The old man was very happy.

"You are really kind-hearted. You explained it so clearly. What's the difference between you standing behind and pushing someone's ass?"

After the Moon Goddess finished speaking, Luo Xing started to complain.

The Moon Goddess pursed her lips and smiled: "I don't understand what my sister said."

"Is it fun to pretend like this?" Luo Xing rolled her eyes.

The Moon Goddess said: "Brother likes this, don't you know it very well?"

Luo Xing was speechless.

It's true. In his previous life, Cui Dongshan liked Bai Lianhua very much. He always wanted to be pushed by Bai Lianhua a few times and experience the feeling of those tall, rich and handsome men. Unfortunately, he had no money in his previous life.

"Besides, my sister pretends to be even better than me. You call her husband, but she just calls me brother."

The Moon Goddess said in a faint tone.

Luo Xing was completely convinced.

Character determines destiny. This woman is more talented than me, and she deserves this job.

Cui Dongshan has long been accustomed to the bickering between two little girls who are actually old women.

No matter what you say, it doesn't matter. If I am less wary of you, I will lose.

"Sorry to bother you." Cui Dongshan replied to the mermaid demon king at this time.

The charming female demon king smiled with satisfaction.

It is better to be willing than to start a fight, otherwise there may be some trouble.

Then, Cui Dongshan followed a group of mermaid demons, went under the water, went forward, passed through an underwater hole, and entered a cave space in the mountain.

This space is very large, with ripples in the water, reflections in all directions, and colorful light, making it look a bit ethereal and beautiful.

Here, in the water and on the rocks, there are mermaid demons everywhere.

And at this time, Cui Dongshan also saw the full picture of these mermaid demons.

It really is like a mermaid, with a human upper body and a fish lower body.

It's just that they don't have arms, and from the shoulders, there are two fins.

The scales on the lower body are of different colors.

There are red, blue, white and black.

But after looking around, the golden ones are the least, and only the mermaid demon king and a few mermaid demons have them. Obviously, this color seems to be the proof of the rank of the mermaids.

Although they are mermaids, their upper bodies are human after all, and they don't wear anything, no matter how big or small, they just hang down, only covered by some fish-like scales, which makes them more round.

Cui Dongshan didn't know where to hide his eyes, because he could see a large area of ​​scales over there.

It's not good to close his eyes, it seems impolite.

If you don't know the mermaid demons, you will think they are ugly.

Oh, the racial differences are really too big, and my damn sense of morality makes me very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the mermaid demon king eased his embarrassment and took him to the deepest part of the cave.

Although the one around him was not small, it was better than looking at everyone else's, which was too shameless.

Soon, Cui Dongshan came to a cave.

As soon as he arrived here, Cui Dongshan frowned slightly because he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Sure enough, this mermaid demon clan was in trouble.

Before he could, he entered a bright cave, where hundreds of mermaid demons were lying in all directions.

Compared with the ones outside, the mermaid demons here are different.

All of them were injured, and the injuries were different.

Some of the bodies were torn, some of the fins were broken, and some of the tails were gone. The worst fish body was missing half, just like amputation.

All the mermaid demons were humming, that was a cry of pain.

But none of them received treatment, and they seemed to be waiting to die here.

Cui Dongshan frowned and felt pity subconsciously in his heart.

This is not Cui Dongshan's fault.

Rather, all people have this common problem.

When seeing someone being hurt, they will feel sympathy in their hearts. If the person being hurt also has a pitiful background, they can basically win people's sympathy.

People will be violent and cruel when they need to survive.

But people will also be gentle and kind when they see the weak being hurt.

"What is this?" Cui Dongshan looked at the mermaid demon king and asked directly.

The mermaid demon king showed a sad look and replied: "We were attacked and even expelled from the spiritual land, and many of our people were enslaved."

Cui Dongshan did not share the same hatred for the enemy.

After all, they are not of the same tribe, and in the wilderness, this kind of grabbing of territory is also a very common thing.

He looked at the injured mermaid demons again, and then said: "You asked me to come, do you want me to save them?"

The mermaid demon king said: "I know it's a bit difficult. According to the rules of inheritance, we should prepare carefully.

, you come to choose, and we will complement each other, but there is no other way now. I must save my people. If possible, I hope you can save more. "

Cui Dongshan said: "Use my breath? No matter how many people are saved, it is just a drop in the bucket for the injured here. "

The mermaid demon king was silent.

This tribe is proficient in various secret techniques of water power, and its strength in the water is not weaker than any aquatic creature.

But they are not good at treatment.

Before in the Arakawa Water Marsh, they also coexisted with other small aquatic creatures that provided food, treatment, and all the abilities that the mermaid demons did not have, and helped each other.

However, when those symbiotic aquatic creatures suffered an accident, they lost their support and retreated in the battle.

Now, hundreds of injured and dying sisters are waiting to be rescued.

But for many days, they have only met a suitable barbarian like Cui Dongshan.

He tried his best, but felt very bitter, helpless, angry, and confused.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what's your name? "Cui Dongshan said suddenly.

The Mermaid King said in a low voice: "The Ninth Water Princess."

"Ninth? Is this your name?" Cui Dongshan was curious.

The Mermaid King shook his head; "I am the ninth generation of the Mermaid King, so I am the Ninth Water Princess."

Cui Dongshan suddenly realized, and then said: "Then I will call you Water Princess, I will find a way to save your people, but I need the help of the spirit beads you have nurtured, otherwise I may not be able to handle so many."

The Mermaid King looked at Cui Dongshan in surprise: "Can you do it?"

Cui Dongshan smiled: "I forgot to tell you that I am a barbarian tattoo master of the barbarian tribe, and I am also proficient in healing."

"Really? Great, please save my people, we are willing to pay any price. "The Mermaid Demon King was overjoyed.

I didn't expect to meet a helper for a few days, and the one I met was a barbarian who needed help the most.

Mother of Water, did not abandon us.

The Mermaid Demon King prayed silently in his heart.

After that, Cui Dongshan was not polite and began to treat the injured mermaid demons one by one.

He actually has many means of treatment.

The various bandages and treatment techniques on the human side.

The barbarian tribe's treatment of barbarian patterns, the vitality of the power of the sacred tree.

Even the moonlight power and the three-light sacred water obtained in the two adventures are high-level sacred objects and have therapeutic effects.

But good things can't be wasted like that.

Cui Dongshan treats the mermaid demons according to the situation.

Simple, directly use the power of the sacred tree to replenish vitality, and then use the fire element true qi to burn the wound, heal the injury, and kill bacteria and remove toxins.

For slightly more serious cases, Treatment with barbarian patterns, such as broken meridians, internal injuries, and broken bones, attracts external forces to continuously nourish and make up for them, and the effect is the best.

For the most serious injuries, such as broken fins or half of the fish body, use a drop of Sanguang Divine Water to help them replenish their vitality and heal their wounds.

Even if they become disabled in the future, it is better than death, right?

After a busy period, several hours have passed.

Cui Dongshan also consumed the power of six or seven spirit beads to complete the treatment of hundreds of mermaids. It can be said to be a laborious consultation.

But at this moment, looking at the quiet and even happy and grateful eyes of all the mermaids, Cui Dongshan also has a sense of accomplishment.

Just think of it as saving small animals. Well, keep your eyes, it has emotional value.

"Thank you. "

The mermaid demon king also accompanied the whole process, helping like a nurse.

At this moment, seeing that all the tribesmen were treated, it was more grateful, and its eyes were even more passionate.

Even though it had met many barbarians in countless years, it had never met such barbarians. It was a very novel experience.

Cui Dongshan smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome. After all, we are all creatures under the same sky and should help each other."

The mermaid demon king wanted to say something, and then said with regret: "Our home is gone, and all the treasures are occupied by the three-color water spider. I can't give you a real thank you gift. I'm really sorry."

Cui Dongshan was about to say something polite.

Luo Xing's voice sounded: "Three-color water spider? Isn't that a descendant of the ancient poisonous silkworm? Husband, you are lucky."

Cui Dongshan was stunned: "Water spider? How did it become a descendant of the poisonous silkworm? Are these two the same species?"

"What's so strange about this? Have you seen a vicious rat with Kunpeng blood? "


Vicious rat?

These two body sizes...

Cui Dongshan was silent.

It is true that the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things.

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