The gold is so big, but what's the difference between it and gold?" Cui Dongshan was shocked when he saw the divine gold with his own eyes. This is a huge piece of metal, like a broken fragment of a planet, but you can see a little bit of bright golden color on the surface. But, isn't this gold? I'm not blind, am I? "Stupid, actually, there is really no difference." Cui Dongshan's face was dark. He called me stupid when there is no difference? "But there is a difference. If you refine gold, 100 billion tons can probably refine about one gram of divine gold." On Cui Dongshan's shoulder, Luo Xing, dressed as a hot girl, raised the corners of her mouth and her eyes were shining. "So exaggerated?"

"What do you think? This thing is not a metal that can be born in an ordinary world. It is only qualified to be born in a higher world. But even in a higher world, it is a top-grade product with extremely high value."

"You are lucky, you know?"

Cui Dongshan wanted to say something.

The old voice came over: "Lord Son of God, do you need our help next?"

Cui Dongshan turned around and saw a huge monster, the old patriarch of the raccoon cricket clan.

This thing is very big, ten meters high and nearly three hundred meters long.

And the breath of this old raccoon cricket is very strong, definitely fifteenth level or above.

Even the green dragon looked at this old thing with vigilance and alertness.

And now, it has been seven days since Cui Dongshan saved the raccoon cricket clan.

After all, it is a clan of divine beasts, and it recovers quickly. It will be full of energy in a few days.

After learning that Cui Dongshan wanted to dig out the divine gold, and that their tribe had become like this because of that thing, all the raccoon crickets helped and dug the valley more than 300 meters down, exposing the huge divine gold.

However, this thing is too big, and it is estimated that if it is all taken away, the whole valley will collapse.

"Tell it that it is not necessary, I will deal with it next, otherwise the nest of these little guys will be destroyed if the things are dug out. I only need to take out the divine gold, and the other attached parts are of little value." Luo Xing spoke at this time.

Cui Dongshan secretly complained.

You are a high-level creature, of course, you don't care about anything except the best.

But Cui Dongshan can also see that in fact, in addition to the divine gold, the other shells are also extremely precious metals, and their value is immeasurable.

But here comes the problem.

First, it is not easy to take it away, because it is too big.

Second, this is the nest of the raccoon crickets. You can't destroy their homes for the sake of profit, right?

This is not appropriate.

Cui Dongshan told the old patriarch Li Qiu not to worry about it, as the sacred tree would come and take away the things.

Since it was the order of the sacred tree, the old patriarch Li Qiu certainly had no objection.

Wait for the old patriarch Li Qiu to leave the pit.

Luo Xing started to act.

I don't know how he did it.

The gold in the huge fragments softened all of a sudden, separated from the fragments, seeped out, and gathered into a golden liquid.

After a while, a golden liquid about the size of a basketball was suspended in front of Cui Dongshan.

Without waiting for Cui Dongshan to speak.

The golden liquid suddenly split into two halves.

One half broke through the air directly, heading to Luo Xing's body, where the sacred tree was.

The other half merged into Cui Dongshan's body and then entered Taibai Palace.

"I keep my word, half for each person, fair and just, no deception for children or the elderly." Luo Xing said with a smile.

Cui Dongshan felt it. After the divine gold entered the Taibai Palace, it did not merge with the Taibai gold energy. It existed alone, as if it was very cold.

The Taibai gold energy turned into a stream of light and kept interpenetrating from the divine gold.

After each interpenetration, the Taibai gold energy seemed to have been tempered and had obvious growth.

Feeling all this, Cui Dongshan was satisfied.

Isn't planning everything just to become stronger?

Being able to become stronger without harming the interests of others made Cui Dongshan even happier.

"Luoxing, you are a tree. Do you really need the divine gold?" Cui Dongshan asked curiously again.

Luoxing smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, my husband. You taught me this method."

Cui Dongshan was puzzled.

Luo Xing said: "The Five Elements Cycle is the knowledge summarized by your human race, and this aspect is what our Star Tree Clan lacks. After all, the essence is different and the direction of development is also different."

"But your Five Elements Cycle and the theory of the Five Internal Organs and Dao Palaces make up for my shortcomings. Although this divine gold is metal and is not compatible with me, gold produces water, and water produces wood.

, Isn't this useful? If the divine gold is used well, I can use it to condense something called Taiyi Yuanshui, which is the most suitable for nourishing my body. "

Cui Dongshan: "..."

"Don't think I'm taking advantage of you. Your big boys have gained a lot of high-end knowledge from me. We exchange knowledge and neither of us will suffer. "Luoxing retorted directly.

Cui Dongshan was speechless for a while.

Indeed, a few good guys have taken a lot of wool from Luoxing.

I thought this woman was really kind-hearted.

I didn't expect it was just an exchange.

Hehe, tree spirit, you are really smart.

After collecting the divine gold, the geology here was not damaged. The raccoon tribe can still survive here. This is a very good result.

After coming out, Cui Dongshan asked the raccoon tribe to bulldoze and fill it.

But the ancestor refused, saying that he would go back to fill it with water and serve as a reservoir for their tribe.

At this time, Luoxing whispered: "Bullshit, this old guy is also cunning. The metal contained in the fragment underground is very useful for their tribe. Swallowing more can purify blood and improve body strength. "

Cui Dongshan was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's no problem, as long as it doesn't affect it. "

The old raccoon chief was very embarrassed, his eyes dodged, and he dared not look at him.

After all, they believed what Cui Dongshan said before.

A hundred years later, the monsters will attack.

Confrontation is necessary.

But confrontation requires strength.

Now that he can become stronger, he must also focus on his family members. This is his duty as the chief.

Although there is some deception, he can only apologize in his heart.

Fortunately, Cui Dongshan did not ask any further questions, but instead asked other raccoons if they were feeling unwell. He could use the power of the barbarian tribe's sacred tree to treat them.

Such behavior made the old ancestor ashamed. , I have a stronger and stronger impression of Cui Dongshan, the barbarian.

Such a barbarian, I have never seen such a barbarian before!

I stayed in the canyon for another night.

The next day, Cui Dongshan refused the retention of the old raccoon tribe leader and many descendants of the raccoon beast, and continued to set off.

However, before leaving, Cui Dongshan still told the old raccoon tribe leader that if monsters invade here in the future, it is best to unite with the barbarians and not act alone.

Agreeing on a few things can be regarded as pulling an alliance.

Half a day after leaving.

Cui Dongshan was in the carriage of the dragging beast, stroking the Fengming gun in his hand, and asked: "How should I refine this?"

Luo Xing said: "It's very simple, make a little divine gold, blend it into it, and blend your Yuanshen power into a strand. Remember, only one or two divine gold is enough, and it will be wasted if there is more. The rest can continue to be used to refine the gold energy. Over time, you will be very surprised in the future. "

Cui Dongshan was immersed in his mind, and he separated one ounce of the divine gold from the Taibai Palace, integrated a little of his soul thought, and placed it on the Fengming Gun.

In an instant, the entire Fengming Gun trembled, and a golden pattern spread rapidly.

In a moment, the entire Fengming Gun became golden and its spirituality increased greatly.

At the same time, Cui Dongshan immediately felt that there was a clearer and closer connection between himself and the Fengming Gun, just like his own hands and feet, as if they were one body and could be used at will.

The next moment, the Fengming Gun suddenly trembled and magically became Small, turned into a golden light, and was swallowed by Cui Dongshan.

After a while, the Fengming Spear was now in Taibai Palace, lying quietly in a large area of ​​golden air, reflecting the golden air, as if breathing, bringing up circles of ripples.

Cui Dongshan was excited all of a sudden.

This feeling similar to the weapon being taken into the body is too familiar, this is the method of the immortals!

Ordinary weapons are transformed into artifacts.

I didn't expect that after practicing martial arts to a very high level, there would be such a power.

It can only be said that in the era of high martial arts, there are all kinds of wonders, and when you reach a certain level, you are like a god or an immortal.

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