The two of them met again.

Five months later.

Canyon waterway.

The densely packed mermaid monsters gathered together, and the look of each mermaid monster was excited and eager to try.

In front of the mermaid monsters, the mermaid monster king was mobilizing them.

It was different.

Although there were only more than 8,000 mermaid monsters left.

But these 8,000 were more powerful and stronger than the 80,000 before.

They felt that if they united together, even if they faced those strange and mysterious races again, they would never be as helpless as before.

Not long after, the mermaid monsters were completely aroused to fight, and they cried one by one.

Although they are all female, they now feel that they are more fond of fighting than males, and they all want to show their new selves.

The mermaid demon king was very satisfied, so he came to Cui Dongshan and asked, "Are you sure you want to go with us?"

Cui Dongshan smiled: "I am also a fish pattern master of the mermaid demon clan. I want to see how my development is and whether there is room for improvement."

The mermaid demon king's eyes flickered, and he said, "Then you follow me. If there is any trouble, I will protect you."

Cui Dongshan nodded, but did not force it.

After that, the army set out, and the mermaid demon clan went upstream in the river.

Cui Dongshan followed behind.

Although he is not a mermaid, his mastery of water is not inferior to any mermaid demon clan, and it is easy to follow.

They went upstream for thousands of miles, and then entered a dark underground river.

The mermaid demon clan seemed to be very familiar with the geographical environment here, and swam in the underground waterway without hesitation, at a very fast speed.

After wandering for several hours, I don't know how many miles I have walked.

Suddenly, a light appeared in front of me.

When Cui Dongshan broke out of the water, he found that what appeared in front of him was an endless surface of water.

Behind him were continuous mountains and gullies, half submerged in the water.

Is this, Arakawa Water Marsh?

Cui Dongshan looked around curiously.

"Huh? It's indeed the breath of the Gui clan, but it's so weak. It should be the descendant of the inferior Gui clan." Luo Xing jumped out, sat on Cui Dongshan's left shoulder, and spoke calmly.

The Moon Goddess also appeared, sat on the right shoulder, and whispered: "Brother, the fear of the Gui Clan lies in their divinity. The divinity is immortal and the body is immortal."

"This is the biggest threat to lower creatures, but for higher races, divinity is not a terrible sense of power. There are too many secret methods that can destroy divinity and make them die fundamentally."

Cui Dongshan nodded: "I know."

Luoxing mocked: "You hit the horse's hoof! He can simulate divinity, so he must have killed a servant contaminated by the Gui Clan."

The Moon Goddess smiled: "I was just too concerned and confused, and I forgot this point."

Luoxing: ? ? ?

Cui Dongshan ignored the bickering of the two old ladies and asked directly: "Do the fierce beasts and divine beasts have any power to target the servants of the Gui clan?"

The Moon Goddess hurriedly said: "Yes, such as the mermaid demon clan. They are naturally hydrophilic and can control the power of water."

"The power of water is one of the five elements, and there are many levels of power."

"Like the artistic conception of water, like the power of heavy water, can restrain divinity."

"But this mermaid demon clan, that is, this demon king, has mastered the power of heavy water. It may not have been enough before, but with the blessing of my brother's water pattern, its heavy water power is more than three times stronger, enough to destroy divinity."

Cui Dongshan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

After being busy here for so long, he didn't want the mermaid demon clan to come back and give himself up again.

At this time, the mermaid demon clan who returned to Shuize also began to make arrangements.

The mermaid demon king took the lead and headed straight in one direction.

Cui Dongshan followed silently.

They were very fast, even faster than when they came.

Moreover, the mermaid demons began to use the water-control wave pattern. For a moment, hundreds of waves appeared in the water.

These mermaid demons stepped on the big waves and rode the waves.

At this moment, Cui Dongshan even had a magical feeling, as if he saw the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the myth of his previous life, patrolling the sea under the leadership of the Dragon King.

And behind the mermaid demons, there was a big wave, condensing invisibly.

This is the water flooding golden mountain pattern.

But the mermaid demons planned to directly come back with a wave of impact.

Directly catch the three-color water spider off guard.

This wave of water flooding golden mountain pattern is also a plan that the mermaid demons have been thinking about for the past few months.

Joint attack method.

Work together to create huge waves, stretching for thousands of miles, and the tide formed by the convergence will be very terrifying.

In fact, it is true.

Go forward all the way.

The huge waves behind him are getting stronger and stronger under the influence of an invisible water force, and more and more water gathers into the waves and becomes a part of them.

After thousands of miles of induction.

The huge waves caused by the 8,000 mermaid monsters are hundreds of kilometers wide and 10,000 meters high.

Cui Dongshan was frightened when he saw the huge waves that were as huge as a wall of water.

This thing is like a mountain pressing down on the top of the head. Who can bear it?

Even in the myths and legends of the previous life, Monkey King has never enjoyed such treatment.

However, when it reached this level, even the 8,000 mermaid monsters together were a bit strenuous, so they took the initiative to give up some, forming a stable state, and just walked with the water wall.

Another impact of tens of thousands of miles.

At this time, countless fish, beasts, and divine beasts in the water felt the changes in the water.

Many people who watched from afar were stunned.

The water wall was hundreds of kilometers long, ten thousand meters high, and tens of kilometers thick.

When they saw the mermaid monsters in front of the water wall, many water creatures were shocked and couldn't believe it.

The mermaid monsters have such a big move?

Why haven't they seen it before?

Then they looked at the direction where the mermaid monsters were heading, and the water creatures all reacted.

This was the mermaid monsters who were driven away, coming back for revenge.

Those three-color water spiders were going to be miserable.

Many water creatures gloated over the misfortune.

Compared with the gentle mermaid monsters, the three-color water spiders were not liked by the water creatures. In fact, the three-color water spiders oppressed, bullied, and hunted many water creatures at will.

Afterwards, many water creatures followed behind, wanting to watch the excitement, and if they could get a bargain, it would be even better.

As long as the three-colored water spider is defeated, they will definitely rush forward, taking revenge for their grudges and avenging their grievances.

After a few thousand miles, a huge island appeared in front of them.

After seeing the island.

The mermaid demons became more and more angry, as if they were enemies meeting and were extremely jealous. They tried their best again to attract more water flow and strengthen the power of the water wall.

Dozens of miles away, it came in an instant. At this time, the water wall was more than 12,000 meters high.

At the last moment, the mermaid demons dived into the water and swam behind the water wall with the help of the water flow.

At this time, the huge and mighty water wall directly covered the entire island.

It was like a wall collapsed, and then there was a terrifying impact force.

The entire island was instantly shrouded.

On the island, there were many spider-like spiders, but each one was the size of a truck, with long legs, black bodies, broad red heads, and white legs.

They were all busy at this time.

Suddenly, the sky darkened. Looking carefully, a huge curtain of water fell from the sky, so fast that they could not think about what was happening.

Then, with a loud bang, the entire island was torn apart and shattered as if an 18-magnitude earthquake had occurred.

And those ugly and ferocious three-colored water spiders exploded in an instant, and were wiped out.

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