Although he was complaining in his heart.

But Cui Dongshan felt more pressure in his heart.

The more truth he knew, the more miserable the life of the Daxia people was!

After all, in a place like the Wilderness, it is definitely not just the Cataclysm World that is being spied on.

There have been many outsiders invading here, but they are not as overbearing as the Cataclysm World, such as those forbidden areas, and many things that have been integrated into the Wilderness, such as the Star Tree, such as the moon just mentioned.

Speaking of which.

How can a weak and non-supernatural world like the Daxia World, a primordial fragment like the Wilderness World, and a world like the Cataclysm World, which is polluted by the arrival of the consciousness of the terrifying strange race, which is called by higher creatures, get on board?

It is the Daxia world, and it also has an unimaginable background and potential.

Or is Chunchun just a dog that passed by when the big guys were fighting, and was slapped for no reason?

"Okay, tell me about this moon, how can it help me improve my soul?" Cui Dongshan stopped thinking about it and asked directly.

Luo Xing looked at Cui Dongshan with satisfaction.

What he likes most about Cui Dongshan is that no matter what he faces, he can calm down quickly and choose to move forward without regret, fear, or discouragement.

Only with such a mentality can you go further, otherwise even if the world will chase you to feed you, you will only become a fat man instead of a strong man.

"The moon I'm talking about came along with the demons when they broke into the wilderness 2.7 billion years ago in the ancient times."

"But at that time, the demons were the opponents of the wild beasts and fierce beasts. The moon flew down and hid, disguised as a mountain, calling itself Moon Mountain. He also used the power of the moon to create a race called the Moon Flower Spirit Clan to guard the moon."

Cui Dongshan frowned when he heard it: "You mean, the moon is alive?"

Luo Xing shook his head: "The moon is not, but there is a higher life in the moon that is alive, that It is the Moon Clan, a kind of advanced creature born in the moonlight. Generally, the moon of a world can give birth to a high-level Moon Clan, also known as the Moon God. "

"But don't worry, He is asleep, because He and the moon of the wild world are in violation of the rules, and only one can exist. The purpose of His coming must be for the Taichu Ancient Land, so He just sleeps and waits for the opportunity. Avoid too much conflict, expose himself, and be besieged by divine beasts and fierce beasts. "

Cui Dongshan said: "Then why haven't you been besieged?"

"How do you know I haven't been besieged?" Luo Xing grinned.

Cui Dongshan's scalp exploded when he heard it.

Being besieged and still alive, it goes without saying.

This little goblin is not only annoying, but also ruthless.

"Okay, let's get back to the point. This moon should be bred by a higher world. The Moon God ran away with this moon. There must be something wrong with that world. Tsk tsk, it's so miserable. The moon is gone. I can only turn on the lights at night in the future." Luo Xing showed pity.

Cui Dongshan didn't respond. This woman, will she still care about others? Chunchun was just gloating.

"This moon breeds the essence of moonlight, which is also called the power of Yin. According to your human race's understanding, it is the power of Yin and Yang above the five elements."

Cui Dongshan's eyes lit up.

"Yin and Yang? The five elements are reversed, dividing Yin and Yang. The Yuanshen realm is also to cultivate Yin and Yang, Yin Shen, Yang Shen, and then Yin and Yang are united, and you can break through to a higher realm!"

Luoxing looked at Cui Dongshan in amazement: "I just mentioned it to you, you think too far?"

Cui Dongshan said: "It's not that I think too far, but I didn't have a reference before, so I didn't dare to think about it. Now you bring up the power of Yin, which means that Yin exists and Yang also exists. Since there is, then the practice of Yuanshen realm can continue, and continue to improve on this line of thought."

Luoxing said: "Very good, since you know the benefits of this thing yourself, do you want to cooperate?"

"How to cooperate?" Cui Dongshan asked.

Luoxing said: "Steal."

Cui Dongshan: ? ? ?

"Wait, let me slow down."

"You said that the Moon God is asleep?"


"Does it need to be stolen?"

"But there are guards of the Moon Flower Spirit Clan. That race has the power given by the Moon God. They are very brutal. You can never beat them now. Moreover, they are very rigid. They only have the Moon God in their hearts and will never allow any outsiders to approach."

"There is no other choice except sneaking in."

Cui Dongshan rolled his eyes: "

Oh, you mean sneaking in?"

Luoxing looked at Cui Dongshan with disdain: "What do you think I said? Stealing? Are you kidding me? Don't I have any face? If it gets out, will my Xingchen Tree Clan still have any shame? My plan is to sneak in first and then trade. "

"Okay, I am a mean person. How can I sneak in?"

"Just follow my arrangements. We need the right time. Otherwise, if you are exposed, you will have no chance of survival."

"So powerful?"

"Of course, the Moon Flower Spirit Clan, the Moon Flower Spirit King who was first enlightened by the Moon God, had the strength of the sixteenth level at that time. He had practiced for more than two billion years. Although he was also limited by the heaven and earth and his talent, he must have reached the eighteenth level now."

"Do you know the concept of the eighteenth level? Just these few ten-blood pattern warriors you brought, if they come together, they will be slapped one by one and they will have to reincarnate again."

Cui Dongshan's mouth twitched: "You still want me to go in? "

Luoxing said confidently: "We can't beat them, but we are still somewhat confident of sneaking in. However, we need to make some preparations. First, these barbarians can't get close to us. We must leave, because if we fail, we must run away. I can only protect you, not them."

"Second, there is only one chance, and the time is limited. According to my understanding of the Moon God, the power of the Moon Flower God has tides. When the tide recedes, the Moon Flower Spirit Clan is the weakest, and it is the time for us to act. When the tide rises, we must leave, otherwise there is a 50% chance that we will be exposed."

"Third, even if you steal, don't be too greedy. Just take a small part, leave the corresponding reward, and leave immediately."

Cui Dongshan heard something and said, "No, you are forcing a sale!"

Luoxing smiled: "What else? Higher beings don’t easily make enemies with each other, otherwise they will be plotted against at a critical moment and it will be miserable. But forced sales are different. No matter how angry He is, He has to endure it, because He will like what I give Him. ”

Cui Dongshan asked suspiciously: “Since He likes your things, can’t you trade openly? With your identity, there is no need to be so troublesome, right?”

Luo Xing said: “You will know this when you go there. Anyway, the essence of the moonlight is enough for you to transform your soul and improve it a hundred times. If you can get more nourishment and get the power of Yang, then you will be awesome. Yin and Yang will be united, and the soul will return to its place. You will directly cross the level of life and become a higher life. Do you want it? "

Cui Dongshan was silent.

For him, sneaking into someone's house was not a pleasant thing to do, and telling others about it would bring shame to the human race.

But this year, he needs to become stronger, and the human race also needs his continued protection.

Otherwise, it will be less than a hundred years now, and by then the three realms will merge, and the human race will be gone, so how can there be any face left?

Then, embarrass me and make the human race stronger.

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