street, completely stripped naked, without even a pair of pants left, and letting the geoduck float in the wind.

"But don't worry, I don't have any exploration of you, because I, like you, wandered from another world. I took root here and have spent, well, according to the time you are familiar with, it should be more than 18.2653 billion years."

The unknown voice seemed to learn quickly, and his speech went from unfamiliar to proficient. Now, his words even have the flavor of Hanzhou dialect that Cui Dongshan is slightly familiar with.

What a terrible existence.

It is completely incomprehensible how it did it.

But this spirit of the sacred tree was also very calm and told its origin.

Even from its tone, it can be felt that the world it seems to know is higher in dimension and wider than its own.

So He doesn't seem to be surprised by a time traveler like Cui Dongshan.

Cui Dongshan slightly restrained his emotions and said respectfully: "Cui Dongshan, meet the senior."

"You don't need to be polite. According to your way of calculating life span, in my clan, I am still one year away from reaching the standard of adulthood." The spirit of the sacred tree responded.

Cui Dongshan: ? ? ?

Rooting and sprouting, more than 10 billion years? Not yet an adult?

Oh, okay, invisible pretense is the most deadly.

"I don't mean to be pretentious, I'm stating a fact, well, but I'm still very happy. In these long years, you are the first creature to communicate with me." The spirit of the sacred tree spoke happily.

Cui Dongshan was curious: "The first? You are the totem of the sacred tree tribe. Haven't you communicated with me before?"

The spirit of the sacred tree shook his head: "No, there have been people who can communicate with me before, but those people worship me and regard me as a god. I have had contact with them, but they regarded me as a divine grace, and they even dared not communicate with me, which made me very disappointed."

Cui Dongshan was speechless.

Although I am a big-headed man, I have a more scientific way of thinking.

But facing you who is so incomprehensible, to me, aren't you also a god!

"Well, then I am honored to be able to communicate with you." What else can Cui Dongshan say, of course, he only says what he likes to hear.

The spirit of the sacred tree was very happy and said, "You are very different. I am very happy. Although I may not be able to go back to my world, it should be good to have a friend, confidant, and lover in this world."

Cui Dongshan was about to agree, but suddenly froze and said, "What did you say? Lover?"

The spirit of the sacred tree said, "I once tried to communicate with the sacred beasts, fierce beasts, demon beasts, and barbarians in this world. I even spread my vitality to accept the spirits of other worlds that integrated into this world, but all of them rejected me. Some were afraid of me, some wanted to deceive me, and some wanted to get my power."

"You are different. Now you know my existence, but you don't have any thoughts about me. You are not afraid of me, you are not greedy, and you don't want to deceive me. I like creatures like you."

Cui Dongshan was speechless for a while.

So I treat you as a big boss and dare not have any thoughts about you, so I am different?

Please, I am actually afraid too


"Haha, you're kidding. I'm a human, and you're a tree..."

As soon as Cui Dongshan had this thought, he suddenly found himself in an illusory space, illuminated by a green light.

Then in a ray of light, a figure quietly emerged and condensed into shape.

Cui Dongshan just took a look and his eyelids couldn't help but jump.

This is actually a girl.

Cute and lovely, with beautiful features, fair skin, long legs, long hair, and a graceful figure in her twenties.


Every part of this girl is in line with his own aesthetics.

This is definitely a perfect partner that can't be realized even in dreams.

But, it's too perfect and unreal.

Cui Dongshan was stunned and speechless.

The girl smiled, and this time, it was a sweet girl's voice: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Luoxing. I gave it to myself, which means that I came from another world and was left in this world. I belong to the Star Tree Clan and come from the Jianmu World."

Cui Dongshan forced a smile: "Hello, my name is Cui Dongshan, well, you should know me better than I do, so we can be good friends."

The girl Luoxing looked at Cui Dongshan and said: "I want to be a partner."

Cui Dongshan wanted to cry.

It is said that time travelers will have some heavy-tasting objects to show the difference in their identities.

But I, even in my dreams, never thought of having a big tree as my wife!

I am not Teddy!

The girl tilted her head and smiled: "Your thinking is so rich, your ideas are so interesting, I like your mentality."

Cui Dongshan rolled his eyes at the girl.

My mentality has been broken by you, okay.

But seeing that the girl had no ill intentions, and it was obvious that he could not resist.

Cui Dongshan relaxed and asked directly: "Are you planning to keep me here forever?"

The girl shook her head: "No, your body is receiving my nourishment, which is just right for you to practice. Well, I know the practice methods of many races, and I have seen weak humans like you, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you, who can obviously transcend the race and become a great existence in the future, but did not put his personal future first, but chose to use his indescribable means to help the race improve."

"I like this most about you. According to your idea, you grow up in my aesthetic." The girl's eyes began to light up when she said this, as if she used this method to express her emotions.

Cui Dongshan was silent.

If I had the idea of ​​changing what you like about me before.


How to change?

From the initial desire to learn something from the human race, to later, changing and improving the human race little by little, now I am addicted.

He has tied himself to the human race from the bottom of his heart.

To put it simply, if one person gets the Tao, the whole human race will also get the Tao.

"Well! It's so fast. Your Yujing Palace has been renovated. Hehe, I changed it a little bit according to my own preferences. I hope you don't mind it." The girl suddenly spoke again.

Cui Dongshan felt something was wrong. Just as he was about to ask something, his eyes went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, Cui Dongshan found that he was standing next to the sacred tree with his hands on the bark of the sacred tree.

Next to him, there was Qinghua's excited voice.

"Wow, so beautiful, the sacred tree is glowing? The sacred tree can actually glow!"

Cui Dongshan's eyes were a little dazed.

He looked at the glowing sacred tree, and was stunned for a moment. Then he remembered something and hurriedly checked his body.

Cui Dongshan was stunned by this.

The Yujing Palace of the liver was opened up silently.

Not only opened up.

That vast lake of vitality is like a smaller version of the ocean of vitality of the sacred tree.

This is much larger than the several Taoist palaces that were opened before.

It is like putting three buckets next to a pond.

At this moment, Taibai Palace, Heishui Palace, and Tushita Palace all behaved honestly and well-behaved.

The true energy of the wood element was also completely transformed into the vitality of the Yuan.

The so-called Yuan is the beginning, and all things revive.

This is the name of the initial vitality.

But what makes Cui Dongshan's scalp numb is that there are twelve ancient cities and five octagonal buildings in Yujing Palace.

On one of the tall buildings, a girl sat quietly, chanting: "The White Jade Capital in the sky, the five floors of the twelve cities, Dongshan carrying the falling stars, white hair and longevity."

After saying that, the girl looked aside and asked with a smile: "Does the poem I revised sound good?"

"Reply to Master's wife, it sounds good."

Next to them, Cui Dongshan's four Dharma protectors, Hao Daer, were fighting in battle, and they said in unison.

Cui Dongshan's face was extremely ugly.

This is to take root in my body


Even if he is a big boss, he can't bully others like this, right? Don't you have any shame at all?

The girl smiled and said nothing.

The lonely years are too long, too long, too long.

He wants to change his lifestyle.

In Cui Dongshan's memory, there are many wonderful and happy lifestyles that make him like them very much.

As for the partner?

The girl is a higher life.

Although he is optimistic about Cui Dongshan's practice, he has no more specific understanding of the advancement of such a low-level life.

Perhaps, even if Cui Dongshan works hard to advance and grow, he will not live to see him reach adulthood?

But he can finally let himself live a happy life.

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