The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Long time no see, Xiaoqing."

Cui Dongshan greeted with a smile.

Xiaoqing pursed her lips. She looked carefree and like a strong man, but now she suddenly showed the attitude of a little girl.


After responding, Xiaoqing finally reacted and was about to get up.

Cui Dongshan reached out and pressed her shoulder: "Okay, there is no need for these red tapes between us as master and apprentice. Just keep me in your heart."

Xiaoqing did not say anything polite. She continued to sit down, took a few deep breaths, and the redness in her eyes slowly faded. Then she smiled at Cui Dongshan.

Cui Dongshan just looked at Xiaoqing, especially the centipede-like scar on her face, which ruined her beautiful appearance.

After a while, Cui Dongshan didn't need to ask.

Xiaoqing took the initiative to say: "This scar is a loss I suffered. I don't have the ability to get back at it for the time being, so I keep it to remind myself that when I can kill that guy, I will restore my appearance."

"You have ambition." Cui Dongshan praised.

Then Cui Dongshan continued: "You have made great progress. I see the soaring fighting spirit in you. It seems that the experience here is very effective."

Xiaoqing said: "It's okay, but now there is only one opponent within 100,000 miles outside the gate of hell. I am confident that I can kill that guy within three months. At that time, I will practice in seclusion for a while and then rush out again."

Cui Dongshan asked curiously: "Such a big pass, are you killing alone?"

Xiaoqing said: "No, it's the area I am responsible for. At present, there are 36 large areas outside the gate of hell. Each large area will There is a martial god or several martial gods responsible for cleaning and monitoring. There are also some difficult-to-kill demons in this area, which often cause trouble. "

"When I came to Hell Gate in the seventh year, I won the status of a garrison commander of a large area with my military exploits and strength. As long as I complete the cleaning, I can go to a deeper place to hone my martial arts."

Cui Dongshan was surprised: "In seven years, you can be responsible for a large area? In other words, your martial arts have reached the level of a martial god now?"

Xiao Qing smiled shyly: "I have defeated several martial gods."

Cui Dongshan was silent for a moment.

Who can survive this pass? Who is simple?

And Xiao Qing, how many can you defeat?

Good, very good, my apprentice, this is how it should be.

Cui Dongshan was extremely surprised, and then he directly blessed Xiao Qing with a ray of divine thought to check her condition.

Xiao Qing noticed it, but did not resist.

After checking for a while, Cui Dongshan smiled from ear to ear.

Xiaoqing has already broken through the five realms of Qi and Blood. Now she is cultivating the Jinxing Qi, but it should be an innovative version of the Jinxing Qi. It is now complete, and the condensed and strong Qi is like a big river, surging.

Moreover, Xiaoqing has already touched the soul level, and it is obvious that she is impacting the Yuanshen realm.

However, her attributes are slightly weak. The soul is condensed, and it cannot become a Yuanshen seed, but a gun shadow with unparalleled momentum.

After just one glance, Cui Dongshan recognized that this is a magical seed similar to the one used by Haodaer to break the formation.

However, his own magical seed can be condensed and deified through the panel.

Xiaoqing obviously uses the magical power as the Yuanshen, combining the two into one, the person is the gun, and the gun is the person.

The gun of the gods descending to the earth!

It really lives up to its reputation. After ten years of hard practice, Xiaoqing is now like a god descending to the earth, unstoppable.

However, during the inspection, Cui Dongshan still found some problems with Xiaoqing, but they were not problems.

Xiaoqing practices, and never retreats.

This is her momentum, and the foundation of her rapid progress in practice.

But being too strong will break easily.

Xiaoqing has not encountered an opponent beyond her imagination at present, otherwise, if they meet, both sides will not retreat, and Xiaoqing will suffer.

And with her momentum, a big loss will end in death.

Therefore, Cui Dongshan hesitated for a while, not knowing how to guide her back.

"Master, are you worried that my practice will sooner or later cause trouble?" Xiaoqing saw Cui Dongshan's worry and suddenly asked with a smile.

Cui Dongshan nodded: "I know that the development of new martial arts has infinite possibilities, and I can't master all of them. Your current achievements have already exceeded my expectations. The key is that your growth has formed your style, which is difficult to correct and can't be easily changed."

"But in this way, when you fight against the alien demons in the future, if the gap is not big,

Next, you win, but if the gap is too big, you die. "

Xiao Qing said: "Master, I also know my weaknesses, but this is also my strength. I can be where I am today, with your guidance, the effect of the Long family's special training, but also my own persistence. There are three thousand roads in the martial arts, and all roads lead to the top."

"As long as the road I take is on the road of practicing the three treasures together and advancing together with the soul, I believe that I can use the gun in my hand to poke a road to the top."

Cui Dongshan helplessly: "That's it, I'm worried. There is no strongest in this world, only stronger. If you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet."

After speaking, Cui Dongshan paused and continued: "I saw that you were injured and retreated, but your mind was not damaged. It should be the effect of Sister Wan's special training, right? "

Xiao Qing nodded: "The old woman's special training actually has average requirements. Morning exercise of 5,000 miles, night running of 30,000 miles, and daily shooting of 100,000 guns are all tricks to tease children. What she can't stand the most is ridicule. I have the intention of fighting with a gun and I am unstoppable, but I have been repeatedly sharpened by her trash talk countless times. "

"So, although I am unstoppable in the battle with all my strength, before each battle, I have developed a probing behavior. If I can't beat it, I will not continue to entangle and give up the battle. This scar on my face comes from this. "

Cui Dongshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, I really have to thank Sister Wan for giving me a gun and installing a holster instead of going into battle.

This is a great favor.

Then Cui Dongshan decided to install a safety for Xiaoqing.

He pointed at Xiaoqiang's eyebrows, and a message was transmitted to Xiaoqing's mind.

After a moment, Xiaoqing's eyes were burning: "No distance! "

Cui Dongshan smiled: "This was originally a kind of secret method passed down by the descendants of the mythical beast, called Wujian. Later, it was modified by... me and integrated into the spear technique, and this move was obtained. Wherever your eyes go, the tip of the spear goes. Thousands of miles are like one step. The spear will kill. "

"I teach you this move, not to let you fight to death, but to give you a bottom line in your heart. In the future, if you encounter someone you can't beat, you can use Wuju and escape the threat. "

Xiaoqing said: "Thank you, Master. "

She didn't argue much, but Xiaoqing knew the true meaning of this move after she felt it for a moment. What escape? This is the kind of invincible spear that can kill the opponent with one shot even if the opponent is in the midst of thousands of troops.

With such a powerful spear, even if I die, I will stab the spear head into the opponent's vitals. This is the justice and path of my generation of spears.

You want me to run away with such a spear?

Master, you underestimate me, Xiaoqing.

In this hell gate, I have been in this world for ten years, and people give me the nickname, every gun carries blood, Qing Erye.

If I hand out my gun and don't bring it back with some blood, this gun itself will be ashamed to see people.

"Master, you rarely come to see me, do you want to eat something together?" Xiaoqing took the initiative to change the subject.

Cui Dongshan shook his head: "Forget it, I am now in the state of Yuanshen, in the Savage God Realm, projected back to see yours, now there is not much time, after seeing you, I have to go to see the others and chat about the past. "

Xiao Qing looked at him with admiration: "Master has indeed entered the realm of the soul. I heard that reaching this realm means one is a higher life form? What does it feel like to be a higher life form?"

Cui Dongshan was amused and was about to answer.

At this moment, someone suddenly came over: "Second Master, urgent news, that old beast has left the lair again."


Xiao Qing's expression suddenly became solemn, and he stood up suddenly with a sharp gaze.

Cui Dongshan looked over and saw a middle-aged man coming over. Although he said it was urgent, his expression was not so panicked.

"Master, something happened in the region I am responsible for. I need to deal with it. You..."

"Let me go with you to have a look. I haven't seen you for so many years. Let me see how powerful my beloved disciple is." Cui Dongshan replied with a smile.

Xiao Qing was overjoyed and said, "Master, come with me. "

Afterwards, Xiaoqing led the way, Cui Dongshan followed, and the middle-aged man was left behind, looking shocked.

Er Ye's master?

Oh my god, if Er Ye is so awesome, how awesome must her master be?

This is a sure thing, that old beast will definitely get into trouble.

Yes, it's Er Ye's master, he looks so familiar, I feel like I've seen him somewhere before?

The third update is here, I'll continue typing, there's still one chapter left.

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